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Opinions of Sunday, 22 August 2004

Columnist: Palaver

Kufuor Lies Again

Not long ago the President was uttering the palpable lie that his government had constructed asphalt roads in the Volta regional capital. In Ajumako a few days ago, the President spoke another blatant lie when he told a durbar of chiefs and people that the producer price paid to farmers by the NDC government was 40% of the world market price.

He also went on to deceive the people further when he added that the proceeds from the sale of one bag of cocoa could not enable the farmer to purchase two bags of cement at the time of the NDC. He completed the round of lying by declaring that under his NPP government, proceeds from one bag of cocoa can pay for two bundles of roofing sheets.

When will Mr J.A. Kufuor stop telling lies? When will he realise that he is supposed to be an embodiment of honour, trustworthiness and credibility? When will he realise that the Presidency goes with truth and veracity and that the widespread impression he has given all over the country that to become a President one must be a consummate liar is doing a lot of harm to the highest office of the Land.

Mr Kufuor certainly knows that at the time of the NDC when a bag of cocoa sold for a little above ?217,000, a bag of cement in the cocoa growing areas sold for ?21,500 implying that a farmer could then afford 10 bags and not two as he deceitfully sought to make Ghanaians believe.

Again, Mr Kufuor is all too aware that under his maladministration, a bag of cement is selling in the same areas at ?57,000 whilst a bag of cocoa is ?562,000; meaning the farmer now can procure only 9 bags of cement.

What of this Mr President? A bundle of 5 star roofing was selling at ?170,000 but it now goes for ?750,000 which by implication means under the NDC, the farmer could buy one bundle and have excess money for nails whereas under the current dispensation the farmer needs to add more than ?100,000 to the proceeds of one bag of sold cocoa to be able to procure one bundle of roofing sheets not to talk about two. O why does Mr Kufuor delight in lying so much.

And when Mr President is told that all over the country and beyond he has lost all credibility then he hits the roof and deploys his media goons to go into overdrive to paint the truth teller as the liar when everyone knows that he and his officials are the real liars and those currently referred to as Amalee Soonnnn all over the place.

Prof Mills certainly has a hard task convincing Ghanaians that the presidency is not characterised by deception and lies but by truth, reliability and by a philosophy of "My Word is My Bond."

Given the habitual mendacity of the President, does anyone have to be surprised by the magnitude of the broken promises Mr Kufuor's regime has treated Ghanaians to?

One should consider the lie being currently peddled about the NHIS and the false impression being created that the 2.5% health levy is solely aimed at making health cost free and providing health facilities all over. When the real truth is that after 6 months, monies accrued by the levy would become an integral part of national revenue and not limited to only health. And also that, individuals all over are to join various health schemes and make regular monthly contributions in order to be beneficiaries of the health insurance policy.

Prof Mills has pledged to Restore Credibility to the Presidency and would in this respect need the support of all decent minded Ghanaians come the elections in December. Enough of the loss of presidential credibility, enough of the calling of the occupier of the highest seat as Amalee soooonn and it is about time to vote for a man whose word of honour can be trusted by the people of Ghana.