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Opinions of Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Columnist: Adam, A. K.

Kofi Adams is the man for Buem Constitutency

(as Member of Parliament)

There is a saying that “you can never walk alone” is the main reason why I am writing this article in total support for Mr Kofi Adams’s candidature for the forthcoming by-election at Buem constituency. I mean he has all what it takes to work very well for the people of Buem to make them feel that they have not lost their beloved son (late Volta Regional Minister – Mr Kamel).

When it comes to dealing with people, Mr Adams has experienced it all under our great founding father of the NDC, in the person of H.E. Jerry John Rawlings, popularly known as Papa J. He is the number one leader who has founded a party in this country and still live to see it succeeding and nobody can take that away from him. So, let us all respect that because almost all those people in the NDC today is enjoying under his toil and struggle of one man (Papa J). Example of such people who are enjoying under NDC is Asiedu Nkatia – who is even now speaking and enjoying more than the Chairman of NDC. I believe he does not seek permission from the Chairman before engaging himself with cameras and news stations. He seeks attention for himself at all times and sometimes does not speak very well to bring calm and peace within the party because he still have problem with Mr Kofi Adams candidature, why is he behaving like a confused person or he lack the moral skills to manage his position. You don’t say everything that is official to the media to get involve but this is what he does all the time.

There are so many stigmas on NDC Leadership and so for that matter they ought to be very cautious and professionals as from now, since what we all experienced under Mills Leadership was shocking. So, please, Kofi Adams is a strong member of NDC also an elected Executive and he is even the first contact of the NDC founder to the outside world. Some of us thought wounds have been healed under the Mahama Leadership. Hence, there is no need for the NDC Leadership to continue to create impression to the general public as if they hate Kofi Adams presence with the party. This is my advice to the NDC NEC team to know that division now will ruin the success of Mahama government. Kofi Adams must be allowed to contest with all the NEC backing. NEC should change the public view on this matter for the betterment of NDC. The recorded comments on tape that the NEC used as their bases of Mr Kofi Adams suspension are just not right. Assuming, it was his voice but of course to me it’s not, if you do self-evaluation of what transpired in Sunyani, won’t you conclude that some section of members of the party were put under duress and frustrations which could have even had serious implications on people behaviour and attitude as at that time? Actions during that time could have been out of depression, as mature leaders in NEC should know this. You don’t need Psychologist to advice. So to cut matters short, it happened under Mills Leadership and now he is no more (May he’s Soul Rest in Peace) and that gave chance to Prez Mahama to Lead, hence, Mills death closes all chapters, therefore Mr Kofi Adams purported suspension has long since been resolved unless if NEC can say that somebody has labelled something on him that we don’t know.

Let us be serious and stop selfish partisanship games. It will not get anybody anywhere because there is always tomorrow. And it could be anyone of you tomorrow and you may also need mercy. The NEC should understand that there is difference between official matters and public matters and they should stop engaging official matters with the public, unless if they don’t know this.

Thank you.

AK from Northern Region, Tamale