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Opinions of Friday, 3 February 2017

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Kofi Adam's cars seized by soldiers - He ain't seen nothing yet!

Kofi Adams Kofi Adams

By: Adofo, Rockson

On Wednesday 1 February 2017 at about 15:30 hours, I had the opportunity to listen to a live radio programme on Asempa FM hosted by Kwadwo Asare Baffour Acheampong (KABA).

At a point, he paused to inform the public of some breaking news regarding the
seizure of five vehicles from the compound of Kofi Adams, the NDC’S National

He was able to get Kofi Adams on the phone to confirm the veracity of what he had just heard about the impounding of his cars. What was interesting and shocking to me was how Kofi Adam was calm when answering the query as though he was a shy and well-behaved child who does not talk much. One would not think he was the vociferous.

Kofi Adams who was shuttling between radio stations lambasting NPP and Nana Akufo Addo for years until the declaration of Election 2016 results in favour of NPP and Nana Akufo Addo.

Time indeed changes. This reminds of the song by the late renowned Ghanaian musician Akwasi Ampofo Agyei from Mampong in the Ashanti region titled, Time Changes.

You can listen to the song using the web link below.

Whoever thought Kofi Adams will ever talk calmly like a child? When his NDC party was in government, he was talking and behaving as if he held Ghana in his hands like a delicate egg that he could let drop and crash at his own volition.

Was he not the one who led policemen to storm one Accra FM radio station to arrest one Nana Darkwah, my Kumawu compatriot, when he alleged on radio that former Rawlings could have possibly torched his Accra Ridge residence on a Valentine Day night on 14th February 2010? He was by then the Spokesman for former President Rawlings.

He carried out the arrest of Nana Darkwah, had him arraigned and remanded in the Nsawam Prisons for some days without authorisation from the Rawlingses.

He did that because his NDC party was in government and he felt he could get away with blue murder doing whatever he wanted by taking the laws into his own hands.

In December 2008 when the late President Evans Atta Mills and NDC were elected into power, the then sacked Spokesperson for former President Rawlings, Mr Victor Emmanuel Smith, led a gang of NDC fanatics to embark on public confiscations of government cars and properties that were in the possession of the outgoing NPP Government Ministers and appointees. As it was in those days, so shall it be with NDC under NPP government today, but gone about lawfully.

It is not gangsters but army officers, National Security personnel and operatives from DVLA going about impounding perceived government properties from people deemed to have acquired them illegally of whom Kofi Adams may be a principal culprit.

Kofi, you can run but you can’t hide, and time changes indeed. Go and read
Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 from the bible to better understand what is happening to you now.

Yesterday, you were a macho man, swimming in riches, talking with authority,
lambasting your political opponents as and when you liked as though Ghana and
everything therein, were your private property. Today, you are playing the victim, having dubiously enriched yourself at the expense of the public.

I heard you claim live on the radio that the two pickup trucks are your brothers but parked in your compound. How could you get money to purchase the three Land Cruisers and put up your numerous houses, a former school teacher and NDC National Organiser as you were?

On the radio, you said to be in Dubai attending a meeting. What meeting is it? May I ask to know if you are there with former President Kofi Dubai Mahama?

Maverick, but famous and popular Ghanaian musician Kwame A-Plus well said, or
correctly predicted, in his 2016 song titled, Aben Be Bom of which you can listen to via the link below, how Kofi Adams and his NDC bunch of political thieves would one day be held to account.

Anyone who will try to protect any of the NDC “STEALERS” (thieves I mean to say) by claiming any of their numerously illegally acquired properties are theirs, be you a brother, sister, relative or friend to them, when the truth is uncovered, you could be charged with perverting the course of justice, so please take note.

Indeed, the roll call bell is ringing for Kofi Adams and his NDC guys to render account of their service to mother Ghana and Ghanaians as predicted by Kwame A-Plus.

Kofi, I wish you good luck. Time indeed changes.

This is just the beginning. All those who have dipped their dirty hands in the State coffers or have abused their positions to enrich themselves must get ready to face the long arm of the law.

I dedicate this publication to the ever cherished memory of the late Mr Akwasi Ampofo Agyei and the fearless Kwame A-Plus. Their predictions are now manifesting in the life of Kofi Adams, once a powerful man in Ghana who like Osuo Abrobo3 and his mannerisms of I don't fear huuuuu, but is now shaking like a leaf on a tree that has come under the intensity of the blowing Harmattan wind.

Rockson Adofo