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Opinions of Sunday, 26 December 2021

Columnist: Aduku Matilda

King Pharoah, let the e-levy go

Ken Ofori-Atta, Finance Minister Ken Ofori-Atta, Finance Minister

The current impasse, hullaballoo, or bone of contention in our national affairs is contingent on the 2022 budget and precisely so the E-levy that the Nana-Bawumia government are dead set to obtrude on Ghanaians regardless of the already untold hardship we are bedeviled with owing to their unschooled and unskilled leadership.

Let’s assume without admitting that we are not in normal times as this government attributes its failure to, all that Mr. President and his surrogates can do to assuage the hard knocks of economic hardship is to resort to the abnormal introduction of a regressive tax called E-levy, in the name of national development whiles having the impetus to live profligate lifestyles, chatting expensive flights, and borrowing excessively without compunction and accountability.

Instead of taking proactive and adequate measures to alleviate the unwarranted suffering of Ghanaians, the government of the day rather thinks it prudent to rub our hard-earned monies as an incentive to their much-trumpeted digitization of the economy. If this is not insensitivity then it is callous to say.

The vice president has his very words haunting him every now and then to an extent he is now desensitized of shame and guilt having earned a carved reputation as the E- LIAR. But he must be reminded that he is a preacher of virtue but a doer of vice. No wonder he is the ‘’vice” President.

Needless to say, it was for political gains he promised the good people of Ghana that “his administration would move the economy from taxation to production and that taxes hurt the economy rather than growing it”.

Taxes are one of the sources of revenue for every government to achieve its well-intended policies but not when they are objectionable, unfathomable, and irreconcilable, unworthy, and seek to dampen the financial prospects of the taxed.

The fight against the imposition of this inordinate E-levy tax is a national discourse but seems to be a lonely battle for the minority MPs in Parliament. Been as it is, well-meaning Ghanaians are solidly behind them as they are on the right trajectory since the motive is to nib this polemic E-levy into the mud.

Whereas the culture of silence of civil organizations, the Council of State, House of Chiefs, National Peace Council, and the likes in the midst of this scuffle and tussle emanating from this suffocative tax is worrisome, alarming, and appalling. This is the time Ghanaians need your intervention the most. The rasping consequences of this E-levy cannot be contained by the marginal and vulnerable and therefore calls for your timely response.

The Ghana Pentecostal and Charismatic Council are highly commended in this regard for being the voice of the voiceless by asking the government not to hold Ghanaians to ransom by the E-levy. But to those calling the actions of the minority MPs as obstructing government business, the least said of them the better.

The Christian Council of late asked for prayers as a remedy to parliamentary proceedings which is perplexing to reason with. Not all conflicts can be solved by prayer as the Bible rightly puts it “the kingdom of God suffered violence and the violent took it by force”.

It is worth reiterating that, it is ignorance that may inspire one to ascribe the gesture of the minority MPs as unparliamentarily, foregoing the fact that civility must not be sacrificed nor compromised for dictatorship.

The entrenched stead of this pachydermatous and soulless government on this obnoxious tax deserves an equally deadened but purpose-driven people such as the Minority MPs to forestall it and they are rightly doing so. The DO or DIE activism as echoed by H.E John D Mahama going into election 2024 has been toned up in recent parliamentary business with respect to the Minority MPs unwillingness to subvert the will of Ghanaians.

This is a clarion call for all well-intentioned Ghanaians to follow suit with vigilance, tact, and persistence to ensure that democracy and justice prevail in this country as we gear up for the next election.

Just as the minority MPs have yielded to battering ram to see to it the rule of law reigns, Ghanaians must take a slight indication from them and act accordingly when the heat of the moment demands, so as to do away with oppressors rule, discrimination, and all manner of iniquity from this government.

The Never Patriotic Party (NPP) led by Nana - Bawumia are democratic pretenders and have demonstrated with utmost mischief. The resolve to inflict inauspicious hardship on Ghanaians through this E-levy is not in isolation. The Never Patriotic Party (NPP) led by Nana-Bawumia through their hocus-pocus and skullduggery as many have come to discover, bamboozled Ghanaians into believing they were the saviors of our time.

Little did Ghanaians know they were ‘’good campaigners but bad leaders” as pinpointed by - H.E John D Mahama. As we are downtrodden and have been led to the ditch, we ought to rise up and confront a government that is visionless, corrupt, and oligarchical in order to survive and make ends meet.

It is worth noting that not all conflicts must be eliminated nor feared but how better managed they are is what matters most. The minority MPs' fight against this E-levy is noble and must continue on the 18th of January 2022 when Parliament resumes to bring it to finality. Else, its passage will result in a downward spiral of the economy. NDC and for that matter, the minority MPs intend to inherit a repairable economy come 2025, and being a watchdog to this failed government is what they are pressing on to do.

This Nana - Bawumia government has to eat the humble pie and withdraw the E-levy to let sleeping dogs lie. Any justification to its implementation would be meted with fierce resistance by thoughtful Ghanaians and more so the minority MPs.

Hope would be restored to Ghanaians when the baton is handed over to the incorruptible, visionary, honest, nation builder, trustworthy, humble, and selfless leadership of H.E John D Mahama come 2025.

Until then, let us fight with our strength and might as our forefathers did to ensure the corrupt NanaBawumia government misdeeds are checked and tamed. PHAROAH, LET THE E-LEVY GO OR IT REMAINS DO or DIE!!!