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Opinions of Saturday, 30 September 2006

Columnist: Quaye, Rikard

Kufuor's Politics Of Lies

(Part 7 of several)

We repeat Machiavelli’s quote from the magazine, "How to become President of Ghana", edited by one John Westwood, the anti-Rawlings, anti-NDC publicist, which is selling on the streets of Accra, and continue with our analysis of President Kufuor’s politics of lies:

"A wise ruler, therefore, cannot and should not keep his word when such an observance of faith would be to his disadvantage and when the reasons which made him promise are removed. And if men were all good, this rule would not be good; but since men are a sorry lot and will not keep their promises to you, you likewise need not keep yours to them.

A prince never lacks legitimate reasons to break his promises. Of this one could cite an endless number of modern examples to show how many pacts, how many promises have been made null and void because of the infidelity of princes; and he who has known best how to use the fox has come to a better end. But it is necessary to know how to disguise this nature well and to be a great hypocrite and a liar; and men are so simpleminded and so controlled by their present necessities that one who deceives will always find another who will allow himself to be deceived".

Today’s Part 7 concludes the analysis of the book, "So Far, So Very Good," the NPP’s mendacious and fabricated pre-2004 election propaganda publication, which was shelved as quickly as it was launched on account of the NDC’s blistering and devastating counter-publication which the party themed: "So Far, So Many Lies." Today, we expose the lies in the Foreign Affairs, Ghanaians in the Diaspora and PSI Chapters of the Book.

The NPP Lie: Ghana has been chosen as the venue of the ECOWAS Bank. The Truth: There is no ECOWAS Bank for which Ghana can be chosen as the venue. Ghana and 4 other ECOWAS countries are trying to form an ECOWAS Second Monetary Zone to link up with the CFA First Monetary Zone and ultimately form an ECOWAS Single Monetary Zone out of which an ECOWAS Central Bank will emerge. What exists in Ghana is the West Africa Monetary Institute (WAMI) set up during the period of the NDC Government, which is doing the technical work for the establishment of the Second Monetary Zone.

The NPP Lie: Remittances from Ghanaians living abroad have been one of the most refreshing signs of confidence in the Ghanaian economy.

The Truth: The phenomenon of remittances manifests itself in an economy when the people are getting poorer and need to be supported by their relatives and friends abroad. Countries with substantial remittances showing in their economies manifest the greatest poverty patterns and have the biggest poverty colonies in their countries.

The NPP Lie: Under the PSI on Garments and Textiles, the NPP has set up 16 companies to produce for export.

The Truth: Six (6) of the 16 companies listed as having been set up by the NPP have been in existence for decades. They include Kofi Ansatics Artdress, Cudling Fashions, Erbon Designs and Mkogh (M.K. Okudzeto) Ghana Exports.

The NPP Lie: The PSI has an objective to attract and assist 10 large-scale foreign investors in the garment and textile manufacturing sector to relocate in Ghana.

The Truth: Nothing has happened.

The NPP Lie: The NPP will assist and build capacity of 100 medium-sized companies in Ghana by the end of 2004.

The Truth: Nothing happened.

The NPP Lie: A new area of economic activity under the NPP is oil palm cultivation and processing, which is being undertaken under the PSI.

The Truth: TOPP (Twifo Oil Palm Plantation), BOPP (Benso Oil Palm Plantation), GOPDC (Ghana Oil Palm Development Company) and numerous other large-scale, small-scale and out-grower schemes in the oil palm sector have been in existence for a very long time, way before the NPP as a party was born.

The NPP Lie: The establishment of the Ayensu Starch Factory is one of the major PSI achievements under the NPP Government.

The Truth: The Ayensu Starch Factory is on the verge of complete collapse.

The NPP Lie: The PSI on Distance Learning has been in operation since 2002. The Truth: Distance learning was started under the NDC in 1999 at the then University College of Education, Winneba (UCEW), and this was mentioned in former President Rawlings’ "State of the Nation" Address to Parliament in 2000.

PS: The Front Page Comment on "The Politics of Lies" takes a break. It resumes in a fortnight with the "Lies from the NPP’s 2004 Manifesto".

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