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Opinions of Sunday, 26 December 2010

Columnist: Fosu, John

Kumaweuhemaa and Essumejahemaa get a Christmas Present

Kumaweuhemaa and Essumejahemaa get a Christmas Present from Asantehene – Chieftaincy Cases Postponed.

"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men." - John Emerich Edward Dahlberg Acton or better still, "Unlimited power is apt to corrupt the minds of those who possess it" - William Pitt, the Elder.

For how long will those who think in their mind's eye to possess ultimate power over other human beings continue to behave irresponsibly? It is well over nine years since Essumeja has been without a chief after the demise of Nana Oduro Animapau II. It must be noted that when a municipality is left without a governing body for long, it suffers deprivation of essential development. This is the ongoing situation in both Essumeja and Kumawuman. Kumawu, the District Capital of Kumawu Sekyere Afram Plains is unbefitting for that status seeing from the dearth of infrastructural development in the town. Who are to blame for the developmental stagnation if not the retrogression or the annihilation of Essumeja and Kumawu? It is the current ineligible queens of these two towns. Kumawuman is without a paramount chief for exactly three and a half years now.

Essumejahemaa on Monday, 20th December 2010, made a big fool of the Omanhene of Kokofu. It will be recalled that on 15th and 17th November 2010, Kokofuhene out of good intentions or otherwise, did intervene to plead for the deferment of the hearing and ruling on the Essumeja chieftaincy case. The way the hearing was going with Asantehene lucidly expatiating upon some facts, there was the likelihood that Essumejahemaa was doomed for destoolment that day. Kokufohene after securing the postponement for a month for whatever reason, came back to break what many considered as the most stupid news to the Asanteman Council when it sat on 20th December 2010. He stood up only to announce that the queen has decided not only to state her case but to defend herself personally. Asanteman Council by traditional protocol had to accept her stubborn stance. Everyone present could see from the facial expression of Kokofuhene how worried and stupid he looked. Will he in future dare come to the aid of others when the situation necessitates? I hope not. By tradition Kokofuhene should have come up with a sensible solution of some sort, pleading for compromise and mercy at least, after his many interactions with the queen during the entire period the case was postponed. But unfortunately, that was never the case. Good intentions alone will not bring about the world peace, so Nana Kokuhene please take note.

Kumawuhemaa who was not present at the Asanteman Council sitting was chaffed when she heard how her best friend, Essumejahemaa, had fooled the Asanteman Council with Otumfuo Osei Tutu II inclusive. Our delay tactics is working to our advantage according as anticipated, she had said. So their repeated untoward acts are intentional, just meant to delay the case. I had seen and written about this long ago. Kumawuhemaa has always been confiding in people that Asantehene for their special relationship can never rule the case against her. She is overly confident about it and it seems to be working for her. I assure you all that no matter how long it takes, Kumawuhemaa with her Ankaase royals will come down according as decided by God Almighty. Her sex card being played will never be able to save her from the imminent fall confronting her.

For how long will the Asantehene allow his heart but not his head to dictate to him when it comes to the Kumawu chieftaincy case? For how long will he allow that special sexual relationship between Kumawuhemaa and him rule his judgment? For what good reason is there to tie the Kumawuman case to that of Essumeja? Until the Essumeja case has been decided, Kumawu's will never see the light of day. What sense is in this? If the Essumejahemaa can continue to fool the Asanteman Council for as long as it takes without the case being heard, then Kumawu should continue to linger in oblivion. This is nonsense. Anyway I can only help the Kumawuman people so far. It is up to them to read between the tricks being played on them by the Asanteman Council. Nobody can help the Kumawuman citizens better than they themselves.

Manso-Nkwantahene and Tikromhene are those directing Essumejahemaa to successfully deceive the people of Essumeja. They can go so far. They will soon be exposed and disgraced, God willing.

Kumawuhemaa is holidaying in Toronto as I write. She has been boasting to her family how she will continue to keep the throne for them. She can vaunt as much as she can, she will fall from grace to grass, which is God's promise. She can make most enjoyment of the few days she has got as the queen of Kumawu. Fall, will she surely fall. Staying on for a while should be seen as a Christmas present to her from her boyfriend, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II and the Asanteman Council. How dare they allow these two greedy, selfish and visionless queens to enjoy at the expense of their subjects through dilly-dallying? I quote Habakkuk 2:3: "For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will ..."

Asantehene should work within a time frame when it comes to dealing with the chieftaincy issues in his Kingdom. He should limit his international assignments until he has resolved those numerous chieftaincy cases within his Kingdom. Black people are known to honour foreign assignments by according them priority over and above their local issues. Asantehene is not an exception from this despicable attitude of Blacks. Kwame Nkrumah failed somewhere along the line in his presidency due to same false aspirations. He ignored burning issues at home needing urgent attention to pursue the grandeur of African leadership. This advice is a Christmas gift to Asantehene. Also, for how long will the Asantehene allow his corrupt and dubious Amanhene to fool him? He either puts his foot firmly down to deal with case swiftly and justly as they should or he can continue to drag his foot and be continually fooled.

A word to the wise is enough. Kumawuhemaa should be forced out of the Kumawu Ahenfie. She is a disgrace to the womb that conceived her as insolent and a descendant of "Ayo" as she is. Anyway, I wish her a Merry Christmas and an eventual exit from the throne. Now the Krontihene aka Tikenenkene is looking after Kumawu in the absence of the queen. How is the Canada "aw3, Nana sikadicious Kumawuhemaa?" Are you not ashamed of how ruined Kumawu is? Will you be attending the Kumawuman meeting to be held on the last Sunday of each month on Sunday, 26th December 2010 at the usual Toronto venue? Mr Kwasi Sarfo, the president of the Kumawuman Association - Toronto branch, your Ohemaa is there so hurry to wish her a Merry Christmas before she sneaks back to Ghana.

Kumawuman citizens have been sleeping for far too long. Awake to your civic duties. For how long will you sit agape whilst your chance passes away? Today is the time to get your share of the national cake. When your compatriot will no longer be in government, your chance will have gone down the abyss. This is a gospel revelation. The God's Chosen One will reign Kumawuman no matter how long and mightily the Ohemaa resists. She will soon be a goner. My Christmas song requested for Kunmawuhemaa with her Ankaase royals is, " To wo bo ase oo 3yefo, fidie wura beba, nipa a 3bebo wo mmaaye, wo se obiara nntumi wo"

John Fosu