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Opinions of Thursday, 30 April 2009

Columnist: Biakoye, Nana

Koku: Kudos To You & Your Team

When the unnecessary brouhaha over the roles the Head of Communications at the Presidency and his colleague the Presidential Spokesperson broke out, The Ghanaian Lens took a position of not commenting because we were aware that it was a useless debate.

The only time we decided to add our comments to the debate, all we did, was to ask Koku Anyidoho, Head of Communications, to ignore the senseless detractors, dig his feet in, and work his head off.

Indeed, we mentioned that we will be extremely disappointed in Koku if he wasted his time responding to the cacophonous detractors instead of justifying the confidence that His Excellency the President has reposed in him by appointing him to such a high and very important office.

As Director of Communications for the Atta Mills Campaign Team, Koku’s professional approach to projecting and protecting the NDC’s Flagbearer is a matter that is positively well documented.

As Head of Communications at the Presidency, it is quite clear that Koku Anyidoho has hit the ground running as far as the Presidency’s communications strategy is concerned.

It was very smart move to get the President to tell his own story to the press as regards his 100 days in office.

In this world, it is makes sense to tell your story before it is told for you.

Once you allow others to tell your story for you, they will twist and turn matters to suit their agenda.

And when you are dealing with reckless characters like those in the narcotics peddlers party, you must make sure that you always take the wind out of their sails.

I watched repeat broadcasts of the programme, and I was excited beyond limits.

His Excellency President Mills proved beyond doubt that he is on top of the issues.

In the Kufuor era, Kufuor used to surround himself with his equally clueless ministers and after answering one or two questions in a watery manner, will hand over to his clueless ministers to also give watery answers.

In the case of President Atta Mills, he sat alone, and answered the questions without any help from anybody.

From acheology to zoology, the very learned and alert President dazzled the media with his deft and straight-to-the-point answers.

What freaked me the most, was when Fortune Alimi, Editor of the Daily Guide decided to ask a silly question.

The President gave an apt answer to the silly question and made Daily Guide’s Fortune look like a person who had lost a fortune.

In other words, the President made Fortune Alimi look stupid. As for the issue of some media houses not getting an invite, all I can say is, to hell with those papers.

If in the first 100 days, Koku can admit Gina Blay, Fortune Alimi, Haruna Atta, Peace FM, Oman FM and co to the castle, I think change has really come to Ghana.

Certainly, not all the papers can get an invite and Koku did his best.

Ogbamey, Ken Kuranchie, Gabby Otchere-Darko and co can cry all they want. Indeed, they can go to hell and rot there.

They write silly things about the President, and they want the President to give them recognition? No way!!!

Is it not interesting the way they are begging for recognition?

Koku, please take decisions that you are comfortable with. Don’t mind the noise makers.

When they were enjoying during the Kufuor era, traveling and collecting kickback and per diem, did they remember the NDC papers?

At least the NDC is tolerating some NPP papers and radio stations and that is a marked improvement compared to the NPP days of “one man chop” when Kwaku Baako and co were chopping our monies “nyafu nyafu”.

Obviously, Koku is not running one-man show; he certainly works with a team and I take this opportunity to congratulate the whole team.

At this rate of outthinking and outpacing the NPP’s vile propaganda machinery, and leaving clueless Gabby Otchere-Darko and co clutching onto straws in their desperate attempt to stick something on the President, I have no doubt that Koku Anyidoho and his team will use their adept PR skills and superior communications strategies to keep the narcotics peddlers gasping for breath.

It is very clear that H.E President Atta Mills knew what he was doing when he asked Koku not to take up a frontline ministerial appointment and stay at the Presidency and continue to protect and project him the way it was done during the campaign period and which contributed immensely to the victory.

Of course, Barrack Obama also does not play with his Communications guru.

Communications rules the world and it is quite clear that with a good communications strategy, the likes of President Atta Mills and President Barrack Obama will leave their footprints in the sands of time.

Koku Anyidoho, Head of Communications, at Ghana’s Presidency, ayekoo and keep up the good work.

I will not be surprised if the world starts paying attention to this Communications whiz-kid called Koku Anyidoho.

As for the enemies and the “skin pain” people, they abound and so I am not surprised that there are people who hate Koku with a passion and wish that he was not even alive.

In the case of the NPP, they know that Koku will not allow them to insult President Mills or lie about him and get away with it and so they will continue to make senseless noises about the position of Head of Communications at the Presidency.

But who Jah bless, no man curse.

100 Days of a Better Ghana, so far so good!!!

Nana Biakoye