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Opinions of Sunday, 5 June 2011

Columnist: Boateng, Kwame Appiah

June 4th Was ("Communist Inspired Pigs Revolution")

In a Special Message to the People of Ghana; the White House, United Nations (U.N.);
NATO, African Union (AU), Amnesty International, Local and International News Media,
former Ghanaian-American Los Angeles Mayoral Candidate, and aspiring Presidential
Candidate in Ghana, "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Appiah Boateng, (popularly known by
Ghanaians around the World as "Kwame Mayor"), ---- has described former members of
the terrorizing 1979 so-called "June 4th Revolution" in Ghana, (especially, former
Military Junta leader, Jerry John Rawlings and Major (Retired) Boakye Djan who
executed Ghana's former Heads of State, such as the brave Okatakyie Akwasi Amankwa
Afrifa, General I.K. Acheampong, General Akuffo, and who executed Senior Army
Officers, such as the beloved Rear Admiral Joy Yao Amedume, General Odartey
Wellington, Air Marshall Yaw Boakye, Maj. Roger Felli, General Utuka, etc, etc), ---
as "Communist Inspired Pigs" who used bullets and bayonets to rob
Ghana, and avowed Tribalists who divided a once united and beautiful Nation.
The Charismatic Politician, dubbed "America's Mandela", who hails from Bamang, near
the famouse Kente weaving Town of Bonwire in the Ashanti Region of Ghana, and whose
very biological Great-GrandFathers such as Nana Adonteng Pete, Nana Adonteng
Boateng, Nana Kofi Aboasu and Crown Prince Agyemang Badu, bravery led Asante's
glorious wars against Oppression, Colonialism and Imperialism, in their capacity as
the historical and legitimate occupants of Asanteman's Adontenghene, from
the Adonteng Puduo Royal Chieftaincy Stool --- described as "extremely provocative
and a declaration of war" --- the insensitive June 4th Durbar in Kumasi
("Oseikrom"), the seat of the Golden Stool, and the Capital of Ashanti Region of
Ghana, where the "June 4th Terrorists" who staged the uprising, massacred Civilians
(on suspicion of being Asantes); stripped Women naked and raped them at gun point,
persecuted and tortured Kumasi residents and other residents throughout
Ghana --- (whether they were innocent Ewes, innocent Hausas, innocent Gas, innocent
Fantes, innocent Brongs, innocent Kwahus, innocent Akuapems, innocent Sisalas,
innocent Mamprusis, innocent Denkyiras or innocent Asantes, to mention but a

Responding to former Military Junta Leader Jerry John Rawlings' justification of
June 4th so-called revolution ---- (on the grounds that the French had bloody
revolution that sent many people to the guillotine), the Intellectual Giant,
"Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor", said that Rawlings and Boakye Djan "could have been
beheaded during the French Revolution !!!" --- pointing to historical evidence that
Maximilien Robespierre, who was widely associated with beheading people during the
French Revolution was (himself beheaded) by members of France's National Convention
which had had enough of the Revolutionary Terror !!!

In July 1794, Maximilien Robespierre was arrested and executed (in the same fashion
as those whom he had condemned) and Flight Lieutenant (Retired) Jerry John Rawlings
has wisely avoided presenting this historical evidence anytime he has sought solace
with the French Revolution to justify his and Boakye Djan's June 4th "Pigs
Revolution", said "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Appiah Boateng, ("Kwame Mayor"), the
anticipated Ph.D. Student in Political Science at the prestigious Claremont Graduate
University and alumnus of the famouse and prestigious University of Southern
California (USC).

"Hear ye !!!, hear ye !!! --- Rawlings and Boakye Djan always cleverly avoid
mentioning that aspect of the French Revolution that beheaded France's Maximilien
Robespierre whose appetite for blood equals that of Ghana's Rawlings and Boakye

" Ghanaians must (sincerely forgive), but the World must be reminded until it
comes to an end --- that "Blood Thirsty" Boakye Djan, a dangerous anti-Asante
Tribalist and Jerry John Rawlings, avowed Tribalist and Racist, cowardly executed
the brave Okatakyie Akwasi Amankwa Afrifa (and the equally brave Rear Admiral Joy
Amedume), to mention but a few, and thereafter, John Agyekum Kufuor, the "Great
Satan" accepted a position from Rawlings --- callously and wickedly ignoring what
Afrifa, Acheampong, Akuffo, Amedume, Utuka, Kotei, Feli, Yaw Boakye and Odartey
Wellington endured in their last days --- the Pro-American and Ghanaian-American
Democracy Activist and former Precinct Captain / Volunteer for President Barack
Obama's 2008 Campaign pointed out as he warned that the (United States has every
right to pursue and capture Terrorists, including Political Terrorists in
Ghana !!!).

The Fair-Minded Politician has endorsed Rawlings' wife, Nana Konadu Agyemang
Rawlings for NDC 2012 Flagbearership, for the sake of empowering Ghanaian Women to
run for the Presidency ---arguing that the former first Lady has never staged any
Coup in Ghana and that Rawlings' wife and Children are (not) accountable to
Rawlings' evil deeds.

