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Opinions of Monday, 30 September 2019

Columnist: Rockson Adofo

Kevin Taylor is on a smearing mission against Kennedy Agyapong

Kennedy Agyapong and Kevin Ekow Baidoo Taylor Kennedy Agyapong and Kevin Ekow Baidoo Taylor

Mr Kevin Ekow Baidoo Taylor, a Ghanaian national residing in the USA, and an avid participant on the social media, has established himself to be on a mission to defame not only His Excellency the President, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, but also, some "dignitaries" within the NPP as a political party and a government. Lately, he has bitten more than he can chew by taking on Kennedy Ohene Agyapong (Hon), the sitting Member of Parliament for Assin Central constituency in the Central Region.

Kevin is making a big fool of himself, by embarking on a fruitless mission of defamation of character against his perceived political opponents. His weekly postings of his recorded attacks on certain individuals on the social media with the motive of informing the public of their corrupt practices, to get them crucified on the day of reckoning come election 2020, have all been declared failed once they get to my knowledge.

He makes unsubstantiated accusations against people without presenting a shred of credible documentary evidence, but only running his diarrheic mouth. Like most of the Ghanaians, he bases his accusatorial social media submissions on either the figment of his corrupted imagination, or on the generalised public perception of malfeasance against the individuals and the government.

Yes, most of the Ghanaian politicians, government appointees and the Civil Service heads, are inherently corrupt. If he has evidence of their wrongdoing and as a result is attacking them, then fair enough. Nonetheless, to attack them because they belong to a different political party other than his, and on instigation by his paymasters, is as silly as the purpose of his move getting defeated soon as he embarks on his mission.

Did anyone hear of Kevin Ekow Baidoo Taylor when the NDC was in power? Did he not become aware of the gargantuan "create, loot and share" payments of judgment debts that went on under the late President Professor Evans Fiifi Atta Mills and former President John Dramani Mahama's NDC-led administrations?

Anyway, Kevin in my estimation, whether true or false, is like a lone baby lion or tiger fighting a huge elephant in the forest. If he were a crab, then yes, he could defeat or kill the elephant, but not when he is a lone baby lion and not an adult in a pride.

How can he take on Kennedy Agyapong (Hon), my nominated for, if not the winner of, award for being the number one credible investigative personality of the year in Ghana?

While Kevin Taylor chirps angrily like a hungry bird in the tree in search of food, but getting none, thus producing no credible evidence that can stand in the court of law against his accused persons, Kennedy Agyapong (Hon) on the other hand, although talks loud and big, has abundant credible, permissible and acceptable evidence under his belt. That is the difference between the doubtful little-minded but loquaciously malicious Kevin and intelligent and wise but vociferous Kennedy.

When Kennedy came out to inform the Ghanaian public of the duping of the Ghana port customs of millions of Ghana Cedis by Ibrahim Mahama, the younger half-sibling of former President John Dramani Mahama, he laid bare the documental evidence to his claim for all to see. He produced on television copies (either certified or not) of the twelve dud cheques Ibrahim had issued over a period of two years to clear his imported goods or heavy machinery from the Ghana ports. He had ended up not paying the GHS12 million import duties he was supposed to pay. Had Kennedy not brought the proofs out, and were former President Mahama still be in post, Ibrahim would not have paid the import duties so owed to the country but would have duped and continue to swindle Ghana.

Again, when Kennedy challenged Anas Aremeyaw Anas, the Ghanaian ace investigative journalist who had earned several international and national awards for his excellent investigative journalism, on his bogus or substandard methodology adopted to conducting his criminal investigations, he, Kennedy, produced video-recorded evidence to support his claim. He came out with, and premiered, his evidence in what became, "Who watches the watchman"

Some people claim, although I am not certain about, that Kennedy arranged to audio-record the meeting of NDC faithful in which Samuel Ofosu-Ampofo, the National Chairman of NDC, unveiled the plan and intent to cause insecurity in the country through acts of arson, kidnapping, armed robbery and insults to make His Excellency Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo and his NPP government unpopular. By this action, Ghanaians will vote them out by voting in NDC come election 2020. Whether Kennedy arranged for it or not, there is credible audio evidence in the public domain on their diabolic agenda although, kidnappings, armed robberies and insults on certain personalities are still ongoing in Ghana, unfortunately due to lack of law enforcement in Ghana.

When Kennedy came out to allege that former President Mahama might have something to do with the death of Abuakwa North Constituency MP, J. B. Adu Danquah (Hon), he asked several pertinent questions needing answers not only from Mahama but also, the nation's security agents. He alleges that J. B. Danquah Adu had threatened to expose some secrets he had knowledge of against then President Mahama – naked pictures!

What is former President Mahama's response to Kennedy, in the face of such a serious murder allegation against him? He simply says, Kennedy's allegation is a ‘figment of fevered imagination’. With this, no action is taken. Is he not scared that if he pushes his luck too hard by seeking to sue Kennedy, the naked pictures and other vital evidence could surface in public hence better letting the sleeping dogs lie?

Last, but not the least, has Kennedy not tendered in public, to be more precise, on air, evidence to Kevin Ekow Baidoo Taylor having in his possession a fake NPP membership card? Kevin is in hot waters hence desperately trying his hardest to incriminate Kennedy in all sorts of crimes he claims he has knowledge of Kennedy involved in yet, despite threatening to present the incriminating evidence to the public, he never does. This is loudmouthed, and probably criminal, Kevin Taylor, for you!

Kevin is playing with fire and fire will burn him. He talks big but he is hollow. He threatens, but he never walks the talk. What an empty barrel rolling down a gentle slope making most noise Kevin Taylor is! Is he going to give us a break from his stupid daily antics?

I dare Kevin Taylor to provide whatever incriminating proofs he has on Kennedy linking him to the crimes he claims Kennedy is involved. If he does not make such proofs available to the public within a week from today, Monday, 30 September 2019, then Kevin should consider himself a nutter seeking cheap popularity and milking his paymasters for not living up to any sensible expectation but probably their silly slanderous agenda.