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Opinions of Tuesday, 31 October 2017

Columnist: Koku Anyidoho

Koku's take under the umbrella: No more incompetence; crass impotence galore!!!!

Koku Anyidoho, author (Deputy General Secretary, NDC) Koku Anyidoho, author (Deputy General Secretary, NDC)

When they were busy labelling the NDC as being “Incompetent”; many are those who may have believed in their competence, hence the decision to try them and see.

President Akufo-Addo, Vice President Bawumia and their hirelings and underlings are now in-charge of managing the affairs of Ghana, and all they are exhibiting is a high octane level of CRASS IMPOTENCE. Phew!!!

Impotent Leaders who are destroying Nkrumah’s Ghana.

They were talking as if they had the magic wand to turn Ghana into a land flowing with milk and honey overnight.

They were talking as if they were going to fill the homes of Ghanaians with loads of money if given the chance to rule.

They were talking as if unemployment was going to vanish with the speed of lightening.

They have been in power for 10 months and are showcasing nothing but Crass and Gross Impotence!

At least, incompetent persons perform but do so in an incompetent manner. When it comes to impotence, there is no performance at all!!!!

It has now come to light that the men who were busy labelling other men as incompetent; are none other than a bunch of IMPOTENT men who cannot function at all.

Is it not very annoying and extremely worrying the way President Akufo-Addo is superintending over an IMPOTENTsecurity system that has lost all its bearings and sitting idly by and watching sponsored NPP gangs and goon squads take the laws into their hands and holding the whole nation to ransom?

Never in the political history of Kwame Nkrumah’s Ghana, have we had such an IMPOTENT government that has allowed the country to live in a state of heightened insecurity and lawlessness.

Meanwhile, this is a government that has the highest number of Ministers as well as the highest number of persons in-charge of the Security apparatus, yet, it is the only Government that is exhibiting such GROSS IMPOTENCE when it comes to handling the security of the state.

Why should it be so?

We have the President who is the Commander-in-Chief; we have the Vice President who is head of the Armed Forces and Police Councils; We have an Interior Minister and his two deputies; we have a Defence Minister and his two Deputies; we have a Minister for National Security; We have a Security Co-ordinator; we have a National Security Advisor and we have Security Co-ordinators in all the Regions and Districts; We have Regional Ministers and MMDCEs who are in-charge of security in their Regions, Municipals and Districts.

We have an IGP and his Regional and District commanders.

So, why should we have so many people on the payroll of Government yet be allowing goon squads to be operating with such brazen impunity?

It is only under the watch of this IMPOTENT NPP Government that hoodlums can be beating up serving police officers in uniform and get away with it.

It is only under this IMPOTENT NPP Government that hoodlums can be beating up police officers in the Regions and Districts.

It is only under this IMPOTENT NPP Government that hoodlums can openly notify police commanders that their offices will be ransacked, and they are allowed to carry out their threats.

It is only under this IMPOTENT NPP Government that hoodlums can beat up a Regional Security Coordinator and be walking scot-free.

It is only under this IMPOTENT NPP Government that hoodlums can storm police stations and release their fellow criminals who are on remand.

It is only under the watch of this IMPOTENT NPP Government that a serving Major of the revered Ghana Armed Forces can be brutally murdered and the autopsy report cannot still be produced.

It is only under this IMPOTENT NPP Government that hoodlums can threaten the President and dare him to arrest them and face their wrath.

It is only under this IMPOTENT NPP Government that hoodlums can take-over the Kintampo Waterfalls and cause the death of 18 innocent school children.

It is only under this IMPOTENT NPP Government that a National Security Minister will be insulted and derided by an MP of his Party for issuing a notice of arrest to the hoodlums.

It is only under this IMPOTENT NPP Government that an MP of theirs can openly boast that he is the paymaster of the hoodlums.

It is only under this IMPOTENT NPP Government that the Acting National Chairman will openly lend his support to the nefarious activities of his Party’s hoodlums.

It is only under this IMPOTENT NPP Government that the nation has sat down to allow Army Worms to invade vast hectors of farmlands and destroyed food crops, which portends danger for us by way of a looming hunger.

It is only under this IMPOTENT NPP Government that headmasters and headmistresses have been gagged and prevented from voicing out their deep genuine concerns about how the so-called Free Form One SHS policy is going to create future problems for our education sector because the monies promised by Government is not reaching the schools for them to take care of the students.

When the NPP was busy referring to the NDC as a supposedly Incompetent Government; little did we know that they were a bunch of IMPOTENT elephants who were looking for political power only to satisfy their inordinate desire for power, and not because they had any brilliant ideas to make Ghana a heaven on earth.

Having fun and blowing State money while their Impotent Government is turning Nkrumah’s Ghana into a lawless State.

Now that it is as clear as daylight that the NPP is made up of CRASS IMPOTENT elephants, let us tag them with the epithet of “IMPOTENCE”, and make sure it sticks on them!!

Is not a shame that all the so-called “Nyansafuor” men of God are no more speaking?

Is it not a shame that most of the Civil Society Groups that used to condemn the Atta Mills and John Mahama Administrations for doing nothing close to the negative and IMPOTENT rule of the NPP, are no more talking?

God is watching these men.

Is it not shame that the persons and groups who used to condemn the Mahama-led NDC Administration for engaging in a Family and Friends Government, are not condemning the extremely nauseating, tribal, ethnic, family, friends, Government of Akufo-Addo?

Conscienceless journalists who are having fun and don’t give a hoot about the wanton lawlessness and the gagging of media houses. They support the re-introduction of the obnoxious Culture Of Silence.

One fine day, we shall all meet at the bosom of the Most High and give account of our stewardship on earth and it is there that we shall know the true saints and the agents of the devils.

Conscienceless journalists who are having fun and don’t give a hoot about the wanton lawlessness and the gagging of media houses. They support the re-introduction of the obnoxious Culture Of Silence.

I am sorry that I have not met with you under the shade-giving Umbrella for a fortnight; I have been very busy with the NDC’s Branch re-organisation and re-registration exercise that is why I have not been under the Umbrella.

Hopefully, we shall meet again under the shade-giving Umbrella next week.

2020: WE GO SHOW NANA!!!!!!

Adieus Amigos.


Koku Anyidoho

Deputy General Secretary (NDC)

Founder/CEO, Atta-Mills Institute (AMI)


I am entreating all members of the NDC to ignore the fake stories that the Daily Guide has been publishing to create confusion, and sow seeds of discord within the NDC.

The NPP is fully aware that a well-organised NDC, SHALL take the political power away from them in 2020 and continue to build a Better Ghana, and so they want to knock heads together within the NDC.

I have picked up very credible information from within the NPP that, they will throw out poisonous information into the system to tell LIES that some very POTENT NDC members leaked the fake Kwesi Botcwey Report to them.

Let us be on alert and deal drastically with the Daily Guide and the NPP if they begin to LIE that the fake Report they are serialising, was given to them by NDC members.