Touching on Ghana's Unity, the Great Politician pleaded with Ghanaians to
totally (reject) tribalism and "racism and reminded Ghanaians that Asantes and Ewes
will forever live as Brothers and Sisters --- (despite the "Ethnic Divide" that
Flight Lieutenant (Retired) Jerry Rawlings and Major (Retired) Boakye Djan,
dangerous anti-Asantes, brought to the Nation during their 1979 "Pigs Revolution").

"Let's all be reminded that in the good old days, before Rawlings and Boakye
Djan divided the Nation on Ethnic lines, due to tribalistic-motivated executions of
the brave Okatakyie Akwasi Amankwa Afrifa; the brave Rear Admiral Joy Amedume and
the murder of Odartey Wellington, my Parents, staunch Nkrumahists and (Asante
Royals), named my younger brother after a prominent and powerful Ewe and Trade
Unionist, Mr. John Tetegah", said the "Larger than Life Pan-Africanist".

"My step Sisters and a step brother who hail from the Kente weaving Town
of (Bonwire in the Ashanti Region of Ghana) who travelled and lived in such places
as Kete Krachi and Jasikan, etc, can speak fluent Ewe", said the Asante Royal
Politician, who boasts that he will be the first Politician in Ghana to win
landslide victories in both Ashanti and Volta Regions, and the only seasoned
Politician (capable of permanently uniting Asantes and Ewes, as well as permanently
uniting other Ghanaian brothers and sisters").

"Folks, the good old days when Ghana's first President, Osagyefo Dr. Kwame
Nkrumah united Ghana under "One Nation with a Common Destiny" was destroyed by the
architects of the 1979 "Pigs Revolution" --- Boakye Djan and Jerry John Rawlings who
divided the Nation by killing on Ethnic / Tribal lines !!!

"June 4th was Communist inspired 'Pigs Revolution" that ended in the same way
as "Animal Farm !!!", said the Ghanaian born "America's Mandela".

"Rawlings and Boakye Djan should tell Ghana the truth that --- "the leader of the
French Revolution who took so many lives by beheading them, was in the end captured
and beheaded by the French people themselves" !!!).

"That is part of the story about the French Revolution that Jerry John Rawlings
and Boakye Djan" have never told Ghanaians !!!", said "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor as
he embarks on Campus Speaking Tour.


"Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor has described Jerry John Rawlings as equal to Mu'ammar
Kadafi" --- (in terms of their equal brutalities and wickedness), and the Civil
Rights Icon in his own right, has proposed "Kumasi and Benghazi Sister Cities
Cultural and Political Exchange Program", to underscore the political victimizations
of the residents of these two famouse "Twin Cities".

"Kumasi, the Ashanti Regional Capital in Ghana which symbolizes the
victimization of persecutions, blood-thirstiness and "Crimes Against Humanity"
committed by former Military Junta leader, Jerry John Rawlings and Major (Retired)
Boakye Djan --- and Benghazi in Libya, which also symbolizes the victimization,
persecutions and "Crimes Against Humanity" committed by Mu'ammar Kadafi, should
establish "Sister Cities", said the former Ghanaian-American Los Angeles Mayoral

Kwame Mayor, who is on record for publicly and privately advising the White House
--- the "Leader of the Free World", via Electronic Mails and Press Releases, etc, to
mobilize another "Coalition of the Willing" to topple Libya's Dictator, Mu'ammar
Kadafi in order to save lives, has again, publicly and privately advised President
Barack Obama's White House; United Nations and NATO to end Kadafi's brutal regime
immediately, in order to save lives and end the great pain and suffering of Libyan
People ---- urging Kadafi to either surrender in peace or risk capture, trial, and
if found guilty, face the Hangman like Saddam Hussein, for "Crimes Against

The Scholarly Politician, who advises the White House on voluntarily basis ---
(without pay), is also on record for advising the White House and United Nations
that gave "48 hours ultimatum" to Ivory Coast's leader, Laurent Gbagbo to surrender
in peace or perish in hell --- (The former Ivorian leader Gbagbo was ousted exactly
48 hours after "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor publicly and privately advised the White
House, via News / Press Release, and after United States and United
Nations allegedly gave "Green Light" to France to begin bombarding Gbagbo's hideout
all night).

The Civil Rights and Human Rights Champion and "America's Mandela" claimed that the
inhabitants of Kumasi and Benghazi are amoung the World's "Most Politically -
Persecuted People".

"Libya's Dictator Kadafi, (who supplied ammunitions to Rawlings to overthrow a
democratically elected Limann's government), has killed many residents of Benghazi
--- in the same way as former Ghana's Military Junta leader and Dictator, Jerry John
Rawlings and Major (Retired) Boakye Djan killed many People in Kumasi, Ashanti
Region, said Kwame Mayor, who plans to visit the brave People of Benghazi, and all
brave Pro-Democracy Libyans who are fighting to topple "One of the World's Last
Remaining Great Satan" --- Mu'ammer Kadafi

The International Civil Rights Icon asked the United Nations, the White House, NATO,
African Union (AU) and Ecowas, to ensure that Libya's Dictator, Kadafi is
(extradited to Ghana to face trial for "Crimes Against the People of Ghana") --- for
his role in financing former Military Junta leader, Jerry John Rawlings to stage a
Coup in 1982 in Ghana --- (in collaboration with P.V. Obeng that gave birth to the
notorious and blood-thirsty PNDC Military government which former President John
Agyekum Kufuor served without shame, due to his unrepentant greediness and

* Uhuru Times

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