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Opinions of Friday, 26 April 2013

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Justice Francis Kpegah in a No-Win situation

however his Lawsuit against Nana Akufo Addo Goes

Having consulted with my White legal brains who freely answer my questions posed to them on pertinent issues prevailing in Ghana, they have assured me that Retired Supreme Court Justice Francis Kpegah is in a no-win situation regardless of the outcome of his legal suit against Nana Akufo Addo Dankwa. They said if the courts in Ghana and the people therein would see the relevance of the fullest applications of the law; it should not be they, the White lawyers, to tell that the retired Law Justice is in for a big trouble.

If Ghana was the United Kingdom or the United States, Justice Kpegah would surely go to prison at the end of the trial regardless of being able to prove his case against Nana Akufo Addo or not. He has accused Nana Akufo Addo Dankwah of not actually being a lawyer himself but rather impersonating one W. A. D. Akufo Addo who was actually a lawyer, enrolled and called to the Ghana Bar under Roll of Lawyers number 1190. He further goes on to inform the Ghanaian public and the whole world that Nana Akufo Addo is possibly a murderer, owing to some human remains found buried in the premises of his Law Firm in Accra under what he calls, "unusual circumstances and inexplicable conditions"

I need not go any further but to narrate what my intelligent White legal brains say.

1. Since when did Justice Kpegah become aware of Nana Akufo Addo impersonating the said W. A. D Akufo Addo?

2. If he has known it for years, why did he not report Nana Akufo Addo as soon as he became aware of his situation but today?

3. Although committed crimes have no time limitations set on them, they never expire and can be brought for prosecution once the crime is uncovered and the culprit apprehended as may be the case with Nana Akufo Addo according to the behaviour of retired Supreme Court Justice Francis Kpegah

4. When, how and why did Nana Akufo Addo kill the supposed person whose mortal remains were found buried in the offices of Nana Akufo Addo's Law Firm in Accra?

5. Did Justice Kpegah report it as soon as he became conversant with the situation or he kept his silence until today? If that is the case, why did he remain mute over it until today? And what has prompted him to reveal the hidden secrets today?

6. Did Nana Akufo Addo ever present himself in any court where he, Justice Kpegah, was the presiding judge to prosecute or defend a case?

7. Did Justice Kpegah ever deliver a winning verdict in favour of any of Nana Akufo Addo's clients brought in any court where he, Justice Kpegah, was the Presiding Judge?

If he, Justice Kpegah, ever awarded a winning verdict in favour of any of Nana Akufo Addo's clients knowing very well that they were being prosecuted or defended by a quack lawyer, then Justice Kpegah is in breach of the laws of the land. Those found guilty by him MUST institute a civil suit against him to claim for damages and compensation from him.

He could be sued in the sense of deliberately aiding the clients of a quack lawyer to win a case brought before him, and be charged with complicity in a crime or crimes. Whether he continues with the case as alleged against Nana Akufo Addo or discontinues it, those that lost their cases in court against Nana Akufo Addo's clients when he, Justice Kpegah, sat on the case as the Presiding Judge, can sue him.

He has opened the Pandora box and he must be ready to suffer the consequences. Those suing him can use his published statements as found in both the print and the electronic media as evidence against him.

He should have known better before opening his mouth to utter words or make statements that are unbecoming of a Supreme Court Justice.

Finally, they cited the case of Vicky Pryce, the wife of Chris Huhne, the former British Cabinet minister (Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change) recently jailed for eight months and facing over £100,000 court charges to buttress their contention. Vicky thought she was dealing a deadly blow at her husband for leaving her for another woman after sacrificing every thing a wife could for a husband, going to the extent of taking his driving penalty points, claiming she was at the wheels instead of the husband whereas it was actually the husband. She ended up suffering same court jail sentence as the husband for being a complot. She now regrets having exposed her husband which, act has backfired on her and is now lingering in prison same as her former husband, Chris Huhne. A similar fate is waiting for Justice Kpegah.

Does it pay to be intentionally mischievous? No! Justice Kpegah will weep and say, "Had I known", but it may be too late. Or, he does not care about what will happen to him provided he is able to bring Nana Akufo Addo down.

No matter what Justice Kpegah does, Nana Akufo Addo will win the Election 2012 case pending in the Supreme Court.