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Opinions of Thursday, 24 January 2013

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

King Kong tackles Tarzan Wereko Brobbey

I am just confused and really taken aback by the recent vituperations bordering on malevolence by that founding member of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) called Dr. Wereko Brobbey. He calls himself "Tarzan" and thinks to have inalienable rights to harshly criticise or chastise the leadership of the NPP as though, he is in the jungle with his animals, as watched in films showcasing Tarzan.

The bestiality in Tarzan will be deciphered and subsequently removed or dealt with by King Kong, the stronger of the two film stars or characters. I am going to assume the character of King Kong and conduct myself as such throughout this write-up for clarity sake.

Dr. Wereko Brobbey claims to be the nephew of the late Honourable Victor Owusu, once the Presidential candidate of the Popular Front Party (PFP). Mr Victor Owusu lost the 1979 presidential election to candidate Hilla Limann of the People’s National Party (PNP) in a run-off on 9th July 1979. Victor Owusu could have won the election and became the President of Ghana if Hon. William Ofori-Atta, popularly called Paa Willie, had not acted a bit mischievous. Paa Willie was a founding member of the United Gold Coast Convention (UGCC) that metamorphosed into United Party (UP), Progress Party (PP), Popular Front Party (PFP) and New Patriotic Party (NPP) in that sequence.

Paa Willie was Nana Addo Dankwah Akuffo-Addo’s uncle and a royal from Akim Abuakwah. He split from the PFP to form his own political party to contest the 1979 presidential and parliamentary elections under the instigation of people including the late Brigadier General Akwasi Amankwaah Afrifa. He formed the United National Convention (UNC), contested for the 1979 presidential elections on its ticket and came third. If he had not left the PFP to form the UNC, Victor Owusu would easily have won the 1979 presidential elections.

Many people never forgave Paa Willie and Afrifa for what they did to cause the defeat of the PFP and Victor Owusu. No wonder Dr. Wereko Brobbey is behaving the way he is towards Nana Akuffo-Addo. He is paying him back in his uncle’s (Paa Willie) own coin for what his uncle (Paa Willie) did to Wereko Brobbey’s uncle (Victor Owusu). This is a case of a nephew paying a nephew for what an uncle did to an uncle. Or else, what can be the rationale behind Dr. Wereko Brobbey’s absurd harsh criticisms of Nana Akuffo-Addo and the NPP over their petition to investigate the alleged election 2012 presidential results?

Dr Wereko Brobbey wants the NPP to ditch Nana Akuffo-Addo, elect a new leader and rather focus on winning election 2016. Where is the guarantee that the National Democratic Congress (NDC) will not rig election 2016 if they are allowed to get away with that of 2012?

The NPP has evidence credible enough to prove beyond reasonable doubt that the election was rigged in favour of John Dramani Mahama. If that was not the case, I would not be writing copiously on the need to resolutely pursue the case.

Let me try to put a face to that invisible face with audible voice that asked KOFI BASOAH to inform the NPP to remain RESOLUTE as I have explained in most of my published articles lately. I should think that voice was God’s.

I, King Kong, am doing Tarzan a huge favour today by asking him to behave responsibly when it comes to discussing NPP with regard to the Supreme Court petition. He should be mindful of what he says as in his parochial attempt to mudsling Nana Akuffo-Addo and the NPP; he is hurting the entire discerning Ghanaians who voted for a better government but today find themselves shortchanged. Next time, I will take him on as it should if he was to remain in his waywardness. I will take him down the rough road at the end of which he will learn that “khaki no be leather” as a Nigerian will say. The issue of Paa Willie and Victor Owusu should be seen as done and dusted. We need to move forward as solid family members of the NPP for the betterment of the nation. We should not be revisiting the pains of yesteryears to do ourselves and posterity unprecedented harm or immeasurable disservice.

Tarzan cannot wrestle with King Kong and win, he had better understand this. Why Nana Akuffo-Addo alias “Obuggie” should be held responsible for the misdemeanor of his uncle, Paa Willie?

Rockson Adofo