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Opinions of Monday, 15 May 2017

Columnist: Andrews Krow

Just another agenda to make the NDC unattractive....

File photo: The National Democratic Congress File photo: The National Democratic Congress

You may not like former President Mahama, you may have your disagreements with the way he handled the NDC'S internal issues, or, may have your preferences but we must never forget that in politics we have "demagony" which is a term for appealing to the emotions of the public to gain power, we have "scapegoating", we have "black propaganda" which was used against the Jews and was termed " the blood libel". Politicians at times use the scapegoating agenda to blame their opponents so that their opponents are unfairly seen as less worthy to vote for. We are hearing misrepresentation torturing; canard, rumor, hoax, forgery, monstrous lies, big lies, mendacity, traducement, calumniation etc coming from politicians and being propagated by some of their media friends to denigrate the leadership of the NDC and the party itself.

We also have political repression which is the persecution of an individual or group within a political party for cheap political reasons, and it is done to restrict their ability to take part in political activities of a country. This wicked agenda often is manifested through surveillance, invitation to him, his associates, family members etc to appear before bogus investigation agencies. We have examples of governments imprisoning opponents, unleashing on them brutalities, torture, extra judicial punishment etc. We saw how the Supreme Court’s composition was manipulated to frustrate Tsatsu. Tsikata when he questioned the legitimacy of the fast track high court. Looking at the kind of appointments this government is making and comments emanating from stables of the regime, I foresee very soon, state sanctioned and organised political repression of the former President, his appointees and some of his family members. We have already seen signs of this agenda and I suspect that soon, we shall witness serious acts of political repression which would be carried out by secret forces and state institutions.

The target is to weaken the base of the former President and ultimately, make the NDC unattractive. The NPP knows very well that per the dynamics and permutations of the last election results, the NDC can take back power come 2020.The party knows what went into their victory and still being haunted by that. Every serious elections analyst will tell you that the difference between the NDC and the NPP in the last elections does not give the incumbent comfortable command and space. They know it is not going to be easy for the party come 2020 and the best they can do to consolidate their hold to (on) power, is to weaken the most competitive person in the NDC. We shall soon here unsubstantiated allegation of corruption and as usual, will use their social media apparatchiks and cronies in the media to execute this agenda. Corruption is the most effective jab (tag) politicians use to denigrate their opponents and incite the public against them and it has been the status quo predating our independence.

The situation will get worse because of the regimes substandard performance and inability to deliver on its promises, the "scapegoating" agenda would be applied fully as means of managing expectations. The NDC supporters, sympathizers and discerning minds in the country have the Tsatsu's case and other obnoxious decisions the NPP 1 took to guide them going forward. JH Mensah, told the world that the agenda to wipe off the NDC from Ghana's political space features prominently on their agenda. You may dislike Mahama, you may have your preferences but the responsibility to curb these wicked agenda rests on the shoulders of all progressives and Ghanaians in general.

The opposition is gradually being suffocated with the kind of appointments and ultra vires decisions by this administration. Those who childishly say the regime is still enjoying anything like goodwill, should move around town and sample views of Ghanaians and I can state confidently that if Ghanaians go to the polls today, the NDC will emerge victorious. The time to work in close collaboration is now. The people's power is always stronger than any other tool and must be used effectively to protect our nation and the dispensation. That notwithstanding, we must not stand in the way of our laws if the system uses appropriate procedures to punish or bring people who are found to have involved themselves in criminal activities, before the law (court