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Opinions of Saturday, 27 December 2014

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Kumawu Kontrihene Dies, Kumawuhemaa in an Unprecedented Jubilation.

Hardly had the news broken that Kumawu Kontrihene, Nana Peprah Kodua IV, has joined his ancestors in the underworld ("Asamando") on Sunday 22 December 2014, when Kumawuhemaa and her supporters embarked on wild jubilations. She was extremely happy that the Kontrihene she has recently come to perceive as her arch-enemy; a stumbling block in her pursuit to collude with Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II to not only exploit, but also, swindle Kumawuman, has kicked the bucket.

What a sad situational episode reminiscent of "friends today, enemies tomorrow". Readers, please be aware that Kontrihene became the best of friends with Kumawuhemaa upon the death of Barima Asumadu Sakyi II, Kumawuhene. He was very supportive of her in all her undertakings, especially, her criminalities, rudeness and obstinacy towards the good citizens of Kumawuman. Kumawuhemaa has never been of any good character worthy of emulation since she assumed that traditional position in Kumawu. Kontrihene became embroiled in law suits as a result of him submissively surrendering himself wholeheartedly to the evil machinations of Kumawuhemaa. He became like an errand boy to her. She manipulated him as and when she wanted. He was completely at her beck and call – oh poor man.

For the past year or so, as confirmed by the video on YouTube titled, "Asantehene involves in corruption", Kumawuhemaa vehemently blamed Kontrihene for betraying her, thus, turning tail on her. She accused him of colluding with her enemies, (the Ananangyas and Odumases) in attempts to scupper her intentions and determination to enstool one Dr Yaw Sarfo as Kumawuhene which indeed, she has, by the connivance of Asantehene Osei Tutu II and the Asanteman Council.

Why this jubilation by Kumawuhemaa, her family and friends, on the death of Kontrihene? Will his death now pave way for her to compel the dubiously enthroned Kumawuhene (Dr Yaw Sarfo), to endorse the sale of the hundreds of thousands of hectares of Kumawuman stool lands Asantehene stealthily tried to sell to some Norwegian business tycoon?

Why did Kontrihene turn his back on Kumawuhemaa if indeed he did? Did he wake up to his conscience, realising it was wrong to support her knowing how she has not the collective interest of Kumawuman and its inhabitants at heart? Was he not happy with her dodgy deals and evil intentions that potentially could expose the wealth of Kumawuman to undesirable exploitations by Asantehene and other like-minded callous individuals in pursuit of insatiably egoistic agenda and greed? It is only the demised Kontrihene who could offer credible answers. However, finding himself now in the icy grips of Mr Death, the most merciless and fearful creature, the mention of whose name simply sends cold chill down the spine of the hearer, suffering them to instantaneous goose bumps, the correct answers will never be forthcoming until probably, Thy Kingdom come.

Just a day after his death, on Monday 22 December 2014, three additional sub-chiefs, among whom are two newly appointed by Dr Yaw Sarfo, the supposed Kumawuhene, swore the oath of allegiance to him. They are Ankobeahene, Kyidomhene (new ones) and Temaatehene. Why did this happen barely a day after Kontrihene's death?

The new Kumawuhene needs these people to assist him to sign for the Kumawuman funds sitting in the Bank of Ghana, to share it among those to whom money has been borrowed from, or promised to. Has his position as Kumawuhene now been legitimised with the passing of Kontrihene?

As long as his enthronement is in direct contravention of the applicable conventions as verifiable from the video on YouTube as mentioned above, and from Article 13 of the Warrington Notes on STOOL DISPUTES which states, "The offering and taking of bribes to influence an election by candidates, elders and young men was declared in 1941 to be illegal. If a candidate does so he loses his right to election on that occasion (only); and if a stool holder does so it is a ground for destoolment. The nomination, installation or election of a person not entitled to the stool is also a ground for destooling the person who does any of these acts", I personally do not recognise him as Kumawuhene.

Furthermore, his enstoolment is in total breach of the Ghana Criminal Code ACT 1960 (Act29) – Sections 239 to 247and traditional laws accepted by Asante Confederacy which became applicable laws since 1938.These are comprehensively explained in Dr K. A. Busia's book entitled, "THE POSITION OF CHIEF IN THE MODERN POLITICAL SYSTEM OF ASHANTI".

It is customary not to speak ill of the dead. To go into wild jubilation because someone perceived to be your enemy has died is simply madness, if not mischievous.

Kontrihene was travelling to Kumasi on Saturday 20 December 2014, when he complained to his companion (wife) in the car that he had felt like someone smack him on the chest, back and head. Immediately following the revelation, his life started deteriorating. On arrival in Kumasi, he was rushed to Tafo Hospital where he passed the following morning on Sunday, 21 December 2014. How quick and mysterious his death was. What, or who, could have hit him as reported by him?

Reliable information reaching me indicates that Kumawuhemaa has ordered the household of one Kwadwo Kyekye (Rasta) to pay her GHC10, 000 (100 million Old Cedis) to be given the Kumawu Akwamuhene stool. Bribery and corruption are again in the making. I shall make the details available to the public so please, stay tuned.

Let it clearly be trumpeted over the hills and in the valleys that the enstoolment of Dr Yaw Sarfo as Kumawuhene is as illegal as it is nonsensical. Asantehene feels he can use his friendship with President Mahama and his membership with the ruling NDC party to flout the laws of the land with impunity. To him and his cohorts I say time changes. He will surely live to regret his actions before he dies. Today, he has palm oil in abundance, so he can go on eating mashed plantain, mashed yam or mashed cocoyam.

If I had my own way, I would wish the wrath of God upon all those knowingly, or unknowingly, conniving among themselves, and with the human and institutional powers that be, to twist the truth (as it has been unfolding) about the Kumawu chieftaincy dispute. May the curses in the bible become irreversible portion of such perpetrators irrespective of their social status in the Ghanaian society. AMEN AND AMEN. AMEN!

Rockson Adofo