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Opinions of Friday, 4 June 2010

Columnist: NPP

June 4th Legacy To Ghana Is Lawlessness, Indiscipline, And Hopelessness


Once again the ‘wulomei ‘of probity and accountiblity Mr JJ Rawlings will drive from his country home at Sogakope through his farms at Afram plains and head north, where he and other failures who make our country a laughing stock would congregate in Tamale, a city currently facing severe water shortages!!!. They are celebrating a coup that has made some people including Mr Rawlings, rich while they cannot still make ends meet, a celebration that has been outlawed by our constitution. Yet they are hell bent on subverting and undermining the constitution .

Today we ask ourselves what is the essence of celebrating June 4th which is a military coup? Why are some Ghanaians still interested in celebrating and dramatizing coups when we are building and growing as a democratic country? We condemn the statement issued by President Mills identifying himself with so called principles of coup plotters and coup makers. How can A Law Professor be supporting coups? We condemn the activities of the BNI and The Ghana Police Service in providing men and women to provide security for this event while failing to provide security for Ghanaians who are now refugees in Togo. We call on parliament to investigate the allegation The National Development Planning Commission is funding of this event to the extent of printing T-shirts. Why are state funds still used by the NDC to celebrate coups when our fishermen are still complaining of government connivance with pair trawlers to deprive them of their livelihoods? Where are the cold stores promised to the fishermen? Our farmers are crying out against the poor prices they are being paid for their cocoa, our workers and the Trade Union Congress are lamenting on the increases in electricity and water bills. Would it not be nice if our youths spent their time volunteering and or even reading a book, to gain knowledge or even spending quiet time to read their Koran or Bibles to gain wisdom instead of shouting and screaming in the hot sun at a june 4th rally, eating kenkey and fish afterwards with sachet water and then coming back to square one on the 5th of June?

Mr Rawlings who likes to talk about justice and freedom, denied his fellow Ghanaians justice. 600 people lost their lives in three months, 15,000 people fled into exile for fear of their lives. Innocent people were jailed because they came from a particular tribe or race, Market women had their modesty and dignity taken from them!!!! Where is the Justice for these people?

It is sad that the youth of our country especially those in the NDC instead of being instilled with the principles of godliness, creativity, innovation, talent ,belief and a can do attitude have been reduced to dreaming of seizing toilets and offices, scavengers at rubbish dumps, rampant unemployment, sakawa scams at internet cafes and lack of respect for parents and the elderly, Our youth have been reduced to living for today instead of planning and saving for tomorrow. It is time Mr Rawlings , his wife and their supporters go and enjoy their booty they have gathered over the last 30 years and leave Ghanaians alone. We pray for the souls of all those who lost their lives during that calamitious period .Almighty God will one day judge those who wish to spend their time celebrating killings, beatings and murder.

NPP UK and Ireland Media and Publicity Commitee