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Opinions of Saturday, 18 February 2012

Columnist: Bawa, Abdul Razak

Kennedy Agyapong Is Only Fit For The Market Not Parliament

Common sense, we say in Ghana is not common for common people, and certainly Kennedy Agyapong, the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Member of Parliament (MP) for Asene North, don’t have any modicum of common sense.

Trying to find one word that would be best suited to describe him, would be as difficult as predicting the weather, because, such word does not exist. I have tried so hard to find one word or phrase in the queen’s language or in any of our local languages to describe this buffoon of a politician, but I can’t because such a word is yet to be coined. Such word does not exist in any dictionary or encyclopedia.

Indeed, listening to him, he is always quick to tell people that but for politics who are there to talk to him, may be what he is forgetting is that, if not that politics in the NPP is for the highest bidder and that means even drug dealers, and drug abusers with dirty money can also lay claim to belong to that party and contest for election to represent that party in parliament, or in any national position, what in heaven’s name is a moron, a dander head, and someone with low self esteem like, Mr. Agyapong be doing in parliament.

I am not in the least surprised, as over the years, the work of parliament lives much to be desired. How can Kennedy Agyapong, take part in the enactment laws that would be binding on me and generations yet unborn?

If we were in any civilized society, Kennedy Agyapong would have been stripped of his parliamentary status, but no, this is Ghana, where every riff-raff can call a colleague MP, a wee smoker and an idiot, on the national radio and television, and get away with it.

Perhaps this is ht differentiate the NPP from the National Democratic Congress (NDC), I bet if he was in the NDC, by now, they would have given up on him, and ask him to publicly apologise to his colleague MP.

Last year, when he engaged Alhaji Bature in one of his shouting match on the air waves, which is where he practiced his parliamentary duties, and called him names, describing him in certain unsavory words and making statements that is unbecoming and unexpected of an MP, that I don’t have the time and space to repeat here, as I respect my readers, I wrote an article in the aftermath of the hot exchanges captioned “Is Kennedy Agyapong a Son of a Bitch”.

My editor called me and said that, that headline was too harsh and prevailed upon me that I should change it. I protested sighting instances and giving examples of his unruly behaviours,to warrant or justify my choice of that headline, but, I had to give in because, (1) I respect my editor, as well as my paper has a reputation to maintain and (2) my readers expect me to display maturity and decorum in my discourse with them.

I guess, I am vindicated now, any well-meaning Ghanaians, who has the interest of this country at heart, as we are decades behind many countries in the world, in terms of development and progress, would not be happy with judgement debt paid to individuals and corporate entities. It is the wish of every Ghanaian that we get to the bottom of this mess, before it consumes all of us. The President John Evans Atta Mills has shown enough faith and commitment in ensuring that will get to the truth, Ghanaians have being taken for a ride, for a long time now, and at least for the first time we have a President, who has put the interest first before his.

In his latest vituperations last Saturday, the Asene North MP, who had impatiently listened to a fellow MP from Sene in the Brong Ahafo Region, Mr. Felix Twumasi Appiah, who had called into Joy FM’s Newsfile programme, to punch holes and also register his displeasure about the way and manner Mr. Agyapong was going around with documents he claims contains names of some government officials whom he alleged benefited from the GH¢51 million judgment debt paid to Alfred Agbesi Woyome.

In his response he said “I take [an] exception to what he said that I don’t even attend meetings. As a chairman as he is, even [when we were discussing the budget] how many times did he come with a clean face. You go and smoke your wee. .. He is a wee smoker, he goes out there, he doesn’t even do anything, please, please, I am not scared of that idiot,” said Agyapong, running riot.

The Sene MP, Felix Twumasi Appiah, had expressed worry about the way Mr. Agyapong was going about in a media cruise, making unsubstantiated claims, including one that he claimed a huge amount was paid into an account called “the Castle Account”.

I consider this statement as an anomaly, and should be treated as a slip of tongue, much as it is been treated as such, Kennedy Agyapong should try and bring some sanity to his thought.

As usual typical of a fool, when he was asked to retract and apologize, all he could say was “ You know, I have a radio station and a T.V station, if you restrain me from saying this, I could go and say that at my station, where he could display his mediocrity with reckless abandon.

Kennedy Agyapong, is an ass of great eminence, he is a type of crooked genius that the NPP throws up from time to time as its noxious by-product.

For once, Kennedy Agyapong must be told that such words and behavior, would rob him of any respectability, and any attempt in the future by himself or someone to try and salvage his battered image would be an enterprise only fools would indulge.

In his frenzy however, the implications of what he has been resourced by his party to do is lost to him. Such a nihilist does not care a hoot about which way Ghana goes and would therefore do anything o satisfy the yearnings and the ambitions of his party and their beleaguered presidential candidate who is staring defeat in the face.

Sometimes, I don’t want to blame him; I blame the NDC for giving this moron the opportunity to be going on like someone who is gone round the bend. If you fail to manage things well, trust to find someone to mismanage it for you, Kennedy Agyapong is certainly doing the work for NDC.

I had issues with Joy FM, a station my dial has being on for as long as I care to remember, Newsfile, use to be one programme, my friends and I never miss on Saturday, with repeated boiling of water to enjoy coffee, whiles listening to the programme, became a routine. Unfortunately, notable names that started the programme have had to leave for various reasons, leaving behind only Abdul Malik Kweku Baako Jnr.

The quality of the programme is going down, the programme is losing its steam, if not how do you invite someone like Kennedy Agyapong, who is a public liability. He did not surprise me and to confirm my conviction, he walked out of the studio, when he was asked to retract his statement and apologise.

Foot Note

From my layman’s understanding of how elections are won, I have come to the conclusion that, elections are won on achievements, on programmes of action, not based on propaganda. The NDC, seem to be lost and neck deep in propaganda as though they are still in opposition. The good works of the President is what is going to win them the elections not on what Asem Darkey said or did not say, and whose name he mentioned. The earlier they get their acts together the better. Time is of the essence.