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Opinions of Thursday, 27 August 2015

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Kumawu Kontrihene Makes the Final Journey Home

It is once appointed unto man to die and after death, there is judgment. Every living being at a point in time will succumb to death. When Kumawu Kontrihene kicked the bucket after needlessly been subjected to a long haul of castigations, embarrassment and threatening by a supposedly traditional overlord and his accomplices, now is the time for him to bid farewell to this troubled world.

On Wednesday 26 August 2015, the remain of the late Kumawu Kontrihene, Nana Koduah Peprah IV, will be laid in state for three days for his friends, sympathisers and family members to pay him their last respect. While laid in state, unable to move or talk, with his eyes firmly glued shut, his spirit will however be hovering around bidding anyone around a farewell. His time has come to say adieu to all his friends and enemies alike. He is gone to come back no more until those now living do join him in his new abode.

When he complained about being poorly in the few days preceding his demise, some powers that be, thought he was lying. They had even wished, if not tried, to bundle him from his hospital bed to take him to a palace to assist with the dubiously arranged swearing-in of a hurriedly untraditionally appointed person as Kumawuhene. However, his health could not help him yield up to their coercive prodding.

His soul would rather give up than to assist in an act completely deemed anathema to known tradition, and indeed, he gave up the ghost hence his funeral on Wednesday 26 August 2015 to end of August 2015.

To know who Kumawu Kontrihene was, please kindly refer to a YouTube posting titled, "Asantehene involves in corruption" and you will see him being jeered at by some Asanteman paramount chiefs. He suffered at the hands of some domineering fellow traditional heads, but he may be at permanent rest devoid of wrangling and intimidations, now.

I offer my condolences to the bereaved family, especially his wife and children and his nephew D.C. Akowuah.

Kontrihene, may your soul rest in perfect peace. Damirefa due; due, due ne amanehunu.

Rockson Adofo