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Opinions of Saturday, 14 January 2023

Columnist: Akompreko – the Democratic Meritocrat - PHD

Kennedy 'Akompreko' Agyapong: The democratic meritocrat

Kennedy Agyapong, the Member of Parliament for Assin Central Kennedy Agyapong, the Member of Parliament for Assin Central

I see Akompreko’s vision as one of a democratic meritocracy. A Meritocracy in the making where every Ghanaian deserves to be given the opportunity to be successful. He has said this countless times.

A profound vision emanating from Ghana’s only genuine political philanthropist. However, Hon Kennedy Agyapong (Hon Akom) is not just a talker but a doer, quite the opposite of NATO. Even his admonitions are action-oriented. It was therefore paradoxical when Dr Nyaho Tamakloe asked what Akom has contributed. Was Nyaho just making noise, exaggerating for effect as Hon Akom sometimes does himself or was it an invitation to Akom to boast: He will talk.

Every passing day fortifies my belief that Akompreko holds the cards to the future of both the NPP and a fulfilled motherland. I do not only hear more of his beliefs, principles and the great plans for Ghana but I also hear him passionately expressing and demonstrating his profound love for the country.

Honourable Akom is a rich person of phenomenal generosity to his people, even when it was not within his contemplation to aspire to any high office in a highly monetised political system like ours. It will interest readers to know that many well-meaning Ghanaians share his frustrations about the malaise within his own party.

Kennedy Akompreko Kwame Ohene Agyapong (alias Akom) is an undoubted Democratic Meritocrat who strongly believes everyone should be given an opportunity to succeed in Life. Intrinsic in his beliefs, is to give political jobs to the capable, even if exclusively in-party, given our current system of Government and not to use educational certificates as an unnecessary excuse to nepotically manipulate the good people who may have made your government possible.

We have heard it said several times over that it is the absence of principles and our seemingly contorted value system which have left a richly resourced country like Ghana ever so cash strapped. He believes in the use of principles to shape his politics. Thus far I have seen no politician lead his bid with as much principle as Akompreko has.

It is of interest to note that many political party folks of recent stock believe that you only aid the party when you say things that suggest the party is doing well, irrespective of the merits and/or the plain truth; that belief system, is plainly dishonest, ladies and gentlemen, inconsistent with the principles and objectives of the NPP. Kennedy via his own dais braves the positives and the negatives even if on occasions he has allowed his loyalty to party and some devoted party friends to cloud his judgment.

Any NPP presidential candidate who is pedalling softly doesn’t appear to know ‘what time it is’. We are at a crossroads with very loud transgressions from the top happening before our glistened eyes. Anyone who thinks it is all lovey dovey is either complicit or does not have the grip.

Many who do not seem willing to deal with the real problems that the man on the street sees, is simply feathering their own nest, afraid of the repercussions from the 'abrafoc of the King'. They are not strong enough to lead, I beg to differ and be forgiven.

As I have said in the past, it is unfortunately a mediocre performer who is always looking for a worse performer for comfort. NPP should constantly look within itself, to introspect for purity. Critical thinking is about identifying problems objectively with the view to addressing and resolving them.

If I may say for the umpteenth time, the MP's expenses fiddle that happened in the U.K. was only possible because any system or society that is QUIET at or failing to detect a particular wrongdoing and/or failing to raise sanctions against such conduct is bound to fester these wrongs. Of course, when it was identified as problematic, the authorities were swift to punish the MPs, and some even went to Prison. The practice, to the best my knowledge, no longer exist. The same applies on a wider scale in Ghana & can be addressed with the determined approach of Akompreko.

It is of the utmost and urgent importance that we accept that Ghanaians are no longer as gullible as they probably have been in the past. Most importantly, as soon as your dire hard supporters appear only begrudgingly to want to vote for you, then you are at serious risk of losing the elections; you can turn many of your supporters into vote spoilers.

I believe as time goes on, party members will become even more alert, more sensitive and bolder enough to challenge attempts at papering over our cracks. NPP must embrace our difficulties and mow them down, starting with the selection of our next leader. I am not supporting Kennedy Agyapong just with my heart, he is the only winnable candidate capable of holding his people to account and govern Ghana in all righteousness.

I was pleasantly surprised to find that he was approaching these primaries as some of the written conservative principles and rules will require. The guide to becoming a conservative MP includes an eligibility guide that necessarily expects you to understand and be committed to the Nolan Principles of public life.

Kennedy Kwame Ohene Agyapong epitomizes the Nolan Principles and he espouses them. His PHD emblem clearly emulates the Nolan principles, and they are even closer to that on which Lee Kwan Yiu built Singapore. He has a fascinating love for the Meritocrats of the world. Before I end, let us spend some time to take a quick look at the British Nolan principles for public life. It includes the following:

1. Selflessness: in my view, anyone who cannot sacrifice just a bit of his support to say the right things, is not sufficiently selfless; he cannot rule Ghana in its current state.

2. Integrity: Anyone who can easily pretend that all is well in Ghana in this climate has no integrity. Anyone who cannot act boldly or take bold decisions unless it is to gain financial or other material benefits for themselves, their family, or their friends has Zero integrity.

3. 3 Objectivity: the Nolan principles require Holders of public office to act and take decisions impartially, fairly and on merit, using the best evidence and without discrimination or bias

4. 4. Accountability

5. 5. Openness

6. 6. Honesty: Holders of public office should be truthful & must demonstrate

7. Leadership – Akompreko is the truest leader amongst the lot, whether in opposition or in Government he contributes his charity, his compassion, wisdom, direction to party, including admonitions and indeed his All.

Daily, Kennedy Kwame Akompreko Ohene Agyapong renews my confidence in the New Patriotic Party. He gives me hope that NPP remains the party which will redeem Ghana from her woes.

Kwame Asare Esq
(NPP-UK Senior Member)
United Kingdom.