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Opinions of Wednesday, 18 May 2022

Columnist: Joel Savage

Ken Agyapong becoming the president of Ghana is just wishful thinking, will never happen

Kennedy Agyapong, MP for Assin Central Kennedy Agyapong, MP for Assin Central

The Member of Parliament for Assin Central, Kennedy Agyapong, is not qualified to run as a president for threatening the life of a Ghanaian journalist who was murdered shortly afterward and has been very abusive towards everyone he doesn't agree with, including women.

It’s sometimes shocking to read certain news in the Ghanaian papers, and to be frank, when I read on the front page of "The Daily Dispatch" that "Kennedy Agyapong Joins Race For NPP’s 2024 Slot," as a flag bearer for the party’s presidential race, I thought my eyes were deceiving me.

It’s good to be confident. So, if Agyapong has confidence in himself, that’s positive thinking, but I’m sorry to say that the ambition of the Member of Parliament for Assin Central is just wishful thinking that will never be achieved. This article will reveal why Agyapong can’t win a presidential race.

The controversial Member of Parliament will not even get a vote of 1% because to be a president you need to have certain qualities which the Ghanaian president, Nana Akufo Addo, doesn't. The reason behind everything he does is "Patapaa," by force, because he thinks that will help him succeed.

I find it very comfortable to write about Akufo Addo because, since the time he became president, I have painstakingly explained in each of my articles that he will never be a good president. He has nothing significant to offer as a leader, and my words were never carried away empty by the wind.

The tribal bigots who are promoting Akufo Addo's bad government will realize their blunder. Every time the disgrace of the president is fully matured, they will get their share, since they are blinded by tribalism. They have no eyes to see what is underway, but I can see. Time will soon tell.

The Member of Parliament for the NPP, representing Assin Central, Ken Agyarpong once said, "It’s because politics has become cheap that everyone wants to be a politician." However, I will also tell him that it’s not because politics has become cheap that he thinks he deserves to be president of Ghana.

Even though in Africa, everything is possible, including the reduction of age, falsification of documents, driving without a driving license, a footballer can be president, and every rich man and illiterate can also be a president, that doesn't mean Agyapong can be a president.

I don’t live on tribalism to promote a bad government. Therefore, what I know is that Akufo Addo doesn’t have Ken Agyapong also faces the same problems. He can’t solve human needs and cannot organize good governance for a better economy.

A good president must know what is happening in his country and should put the interests of the people above all else. Ken Agyapong is just like Akufo Addo; he doesn’t care about Ghanaians' interests. A good example is that, despite the rejection of the E-Levy, Agyapong supported the president.

As we know, Ken Agyapong defended Akufo Addo when he was criticized for spending recklessly on luxurious foreign trips, which adversely affected the country's finances. Therefore, Ken Agyapong can never be a good leader for the people, just like his master, Nana Akufo Addo.

There are more disturbing issues about the private life of Ken Agyapong. Even though he has never been prosecuted by the judiciary in Ghana, he is still ineligible to run for president because his name has been mentioned twice in serious murder cases that are yet to be solved in Ghana.

For example, before the brutal murder of journalist Ahmed Hussein-Suale, Ken Agyapong appeared on television and called for his beating. In another development, he was implicated in the death of the late J.B. Danquah-Adu, an NPP politician.

The question is, why should a politician whose name has been mentioned in two murder cases run as a presidential flag bearer for a political party? If Ghana is not a shit-hole nation, Ken Agyapong should have been forced to resign a long time ago or tried for murder if the country has a good judiciary.

Agyapong is a man without patience. He has quarreled with almost everyone who doesn’t agree with him. He insults everyone, including women, and on national television, he called someone’s mother a prostitute. Why would any intelligent Ghanaian vote for such a person to lead a country?
Of all the leaders in the world, African leaders are the least respected because they are considered not only corrupt but incompetent. Therefore, what would other world leaders think about Ghana if a person like Agyapong, who is known to threaten the life of a journalist on television, became president?

Ken Agyapong is not polite and ethical. Apart from being disrespectful to people, including women, he also doesn't have what it takes to be a president. Therefore, any serious Ghanaian must avoid voting for this politician to prevent the country's being driven into another political and economic abyss.