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Opinions of Saturday, 28 January 2017

Columnist: Gyamerah, Michael

Justice Anokye Gyimah's Land Court 2: "A Daniel Come to Judgement"

Professor Michael Gyamerah
Cypress, TX., USA.

There has been very interesting developments following the rather disturbing decision by Justice Anthony Oppong's Land Court which ordered the Government of Ghana (GoG) to resume payment of the balance of GHc 67 million flooded lands compensation suspended on the recommendation of Justice Apau's Judgment Debt Commission as reported by the Daily Guide of December 23, 2016.
Now, "a Daniel [came] to judgement" in Justice Anokye Gyimah's Land Court 2 in Accra today January 16, 2017 to save the Ghanaian tax payer from losing millions of Cedis. The Justice Anokye Gyimah's Land Court 2 granted an injunction restraining the GoG from making any further compensation payments for the Volta River Flooded Apai stool lands to anyone or body except the office of the Administrator of Stool Lands. The case was indefinitely postponed until the Supreme Court (SC) decides further compensation for stool lands must be paid to the Administrator of Stool Lands, as required by the 1992 Constitution (Article 267).
By this single patriotic decision by Justice Anokye Gyimah, the good people of Ghana have been save millions of Cedis that were being claimed using fraudulent documents which Justice Yaw Apau's Judgment Debt Commission Repoert recommended the GoG should investigate thouroughly. Ghanaians can still have hope in our Courts that there are many Justice Anokye Gyimahs around that will help protect the public purse.

About the Author: The Author’s interests are history of Ghana , economic history and political economy. He may be contacted at [email protected]