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Opinions of Wednesday, 29 April 2020

Columnist: King Geovany

King Geovany writes a letter to Berekum leaders

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Dear Sir,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and sound mind wherever you are now. Honourable MPs, MCEs etc. I’m writing to you as a displeased young constituent from your constituency; Berekum Constituency wishing to draw your kind attention to issues of major concern to the good people of bk and it’s environs.

To say the least, Hon. I’m not happy right now as I stated earlier, simply because of your neglect and the lack of care to the people of Berekum . I know we are in COVID era and trying to curb these occurrences but it shouldn't be a liability.

Not to bore you so much with a verbose letter, I wish to draw your attention to first of all our municipal library complex which was constructed and commissioned some years ago to cater for the people of Berekum and it’s surrounding villages. Now, It is in tatters and nothing seems to work over there, no books, no shelves (the few shelves over there are broken), the fans are not working, inadequate tables, no ICT resource center for students etc. Simply put, it is in a sad state and its current state of affairs cannot be allowed to continue.

I personally went in there on several occasions and I felt sorry for myself and the other readers who walked into the library purposely to read and broaden their scope of knowledge as well as enlighten their minds.

Hon MP, our now municipal library complex in it’s present shape is not fit enough to be a school library talkless being a library complex for a whole municipal.

Sir, how do we motivate people especially the youth to read under these circumstances?

We need well furnished with up to date books and facilities as a municipal library complex in town.

Honourable MP, secondly of concern is the Berekum cultural center, it should have been turned into a recreational center thats will highlight and entertain our youth in many aspects of life .wondering what’s actually happening to this fine project, which have the potentiality of opening up Berekum for investment etc.

Again there is a project going on close to batcu building. During the sod-cutting ceremony, it was announced in the presence of dignified personalities and the entire populace of Berekum that the project will take a maximum of 3 months to be completed but here we are it is more than a 2 years now and no pillar has been made yet and the contractors have deserted the site for months now and no one is uttering even a word.

What is even more heartbreaking is that our opinion leaders, MCE and our MP who represent us in Parliament is also silent as well. Same applies to our MCE who have not also said anything since the contractors left. I find your loud silence deadly and worrying.

Other ancillary facilities that were attached to the project during the sod cutting are no more in the actual project, Sir, what happened?

On behalf of youth of Berekum, I would humbly please suggest that you kindly brief us on radio or any other means possible on what is actually happening.

Can you please explain to us to way forward for our market women, please explain to us the necessary steps taken, I learn you are relocating them what's keeping them, we need answers. if not Berekum will never forgive you, people.

I learnt there is a fund to cater for brilliant but needy students, there no breakdown on how it been successful so far , we need a breakdown and what's going on.

are you engaging the regional minister to intervene for the pragia riders in Berekum, let us know why taxi people are working buy pragia people are not . narrate to us which of them is safe and what shows taxi people are adhering to the protocols. we need answers ...

To end with, Honourable, I would anxiously hope to hear from you soon. In your reply, however, We would humbly expect a detailed roadmap on how you plan to revamp our municipal library complex to meet the standards of a Municipal library complex in your response. Furthermore, we would need to see contractors back on site to finish up the abandoned market that has created a lot of public misunderstandings as soon as practicable. Why Berekum? As our representative please endeavour to represent us well in every sphere of your public life.

Have a blessed day ahead.

Sincerely yours,

(A Concerned Citizen of Berekum )