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Opinions of Thursday, 14 July 2022

Columnist: Joel Degue

Keta: The land between the lagoon and the sea

Keta is a hub for many tourist sites in Ghana Keta is a hub for many tourist sites in Ghana

Keta doesn’t only mean “top of the sand” or better put literally, “the head of the sand.” Keta means something else, something big, something wow!

To us, K.E.TA. means Keeping Environmental Treasures Alive! Keta offers so much for an experience of a lifetime worth repeating. This gives you a remarkable, unforgettable and unimaginable exposure to nature in its pristine and exquisite form and shape. Yeah, Keta is the only town that has refused to succumb to the fierce attacks of the sea and the floods of the lagoon. It is a town located in-between the lagoon and the sea. Welcome to Keta!

In fact, there are few places in Ghana with a history as colorful and captivating as that of Keta. Keta has a history spanning over five centuries and has early contact with Europeans dating back to the 17th century with relics of their monuments doted over the town. How can you know all that? This is what we invite you to come and experience for yourself.

Is it history that you are looking for? You will get plenty of it. Stories and songs about how the first people migrated and settled here? We will surely take you to the beginning of Keta. Archival and historical, geographical, and archeological artifacts and records abound to justify the history. For the black Americans or Afro-Americans, they can trace their root to Keta. The late writer, author and poet Maya Angelou captured it in her book, “All God’s Children Need Travelling Shoes”.

Welcome to Keta, our beautiful land known for its spectacular scenery and sites (landscape, beachscape, seascapes and lagoonscape).

Welcome to Keta, the land of highly spirited people with a diverse, yet unique culture shaped by the sea and the lagoon over the centuries.

Welcome to Keta, the home of beautiful and colourful festivals, one-of-a-kind historical, cultural, ecological, recreational, and archeological sites you will never see anywhere in Ghana or in the whole world.

Welcome to Keta, where you can discover century-old gastronomy: fresh local seafood, lagoon foods and other local delicacies for yourself. A rare culinary experience that will linger for long in your mind.

Come and discover Keta, whom we know very well and love very much. A place shaped and fashioned by the sea and the lagoon for over five centuries. A place where the way of life of the people is shaped, fashioned, intertwined and interwoven by the founding cultures whose love and wisdom `of a good time is legendary, mythological and unmatched. The music, folklore, dance, beliefs, arts, foods, festivals, and warm and friendly hospitality are unforgettable and unimaginable.

The scenery, i.e., the seascapes, the landscapes and the lagoon spaces are incomparable, the food and other delicacies are mouth-whetting and fantastic. The people here are hospitable and welcoming. They receive you as one of theirs. Here in Keta, you are home away from home. Come to Keta and you will cover, uncover, recover and discover everything you’ve lost and those you are seeking for.

That’s our Keta and we can’t wait until you get here and discover for yourself what Keta stands for.

Welcome to Keta, the land, the people, the potentials, the opportunities, the options, etc.

Welcome to Keta: Where nature, culture, adventure, architecture, pleasure, leisure and future meet and interact and leave you with remarkable and unforgettable experiences.

Welcome to Keta, The best tourism destination in Ghana and West Africa. Woezor!