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Opinions of Wednesday, 20 August 2008

Columnist: Adams, Kofi

Kennedy Agyapong Must Deal With ....

... His Cocaine Trafficking Reputation First
NPP¢s Kennedy Agyapong must first deal with the cocaine trafficking albatross around his neck before mounting political platforms to make scurrilous allegations about former president Rawlings. This is man who was openly called a cocaine dealer by Mr Ato Awhoi, a prominent and respectable Ghanaian citizen who happens to know Kennedy Agyapong very well. He has been challenged to go to court where the full evidence will be made available. Many years have passed and to date, Kennedy Agyapong has still not found the courage to respond to this serious charge, especially at a time when we have another NPP MP, Eric Amoateng, languishing in a US jail for trafficking in narcotic drugs.

Kennedy Agyapong is most likely aware that, under an NDC government, unlike the NPP, no stone will be left unturned to make sure that the Law deals with all people, no matter how highly placed, who have taken advantage of the system to continue dealing in narcotic drugs and acquiring ill gotten wealth in the process.

It is evident that Kennedy Agyapong is being driven by the fear of the imminent arrest of all such rogues who have resorted to narcotic drugs to acquire questionable wealth, in the very likely event of NDC assuming the reins of office in January 2009.

Kennedy Agyapong most likely has reason to be afraid because time is fast running out for many of these cocaine traffickers, who most likely became even more emboldened because of the terrible example set by the NPP flagbearer, Nana Akufo Addo, when he de-confiscated the assets of a global cocaine trafficker like Raymond Amankwah and also woefully failed to prosecute both Frank Benneh and the three NPP drug queens who were arrested in the year 2002.

It is against this background that we want to call on the people of Ghana not to take seriously any statement coming from Kennedy Agyapong, a man whose inability to take up the challenge thrown to him by Ato Awhoi, lends ample credence to pervasive beliefs all over Ghana that he has not just got a questionable credibility but also a dubious reputation and above all a doubtful source of wealth.

Kennedy Agyapong most certainly is afraid! The fear of the due process of the law and the consequent exposure and punishment of all who have helped the NPP government to turn this nation into the cocaine hub of Africa is most likely the driving force behind the highly outrageous and patently false statements he is making about the former president.

Kofi Adam
NDC Youth Orgaziser
[email protected]