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Opinions of Monday, 18 April 2016

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Kofi Adams takes Ghanaian villagers for fools!

I heard Mr Kofi Adams from the NDC folk grant a radio
interview to one of the Ghana FM radio stations about a week
ago. In the course of the interview, he spelt out one of the
NDC’s strategies they have adopted to win election 2016
without wiping off much perspiration from their face and

From what he said, I could see him underestimate the
intelligence of the Ghanaian villagers. He said, “We shall
go to the villages (hinterlands) throughout the country and
ask the villagers to bear with us since all shall be well
with them one day. We shall persuade them to vote for
President Mahama and the NDC in the upcoming November
general election. We shall tell them that President Mahama
has constructed roads, built hospitals, built schools and
provided potable water to many people. The benefits of what
President Mahama has done will soon be felt by the people so
they should vote for him.

Like when someone is sick and is taken to the hospital, the
person will be given an injection before the person’s
sickness can be healed. Injection is painful but until you
accept it, you cannot be cured of your illness/sickness.
Similarly, without good roads, hospitals, schools etc., one
can never experience better life. So President Mahama has
laid the solid foundation for a better life for all by first
providing or building schools, constructing roads and
building hospitals and bridges. Therefore, they should
accord him a further second 4-year term to enable him
complete his good works to bring better life to all and

He insisted on the effectiveness of his
“sickness-hospital-injection” analogy to persuading the
Ghanaian villagers to vote for President Mahama and the

Why did he say the NDC will go to the villagers with that
message but not to the city dwellers? Is it because the
villagers are far removed from knowing the truth about the
NDC as being shameless liars, propagandists, corrupt and
incompetent whereas all these facts about the NDC and
President Mahama are made bare to the urban dwellers on
daily basis?

Before proceeding any further, may the reading public permit
me to define two or three words or terms that I have used
above, or will soon be using in the course of my analytical

VILLAGER: A person who lives in a village
HINTERLANDS: A part of the country that is far away from the
big city areas
BLUNT: To make something less sharp; having an obtuse,
thick, or dull edge or point
SHARP: having a thin cutting edge or a fine point;
well-adapted for cutting or piercing; happening suddenly,
quickly, and strongly.
SYRINGE: A hollow, cylinder-shaped piece of equipment used
for sucking liquid out of something or pushing liquid into
something, especially one with a needle that can be put
under the skin and used to inject drugs, remove small
amounts of blood, etc.

Back to the clearly deceptive and insulting analogical
electioneering strategy intended to be employed by Kofi
Adams and the NDC to court the votes of their so-called
villagers, Rockson Adofo who hails from a village,
(Kumawu/Asiampa) in the Ashanti region has the following
counter analogy to make.

Yes, in Ghana unlike the Whiteman’s land (e.g. Europe,
USA), when a patient goes to hospital and is not given an
injection, they don’t think to have been treated by the
doctor. So, let them get the injection. However, a sharp but
NOT a blunt syringe is to be used. With sharp new syringes
used in the Whiteman’s land to inject (seldom done) the
patient or often used to draw blood from the patient for
blood test, the pain felt by the patient is quick; it lasts
only a second if not a fraction of a second.

Is it the same sharpness of the economic pain that the NDC
is inflicting on Ghanaians that they are asking the
villagers to bear with them by voting for them? NO!!!!

When one uses a blunt syringe, the pain will last much
longer as the needle cannot easily pierce through the skin
or the vein of the patient. Several attempts may even have
to be made before the syringe (needle) can enter the skin of
the person. Just imagine how painful it is!

This is the socio-economic condition in which Ghana is at
the moment under the President Mahama NDC administration.

Why should Ghanaians continue to put up with such a never-
ending socio-politico-economic suffering under the NDC
government? This type of suffering is comparable to being
administered injection using a BLUNT syringe instead of a
SHARP one.

Who among the readers will go for an injection when a blunt
syringe is being used given an option between the use of a
sharp needle and a blunt needle?

Even in the Whiteman’s land, animals that we kill to
consume are to be killed humanely but not savagely. They
have laws to ensure slaughter houses use means that will not
prolong the pain of animals when they are being slaughtered
for human consumption. The pain must be sharp.

Why should Ghanaians continue to suffer prolonged pain that
the NDC feel to explain it away using Kofi Adams’ absurd
analogy? Does Kofi Adams think the fact that one was born,
or lives, in a village, makes the person a fool?

The villagers, like the city dwellers, are no longer going
to put up with the blunt economic pain being inflicted on
them by the NDC. While many people suffer continuous pain,
President Mahama, Kofi Adams and some NDC members and their
cronies do not feel any pain at all, whether sharp or blunt.
No wonder that they plan to go to the villagers to tell them
lies; taking them for BIG FOOLS whose intelligence can be
taxed any day any time with impunity.

I shall campaign to counter all the lies the NDC will be
spewing in attempts to garner more votes from those living
in the villages. We, the villagers, will not continue to
allow ourselves to be fooled by the NDC, the most
unprecedentedly corrupt government and individuals never
seen in the annals of Ghana’s politics.

Yes, we the villagers have no access to information on the
current and daily unfolding thieveries, gargantuan
corruption, and perpetuation of lies by the NDC because we
have no electricity or batteries to power our radio sets.
Yes, we the villagers do not travel a lot so we do not feel
the pangs of hunger and transportation problems hence Kofi
Adams can come to us with his useless analogy to persuade us
to get our votes free of charge.

Let it be understood by the NDC that if we the villagers
were fools sometime ago, now, we have wised up!

The NDC will go even if they eat “pusa kenten ma”!

I call on all ordinary Ghanaians to join me to vote for Nana
Akufo Addo and the NPP in the upcoming general elections. We
need a change from being administered injection with a blunt
syringe under the NDC to being administered injection with a
sharp needle or not being administered any injection at all,
under the NPP. Under the NPP, we shall not suffer needless
sicknesses hence there being no need for injection.

Kofi Adams, here comes the No-Nonsense Rockson Adofo to
counter your bushman-like views.

Rockson Adofo
(Written on Wednesday, 13 April 2016)