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Opinions of Monday, 25 March 2013

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Kpegah Needlessly Torments Akuffo-Addo

A retired Supreme Court Judge, Justice Francis Kpegah, has sued Nana Akuffo-Addo for impersonation. He accuses Nana of impersonation and believes he is a gargantuan impersonator whose sin is as scarlet as the thievery committed by Alfred Agbesi Woyome, the self-styled financier of the NDC.

I do not want to discuss the issue in detail as it has been on the air for some days now with different people expressing various views on the issue. However, I will briefly state my opinion on the issue and ask one or two questions.

The time of bringing up the issue, by a retired Supreme Court judge, an NDC cardholder of course, smells of foul play. The NDC have lately been trying all sorts of charlatanry to delay the hearing of the case pending in the Supreme Court on election 2012 irregularities, malpractices and fraud committed by the NDC and Dr. Kwadwo Afari-Gyan in favour of then presidential candidate John Dramani Mahama.

President John Mahama's woes have snowballed since the law suit. He is therefore availing himself of any least opportunity, whether it is deceptive or not, to hang on to power. In every attempt he has made, conniving and colluding with his irresponsible NDC cohorts, he has failed woefully.

He has not been able to succeed to get the 200 pastors to Israel on pilgrimage to pray for him and Ghana . I have said he had better go to see Prophet Owusu Bempah for directions to save him from death as supposedly revealed to the prophet. Going behind the prophet will not save his life if indeed, God revealed anything of the sort as alleged by the prophet to him, the prophet.

Having failed to attain his objective with the 200 pastors, the NDC have come up with a retired judge who is probably suffering from dementia to concoct pure crap about Nana Akuffo-Addo. It is all part of the silly plots hatched by the NDC to delay the case. They did actually rig the election as could be established by their daily preposterous actions and moves. A guilty verdict is waiting them in the Supreme Court.

Having consulted with my White legal brains, I have the following to point out to Ghanaians.

1. Has Nana Akuffo-Addo ever presented himself in court to defend or prosecute cases with Justice Francis Kpegah sitting in judgment as the presiding judge?

2. Has Justice Francis Kpegah ever judged cases in favour of the clients of Nana Akuffo-Addo with Nana Akuffo-Addo arguing as the defence or the prosecution counsel?

3. If the answer to any of the questions above (no. 1 or 2) is in the affirmative, then how many times has it occurred?

4. When did Justice Kpegah discover that Nana Akuffo-Addo has been impersonating one W.A.D Akuffo-Addo?

5. Did Justice Kpegah know that Nana Akfuffo-Addo was an impersonator all the while that he presented himself as a defence or a prosecution counsel, or litigator - my most preferably word in this case, in court before him?

6. If he knew, why did he not stop him, or sue him, or make his impersonation known to the public as he is doing now?

7. If he knew in those days but refused to expose; and rather judged cases in his favour, does Justice Kpegah not himself stand accused of aiding and abetting crime?

8. If Justice Kpegah knew of Nana Akuffo-Addo's criminal act but failed to expose him in those days until today, can he, Justice Kpegah, not be accused of perverting the course of justice in the cases that Nana Akuffo-Addo as a lawyer won for his clients on which he, Justice Kpegah, presided over as a judge?

9. Why has it taken Justice Kpegah so many years or so long to reveal who actually Nana Akuffo-Addo is, an impersonator?

10. Who then is the person that Nana Akuffo-Addo is impersonating, is he alive or dead? If he is alive, can Justice Kpegah produce him? If he is dead, could he tell us who he was, where he was born, where he lived and how Nana Akuffo-Addo came to impersonate him? 11. Is it not a diversionary tactics employed by Justice Kpegah to enhance the chances of Afari-Gyan, John Mahama and the NDC to emerge victorious from the suit brought against them by Nana Akuffo-Addo and Co?

I need answers to the above questions before my White legal minds will discuss anything further on the issue as to whether or not Justice Kpegah is being reasonable with his move to expose Nana Akuffo-Addo for a crime he has allegedly secretly been committing in his professional life.

I will advise Nana Akuffo-Addo to concentrate on pursuing vigorously the petition he has made in the Supreme Court against John Mahama and Kwadwo Afari-Gyan. Until Justice Kpegah with his NDC dimwits answer the questions posed above, Nana should treat his allegation with the scorn it deserves. The NDC, John Mahama, Kwadwo Afari-Gyan with their rented persons and press are confused and scared of the defeat staring them in the face, hence luring the "educated illiterates" like Justice Kpegah to do some dirty jobs for them. Whatever they do, Nana Akuffo-Addo will come out the winner in the election 2012 suit pending in the Supreme Court. Once it has been revealed to Kofi Basoah by God, so shall the verdict be as long as the NPP remains RESOLUTE!

I love hearing you play Nana Akuffo-Addo's campaign songs on air so DO play them for me, Oh Mighty DJ Sources of Sources radio UK. I request that song to be played for all those who actively campaigned for Nana Akuffo-Addo and still support his cause, especially those from Kumawu Constituency. I salute my fellow Kumawu-Abotanso NPP fans, they endeared themselves to me everyday that we proceeded on campaign.

Rockson Adofo