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Opinions of Saturday, 28 February 2015

Columnist: Citizens Awake Forum

Kofi Humado Finally Caught Pant Down.

It has come to the notice of Citizens Awake Forum (CAF) that Kofi Humado, the former Minister of Youth and Sport had been confirmed as the brain behind the payment of Ghc 430 million to sixteen unqualified service providers to execute various jobs under GYEEDA.

Indeed, the leadership of CAF commends the work of the Auditor General for exposing Kofi Humado in his involvement in the GYEEDA mess.

It is rather unfortunate and regrettable that a Minister of State who has sworn an oath to uphold, preserve, protect and defend the State as established rather defiled the oath and robed the hard earned taxes of the citizenry.

For instance, in one particular circumstance concerning a service provider named Retired Mines Workers Foundation, the report stated that the service provider has been paid GHS 392,700 although there was no contract between the service providers and GYEEDA.

How can we be as malicious to ourselves as a nation? Was it wrong appointing Humado as Youth and Sport Minister?

In the case stated above, it was clear that Humado’s act completely contravenes the Public Procurement Act of 2003 (Act 663). Indeed, Humado negligence which has led to the loss of millions of Ghana cedis also contradicts the Financial Administration Act of 2003 (Act 654).

Indeed, Ministers whose negligence has caused financial loss to the state must be apprehended. If a minister in his right sense of mind saw nothing wrong in paying companies who had no contract with GYEEDA, then the State equally must see nothing wrong in prosecuting those Ministers. One such person is Kofi Humado and that the government must stop the attitude of this is untouchable.

Currently, the State is in a situation where government should no longer protect government officials. It is either the government stand by Ghanaians or act against us for this heinous crime of corruption to continue over and over again. The government must act now and Humado should not be spared.

As we speak, GYEEDA is in complete tatters due to the duplicity of its management. This has led the program to suffer because of the loss of millions of cedis through its operation. In actual sense, Mangers of the program pretend working to achieve the better Ghana agenda but ostensibly their act is been clouded by their parochial interest.

In view of this, Citizens Awake Forum is recommending to the government to deal with these ministerial robbers mercilessly.


John D. Ofori Attah (Operations)
Ali Musah Danjumah, (Executive Member)
Egya Adam (Executive Member)
Rubin Kwame Ayisi (Executive Member)
Ernest Kojo Smith, the Executive Director of CAF