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Opinions of Wednesday, 5 December 2007

Columnist: Fosu, John

Kumawu Kontirehene on Dirty Spy Mission the Queen

An evil person will always remain evil without the merciful intervention of the Almighty God, the Father. I wonder why Kumawu is jinxed to have only heartless rulers of late. The very people in whose hands the welfare and the governance of the locality are entrusted are the very corrupt ones dragging the place down through the exhibit of dishonesty, selfishness and lack of dedication.
My telepathic ability suffered a setback when beamed on Kumawuman to connect minds to read the thoughts of people. However, I managed to physically gather information when I motored to Toronto, Canada, to a place called "The "Base". As usual, the news was appalling and diabolical, hence, the need to stop the perpetrators in their track before any further harm is done to any innocent person. I prefer to treat them as rumours though those recounting them are undoubtedly certain about their truthfulness or authenticity.
The evilness in the queen of Kumawuman is at its peak. But the futility of her desperate resort to what is about to be recounted is like a person in their death throes gathering all efforts to gasp for air just in case they can continue to hang on to life for sometime. I gathered in Toronto that the queen has dispatched her emissaries to trap the likely contendent to succeed the late Barima Asumadu Sakyi II as the next paramount chief of Kumawuman. They were to film him in case he was sitting in public, eating, chatting and acting in any untoward way so that she could use it to discredit him as a successor to the throne. The leader of the team was as usual, the stooge who has been bought over by the queen offering him her deceased husband's (Adomako) clothes/cloths. I really feel sorry for this "Kontirehene", now an enemy of Kumawuman. He was accompanied as usual by the lazy devil incarnates who would not find decent jobs to do but desire to feed on handouts and corruption; parasitic lives as one may put it. That "Kyeame" (chief's linguist) from Woraso is advised to shun his evilness as he will one day pay dearly for his detestable actions dating as far back as the day of his birth. That other lazy "Kyeame" from Kumawu should please desist from joining hands and minds with the queen and her evil team as no matter how far they go, they are doomed by the power of God. I am withholding their names but will mention to shame them in my next write-up should they persist in their unhelpful attitudes towards Kumawuman.
The lackadaisical divisional chiefs have been purchased a mini hand-held digital camera, easily to conceal in the palm to carry out the queen's dirty trick of hanging on to the throne though, by the thread. Do they even know how to handle it? I doubt it or else, they wouldn't have so easily been caught in their shambolic satanic act. Would they please bow down their heads awash in shame? No amount of manufactured evidences gathered on the God's designated next chief will stick so the queen should not worry herself. The more she does, the more she fails. Anyway, does she have rational people around her offering her advice, tutoring her in wisdom? I am afraid not. All that I have against this woman is that she has not the welfare of Kumawuman at heart; she is greedy and disrespects with passion. She is unfit not only to appoint the next chief but also, to continue to exercise the functions of a queen. We are in the 21st century and we should resist any act that will further draw us back into the Dark Ages. We need people raised in good homes, in good manners, but not those appearing to have been reared, to be the rulers of Ghana and our localities.
When the Ghanaian behaves same as the Nigerian who in their destructive "419"acts consider their actions smart, we think to be intelligent. Whilst the Whiteman builds, the Blackman dismantles. And to us, it is an act of sophistication. Similarly, the queen employing all means possible to deny Kumawuman development, spoon feeding a few corrupt idle hands as mentioned above, thinks she is clever. The last time I heard she had told the Kumawu "Gyidifo3" that any new chief coming from the "Ananangya" side will deprive them of the land she, the queen, sold illegally to them at Abotanso. She is whipping up their sentiments to directly court their support, rallying them against the likely next chief who is not that of her choice. She has succeeded in this but she will fail in the grand war. I am the one campaigning that the land she usurped from their destitute owners, sold in an attempt to satisfy her avidness for wealth, power and fame, be returned to their respective owners and I will ensure it is done. But the "Gyidifo3" who have put up a school on the land and or developed it can keep it.
Another time I heard, she had gone to the Minister for Chieftaincy Affairs, Honourable Sampson Kwaku Boafo, with a white handkerchief in hand dabbing her eyes, complaining that Kumawfo3 hate her, hence, fabricating stories, telling lies about her. Is it any big deal if the people she rules are saying to her they prefer someone else, other than her choice of candidate? Who is being intransigent here if she is adamant to the wishes of the people but rather plots dubiously to impose her will on them? Mr. Boafo before taking any decision should listen to the side of the story of the suffering subjects.
Finally, the supposed "nkabomhene", one of the mini thrones created for no apparent reason, but offered for sale and purchased by a guy from "Temaate" resident in Europe, has pumped falsehoods into the mind of the queen. This man has told the queen should the Ananangya candidate who is an honest, strict person, wins, the queen will surely go to prison. Why should we be afraid of a dedicated, farsighted, disciplined person if we are not in the wrong? Is the queen afraid of her own shadow and the skeletons in her closet? What has she done wrong that she is scared of going to prison should someone other than her candidate wins? I will ensure she does not go to prison if, and only if, she will yield in to the popular demand of the masses without further ploys meant to tax their patience or underrate their intelligence. Should she fail to listen to this piece of advice, but obstinately continue in her tricks, then "na enye obi na okum Antwi, na emom Boasiako na 3de netiri egye akyerema"?
I pray all the parties involved will find a common ground for settlement. Peace do I require. I advise those who have nothing sensible to offer when commenting on my articles had better steer clear. You can insult me but come up with your intelligent view that may make me look stupid as you deem but not just insult and run away with your tail tucked between your legs like a frightened dog. I promise to acknowledge all e-mails at the right time. I have got volumes so please exercise patience if yours has not yet been acknowledged.
I wish all my readers a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year. "Afe yi beye Kumawuman Afe"

J. Fosu, USA

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