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Opinions of Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Columnist: Ablordeppey, Samuel

Kofi Portuphy ready to retire Nana Akufo Addo in 2016

My late uncle use to tell me "the fly that has no one to advice follows the corpse to the grave." If this statement is anything to go buy then I dare say if Nana Addo at age 71 fails to step aside for a more vibrant, appealing and younger candidate to lead the New Patriotic Party (NPP) in the 2016, the incoming chairman of the ruling National Democratic Congress (NDC) Sir. Dr. Kofi Portuphy will give him a pleasant end of service package.

The coordinator for the National Disaster Management Organization (NADMO) who is on a campaign tour across the length and breath of the country explaining to delegates reasons why he should be voted for as the National Chairman of the NDC at the party's upcoming congress would have an arduous task of leading the party to yet another victory in the next Presidential and Parliamentary elections.

Uncle Pee affectionately called possesses the requisite requirements to lead the NDC as chairman of the party.

He is currently the a Vice Chairmen of the ruling party, Director of elections including the NADMO boss.

He is burning with the desire to rebuild fallen structures in the people as well as revive lost hopes among the rank and file of the party.

His love for the NDC and to see it grow from strength to strength cannot be over emphasized. He has the party at heart and zealous of safeguarding the party's victory and leading it to yet another victory in 2016.

Among the four personalities that have showed interest in the chairmanship position, Sir Kofi Portuphy is the delegates favorite.

So far those who have shown interest in the race are; the incumbent chairman Dr. Kwabena Adjei who seemed to have lost interest as chairman, former ambassador to Malaysia Dan Abodakpi not too convincing though and a former general secretary of the party Alhaji Huudu Yahaya who's appearance the delegates aren't feeling.

Sir Kofi Portuphy himself a grassroots member of the party and the name resonates with the delegates and non delegates alike.

He had promised to work with every member of the party given the opportunity to chair the party especially former office holders who have been forgotten, it is his wish to bring them all back including former members of Parliament, MMDCE's, appointees in various capacities et al to rebuild the party and make it strong and attractive.

According to him winning the next elections will be his immediate focus. If voted as chairman I won't leave anyone behind.

I want to chair a United, solid and alluring NDC that could stand the test of time.

Uncle Pee is known for his generosity and open door approach kind of chairmanship. The opposition knows what he is capable of doing given the chance thus the delegates will speak with their thumbs by voting massively for him to retain power for President Mahama and the NDC.
From the look of things from afar it's clear that the incumbent chairman has lost touch with the party, the structures are weak as the work had been left for a few to handle, the rank and file aren't happy with current developments in the party, and Kofi Portuphy is the surest candidate among the rest to reverse the tide and inspire hope once again.

If Nana Addo failed to step down voluntarily for a more dynamic personality, just wait and see how Chairman Kofi Portuphy together with the NDC would give him a peaceful retirement in style.

Story by: Samuel Ablordeppey
[email protected]