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Opinions of Wednesday, 5 March 2008

Columnist: Fosu, John

Kumawu Queen & Sanaahene in Dilemma

As the time ticks by, people advance in age, people draw closer to their grave. As the ultimatum issued Kumawuhemaa draws closer with her ears stubbornly waxed deaf to reason, she draws closer to incurring the lethal wrath of God the Father Almighty. As the days pass by with the Kumawu chieftaincy affairs still in stalemate, the Asante tradition bestowing near-absolute power on a queen regarding the nomination and the selection of a chief comes under scrutiny.
I am persuaded by the revelation of God that no matter how strong and how far she resists the popular wish of the masses, she is doomed to failure, and will proceed to her grave a disgraced person. She has often said that she will die the same way as her brother died. Which of her brothers is she alluding to? Is she mentioning Barima Asumadu Sakyi II, the late paramount chief? If her response is in the affirmative, then I would like to question her as following: How did he die? For all that Kumawuman people knew was, he was offered a strong "dissuasive advice", warning him against celebrating any further "Papa" festival without first spending the available money on developing the community. He said he would press ahead with the "Papa" even if it meant him dying on the day of celebration. It was the usual way of squandering any money that came into the Traditional Council's kitty by attributing the misappropriation of any such money to having spent it on the festival. He did proceed with the "Papa" and in less than no time, that is, three months later, he succumbed to a painful death. He was not only obstinate but also, greedy. "Sika anibre da owuo afa".("Insatiable greed for riches is concomitant with death"). She is being honest with herself saying that her stinking greediness will bring about her premature death. The writing is already on the wall. Or, is she referring to her brother Kwame Afram of same parentage who committed suicide and was buried in Canada a few years back? Yes, the queen is suicidal at the moment. A rapacious stupidity is pushing her into death in either way. I never doubt her the least when it comes to her choice of death over life. She will soon be history, consigned to the cemetery, and referenced as the unwise and the greediest queen Kumawu ever had, if she sticks to her chosen path of death. Why should a tradition that militates against the general interest of the masses be maintained? Why should a disgraced queen hold herself in power with absolute authority over issues of general interest to the masses without being easily shoved aside, all because of a tradition empowering her? Why should she be able to continually hide behind the smoke screen, refusing to attend Asantehene's summons to her, by using the flimsy excuse of "I am sick?". "Wopatu yadea, wopatu wu". "To feign sickness, can mistakenly culminate in ones demise". And this will be her eventual fate. For an adage has it that, "Cheat spider, you cheat yourself". "Wosisi ananse a wosisi wo ho" "Wa dwane kadoo". She is running away from danger with her tail tucked between her legs like a frightened dog. Was she not the one who thought she was almighty, fearing nothing, respecting nobody and could get her way at all times? Now she has seen that the little hacksaw can cut through heavier and much stronger metals. "Asem sebe" I challenge her to come out of her hiding to face the tune of the music at Kumasi Manhyia Palace, in the presence of her supposedly " Ananangya and Odumase" Adonkofo3 royals.
Information reaching me indicates that the queen has disowned the Otuo Acheampong's side of the Ankaase royals. If it is for the little history told about their origin where my noble Barima Otuo Acheampong was mentioned in passing, then she "ain't" seen nothing yet. She has told her children in Canada that they (her offspring and she) are the only true royals to whom the entire wealth of Kumawuman belongs. What do you make of this, Kumawufo3? The seeds of her womb will never rule Kumawuman, as despicable as she is. Mark my words!. This is not a curse but a fact deriving from common sense when one analyses events critically. "Once bitten, twice shy"
Finally, one at times finds it difficult to understand the philosophy of others. It is humiliating to unravel and then lay bare the mystery of the debased philosophical reasoning of some people who otherwise would have been accorded respect onto death. Sanaahene resorts to unconventional means; not following laid down procedure to withdrawing and disbursing Kumawuman funds. Instead of his own family and relatives castigating him for bringing shame upon them, one of them shamelessly jumps into his defence. The current rumour has it that she has threatened to sue "Bodweasehene" for taking Sanaahene to court which she feels has tarnished her brother's reputation, should Sanaahene emerge victorious from his alleged fraudulence. The question is, if Sanaahene for all these years has connived and condoned with his brother in-law, the late Barima Asumadu Sakyi II, to abuse his position as the Sanaahene (treasurer), by taking after illegal means to withdrawing money, should the process continue after the death of the dreaded chief? People cringed at the mention of the late chief in relation to accusing him of embezzling money as he was rightly or wrongly noted for using juju to exterminate his accusers. This was the only reason why he was given the leeway to plunder the public treasury. Now that the "kakaamotobi" (the dreaded person) is no longer there, should Kumawuman people stay aloof for Sanaahene Kwame Tawiah to turn into one? No way! They have had their fair share of "Kaakamotobi's" intimidation.
He is alleged to have said that Bodweasehene though the Chairman of the Finance Committee, had never sat in, nor, presided over any financial meetings deliberating over the withdrawal and disbursement of Kumawuman funds; which fact he gladly justifies with the assertion of there never being any supportive minutes of the meeting to the contrary. He further alleges that Bodweasehene has his palm greased year after year with one million old Cedis and as he failed to part with the usual palm-greasing sum as just quoted, he, Bodweasehene, has kicked the fuss by taking him to court. He is childishly letting the ghosts out of his closet. He should note that the secrets being let out will be used to incriminate him. If he was wise, he would simply tell Kumawuman why and how he parted with the 400 Million old Cedis to the queen rather than furtively trying to explain situations that make him look more stupid in the eyes of intelligent people. I will advise his sister to rather force the truth out of him, then apologise to Kumawuman than threaten to take anyone to court on the note of her brother being guilty, the way he has naively conducted himself. He has been manipulated by the queen and Krontihene big time. No one can take the masses for any rough ride anymore. They need chemically treated water, jobs for the youths and to rid themselves of corrupt traditional leaders. One can be rich but as long as you don't identify with the suffering masses, your riches are meaningless and will not be allowed to stand in the way of the progressives. I am casting the net wide and far and also, sharpening up my pen for any eventuality. "A word to the wise is enough"

Source: John Fosu,

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