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Opinions of Tuesday, 5 July 2016

Columnist: Mifetu, Seth

Kennedy Agyapong: A lunatic in Ghana’s parliament

It has come to light that Kennedy Agyapong, Member of Parliament (MP) for Assin Central, continues to make totally unfounded, scurrilous pronouncements about individuals in the country. Now, the good people of Ghana have been regrettably exposed to his vile words concerning Madam Charlotte Osei, the Electoral Commissioner (EC). Agyapong’s stunningly irresponsible and defamatory allegation is that the EC boss acquired her position through sexual favors.

And how bizarre that Agyapong sees nothing wrong in his transparent attempt to degrade Charlotte Osei in order to spoil her unblemished reputation. No wonder many Ghanaians believe that the MP for Assin Central is mentally impaired. Perhaps his title should be Mentally Impaired Member of Parliament (MIMP).

The blasphemous behavior on the part of Agyapong has been corroding the soul and sanity of our beloved country for years. Culpability is shared by the elephant family—too weak and/or too consumed with lust for power—to control its morally-deranged member.

It is astonishing that in the 21st century with its advanced technology, a member of Parliament could be so primitive that he discredits the law-making arm of government and brings shame to the people of his constituency whose interests he represents.

Ghanaians are of the opinion that this uncouth conduct, deliberately meted out against Charlotte Osei to undermine her hard work and force her to compromise politically, constitutes an abuse of all women.

(NPP) represent its culture of acrimony which has gone unchecked for decades. That has been toxic for the political environment and unhealthy for the country. We condemn it in the strongest terms.

We cannot and will not allow the NPP and its caucus to destroy the constructive political atmosphere that the National Democratic Congress (NDC) government has strived so diligently to create.

We further consider such slanderous stunts as yet another failure by the NPP flag bearer, Nana Addo Dankwa Akuffo-Addo. He has clearly proven unable to rein in his uncharitable party member.

Without doubt, Akuffo-Addo and his party cohorts, in their role as opposition, are grossly failing Ghanaians across all areas of life. Apart from being unethical, this particular tactic, if unanswered and unchecked, would potentially undermine the ability of women to contribute to our society through participation in government. It also tears at a social fabric which is strongest when men and women share mutual respect. Therefore, it is vital that all Ghanaians support Madam Charlotte Osei and her immediate family and rally behind women’s advocacy groups and concerned women who staged a demonstration in Koforidua against the unfit MP and the party that gives him a platform.

We sympathize with the good people of Assin Central for the disgrace their MP has inflicted on them. To prevent any emulation in the future and to regain their deserved dignity, we encourage these countrymen to disassociate themselves from, and publically condemn, such conduct and its psychopathic perpetrator.

Kennedy Agyapong has betrayed the public’s trust and sullied the Parliament of Ghana.

Long live Ghana.
Long live Madam Charlotte Osei.