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Opinions of Thursday, 14 June 2012

Columnist: Akyena, Brantuo Benjamin

KSM kills Akufo Addo’s 2012 Political Ambition.

Nana Kojo Agyase, an Akan Fante was murded in his farm. Akan-Fantes immediately attacked Ewes in the community even before later investigations established that the murder was committed by a fante thief, who was caught by the deceased stealing from his coconut farm.

My question. What will make Akan Fantes in the Central Region not suspect any tribe but Ewes of murdering a Fante without any shred of evidence especially when there is no history of animosity between the two tribes?

Kennedy Agyapong’s declaration of war between Akans and Ewes has created a lot of suspicion and animosity between otherwise very peaceful tribes that have co-existed for years. If Kennedy Agyapong and the NPP are not punished severely, these ethnic explosive comments will always serve as the remote cause for which any immediate factor such as stealing a coconut can start a full-fledged war among Akans and other tribes.

Politically, a violent Ghana benefits the opposition. It expensive to maintain peace, conflict makes the government of the day appear incompetent and divert attention from debating the real issues of poverty, good health, education, accommodation, Jobs, etc especially when the opposition have no campaign message ( policy document, manifesto)

Except utopian promises of making education free from basic level to the university (

We must reject all die be die, and welcome Peace loving politicians. I salute KSM for his letter to the foot-soldier AKYENA BRANTUO BENJAMIN

[email protected]