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Opinions of Thursday, 29 October 2009

Columnist: Annang, Jacob Adjei

Kempis Ofosu Ware, Tema Mtropolitan Assembly And Corruption

Dear Editor,


President John Evans Fiifi Atta Mills policy of appointing only qualified people withhh the requisite competencies and honest track record was given a serious blow with the appointment of Kempis Ofosu ware as mayor for Tema. I believe against every council the President was forced to nominate for confirmation and appointment a person who has continuallyproven to be a conman and trustworthless.

H.E has proven decisively to be a listener in the cases of the former Sports Minister Alhaji Mubarak and the Minister for health Dr. Yankey inter alia. His vigrous pursuit of the Ghana @ 50 probe andthe vodafon saga marks copiuosly his resolve to be fair and allow justice to be delivered through fair maens. We are however at a lost as to why the President has not instituted a probe into the high levels of bribery and corruption that characterised the nomination and appointment of Kempis Ofosu Ware. It is an open secret that he bribed majority of the Assembly members with a minimum of GhC500 to have is nomination confirmed and soon after made one Jake write letters to insult and threaten Tema Mantse Nii Adjei Kraku.

These the President must be able to have investigated and dealt with to sanitize the system because we were happy when we haerdH.E has directed SFO to investigate all allegations of bribery of Asembly members to have them confirmed.

If H.E fails to deal with his corrupt officials then the country is bound to fail. After his endorsement he paid different sums of money to some of his wild critics including Edem Dogbe GhC500 and through same to the producer of the morning show on Meridian 100.5fm to enable him control stories on him. He also paid various sums of money to reporters in Tema the reason no media attention is focussed on him and what he does at TMA. Recently when he met journalist to acess his performence and he was toldhe is underperfoming, he quickly parted with money for some of them.

May be the Party hierrachy and H.E should investigate why Hon. Ishmael Ashitey the former NPP MP for Tema East led his campaign for endorsement as MCE. He was touted to have spent more money than any of us in the party in Tema, but may we know why he alwasy asked people inNPP strong holds to vote for Nana Akuffo Addo and himself.

But did H.E truncate the investigations and the ongoing trial in the court over his involvement in the alteration of a cheque, at least H>E should have allowed the case to travel its full course. Pls H>E Tema need a respected and honest person as MCE for the international community and industry to trust not KEMPIS. Thanks

Jacob Adjei Annang, Tema Community 2