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Opinions of Wednesday, 14 February 2007

Columnist: Amoo-Asante, Charles Kwaku

Justice Farkye -My hero I salute you

I do not tend to be excited about good news from Ghana. However, it is time I write to support Justice Farkye for his action. It is time Justices in Ghana show courage, boldness and strong believe in the rule of law.

Those crying about his judgment are less interested in the criminal's actions and more interested in what is about to happen to them! Those untouchables, who wake up in the morning and loot the coffers of the state while people die in car accidents, live in deplorable conditions, live in abject poverty and squalor while they parade with their ill-gotten gains must understand that we are about to put them in the slammer and throw the keys away. Those crying are saying "I will be next" not because they believe in justice. After all, in Akan, we say when we go to funerals to mourn, we mourn not the dead but our deaths. And so the NDC parliamentarians and leaders are mourning their impending jail sentences.

Is any NDC member saying that Okatakyie Afrifa and others got better justice than that man? Are they saying that Mrs Justice Koranteng Addo and other abducted and murdered got better justice than the man put in jail for his criminal act? PLEASE!! Justice must be blind to politics, must be blind to ethnicity must be blind to individuals of all levels. I will be happy to have similar jugdements made against any NPP, NDC, CPP PNC, Reform, Ashanti, Fante, GA, Ewe, Dagomba, Maprusi, Sissala, Frafra, Tokosi, Hausa, Kwahu, Akyim, Brong, etc

Rather than commending a just Justice, those very criminals are vilifying Justice Farkye. Shame on those making useless noises. I do not think they know what is coming. Our country's motto is Freedom and Justice. Under Kuffour there has been freedom and the justice train is coming. You either get out of town or risk being rolled over by the train of Justice driven by Justice Farkye. Critics of Justice Farkye are right in only one sense; they see the frieght train driven by Justice Farkye coming and I see a light at the end of the tunnel.


Charles Kwaku Amoo-Asante
Washington DC

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