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Opinions of Friday, 8 December 2017

Columnist: Kamal-Deen Abdulai

Kamal-Deen Abdulai writes: One year on

Kamal-Deen Abdulai Kamal-Deen Abdulai

A year ago, the Almighty Allah through the good people of Ghana gave us a resounding victory to steer the affairs of this country for the next four years and hopefully several years after.

The processes leading to the chalking of this feat was not an easy one.

It was a tough competition between the ill resourced NPP and the well fed NDC.

The stakes were very high. All over the globe, all eyes were turned on Ghana looking at how well we could manage the situation.

With our past record as believers of Democracy and democratic principles, many believed we could do it as country. However many doubting thomases also implored the ‘let us watch them’ approach looking at how well Ghana can come out of those hard times.

The stakes were very high. Passions were up in flames. Across the length and breadth of the Country, every single soul was keenly watching the processes.

The good people of Ghana believed so much in the policies of the Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo Addo led NPP and they gave us a ‘huge’ victory.

This victory cannot be attributed to the effort of a single individual nor a single group. The various wings in the party did so well. Several voluntary groups crisscrossed this country to give the NPP the power that Ghanaians need and deserve.

In short, it was a collective victory for which reason each and every tom, dick and harry deserves his praise for his/her role.

One Year On, the NPP has shown to Ghanaians that they did no mistake in electing the party to power. The NPP for the first time in the history of Ghana has touched on majority of our promises within the first year.

Whiles I do not intend to say everything has been rosy so far especially with party people, we can boast of having done better within a year compared to our predecessors.

I however still implore on political appointees to REMEMBER party people. You are there because some people worked to put Nana Akufo-Addo at the Jubilee House for him to appoint you. One year On, let this not become a rhetoric. Political appointees should begin to walk this talk.

On this special day, I write to thank every single Ghanaian and all party faithfuls who stood on their feet to ensure this victory for Ghana.

I know and believe strongly that the Akufo - Addo led government will continue to work hard for the people of Ghana.

We thank the Almighty Allah for the victory he gave to Ghana and may he continue to bless us all.
