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Opinions of Saturday, 13 November 2010

Columnist: Sarpong, Justice

Kofi Adams, aka Dela Coffie's Staged Car Accident And Why

As a patriotic Ghanaian, I will like to offer my investigative 'expertise' knowledge to Dr Kwabena 'There are many ways to kill a cat' Adjei in his quest to fish out who this Dela Coffie, the blabbermouth Friends of Nana Konadu Rawlings (FONKAR) communication Director is. Mr Adgei, this service to the National Destructive Congress(NDC) is free, this is my widows mite in helping to destroy your mafia like enterprise called NDC.

Dr many ways to kill a cat Adgei, Dela Coffie is none other than Kofi Adams, the self-appointed Spokesman for the Sogakope-Dzeloupe killing machine, His majesty the obese-lunatic arsonist Ofiri Jato Rawlings. How did I come by this result?

Dr many ways to kill a cat Adgei, the day after you made your famous threat ‘’the party shall fish out the likes of Dela Coffie and deal with them in accordance with the relevant provisions of the party’s constitution", Mr Adams, aka Dela Coffie and his mentor Rawlings, Konadu and some 'fool soldiers, sorry, they want to be referred to as 'foot soldiers' held a series of meetings at the behest of Rawlings and his Jezebel wife to deal with your threat and a plan was set in motion, ala Rawlings style for Kofi Adams to stage a car accident to confirm your threat of trying to eliminate him.

Dr many ways to kill a cat Adjei, you may ask how did I come to the conclusion that Kofi Adams is Dela Coffie? The answer lies in the FONKAR response to your threat and after Deala Coffie, aka Kofi Adams award winning acting job in his staged car accident. Below is the statement issued by FONKAR;

"We Would Hold Dr. Kwabena Adjei Responsible If Anything Happens To Dela Coffie - FONKAR

Date: 12-Nov-2010

The Friends of Nana Konadu Agyeman -Rawlings (FONKAR) would want to register our indignation at a statement purportedly issued by Functional Executive Committee (FEC) of the NDC and signed by the Chairman Dr Kwabena Adjei under the cover of reacting to charges by FONKAR on Vice President John Dramani Mahama accusing him of denigrating the founder Jerry John Rawlings, virtually declared Dela Coffie , our communications Director wanted.

FONKAR want to state categorically that Dela Coffie is a card bearing member of the NDC and a known youth activist who has never hidden his true identity. In the last 48 hours, serious attempt have been made on the life of our communication Director and we want to make it clear that if anything happen to Dela Coffie, FONKAR would hold Dr. Kwabena Adjei responsible."

"In the last 48 hours, serious attempt have been made on the life of our communication Director"

What happened in the last 48 hours? Kofi Adams, aka Dela Coffie's staged car accident happened, according to him, on the night of October 10th at 11:30pm and they issued their staement on October 12th, which covers the 48 hours timeline window.

Why is Kofi Adams hiding behind Dela Coffie's name to promote Nana Konadu's candidacy for the NDC Presidential nomination slot? The only conclusion I can come out with is that, Rawlings and his wife have made the decision already to have Nana Konadu Agyeman challenge clueless President Mills in the next NDC congress to nominate its Presidential candidate but since the NDC manifesto bars anybody to campaign for nominations at this time, Kofi Adams as a spokesman for the Rawlings family cannot publicly campaign for his masters since the name Dela Coffie.

The Rawlingses have taken a play from the playbook of Dr many ways to kill a cat Kwabena Adjei and are reaping the benefit while the campaign for the nomination of the NDC Presidential nomination is still not opened. Kofi Adams, aka Dela Coffie and his fool soldiers are now 'plasttering' Konadu Agyeman Rawlings posters around the country so that Nana Konadu Agyeman Rawlings will have a leg up(No pun intended) against her competitors.

Did this accident really happen as narrated by Kofi Adams, aka Dela Coffie? Accra Tema motorway on a weekday at 11:30 pm will definitely not be congested but there will be many cars on the road for somebody to have witnessed the said accident when the so called green truck cut-off Kofi Adams, aka Dela Coffies car twice. Don't get me wrong, knowing how the Rawlingses and their supporters are, I envisage a looney or looney's coming out supporting this staged accident as having witnessed it.

The 'accident' as reported on Ghanaweb makes one quetion the legitimacy of this freak of nature Kofi Adams, aka Dela Coffie's mentality.

General News of Thursday, 11 November 2010 Source: Joy Online

JJ's 'Boy' Narrowly Escapes Death

An aide to ex-president Rawlings and a deputy General Secretary of the ruling National Democratic Congress, Kofi Adams, says he cannot rule out ulterior motives in his accident on the Tema Motorway. Kofi Adams, who was speaking on Adom FM, Thursday explained that the incident occurred at about 11.30 pm when he was heading home, after a series of meetings.

Mr. Adams believes that if it had not been for the kind of vehicle he was driving, he would have suffered severe injuries."

What kind of vehicle was this idiotic moron driving for him to make that judgement? Was he driving a Hummer H3 or a Military tank? What a bunch of idiots we have ceded our country to. This NDC government is a joke with too many jokers.

Justice Sarpong

Houston, Texas