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Opinions of Sunday, 21 August 2011

Columnist: Ibrahim, Quendar A.

Kabila – The Dishonest CPP Member

The Convention People’s Party (CPP), the oldest political tradition in Ghana has been struggling to rise up again as a political party since its name was restored some few years ago. It is expected that in such a struggle, all will do their little as loving members to ensure the success of this aim.

It is however very worrying to see the very people whom we all look up to for hope, keep pulling down what others are doing, instead of doing something to help.

I was most elated when I head of a group in the CPP called Youth for Nduom Exploratory Committee. This is because; the youth wing of my dear party has been very week for some time now. I monitored their movement from place to place in the media as they kept interacting with people until they got here in Tumu in the Upper West Region. I was very proud as this was going to be a point for me to prove to my friends who are in other party’s here in Tumu that my party is also alive and kicking.

My pride which had lasted for a long time seems to be diminishing because some element s in the party are crying foul over the good work that was done by the strong young men who visited Tumu.

I have always looked up to James Kwabena Bomfeh as a leader of my party. But with all honesty, anytime I hear of him I get disappointed. I wonder why he never seems to be interested in any development in the party. To me, Kabila is just an opportunist who has taken advantage of situations to make a name for himself. I keep wondering why he always seems to agree with NPP on matters on National interest yet would not see anything good in whatever the CPP does.

I think the time is now. The time has come for the youth of our party to come together and tell Kabilla in the face that enough is enough. He is really destroying our party. Every now and then, people keep pointing fingers at him as an alcoholic; this is very disgraceful to the CPP and the youth in the party. Every now and then, we hear his insulting behaviour during meeting. Why? Has anybody asked Kabila to deliberately derail all efforts of the leadership of the CPP. I do not think it is out of order for Dr. Nduom to have conducted a research to ascertain his own viability for Presidency. Kabila must be put to order. He must be told that he cannot keep insulting all Leading members of the party and expect that we shall sit unconcerned.

I want to call an all youth of CPP to rise up and tell Kabila that he must be working for the CPP and not against the CPP.

Quendar A. Ibrahim
CPP Constituency Member
Tumu, Sisala East – Upper West Region
[email protected]