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Opinions of Friday, 2 January 2015

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

“Kumawuhene” Sends a Manipulative Letter to Police Commander

I am going to analyse the content of the underlying letter that was written on instructions by the newly dubiously enstooled Kumawuhene, Dr Yaw Sarfo (Barima Sarfo Tweneboa Koduah?), to prove whether or not it actually has the capability of meeting his driving intents and purposes.

To start with, let us ask ourselves what his entire objective for writing the letter is. Is he trying to intimidate those sub-chiefs he has wickedly, but unlawfully destooled? Does he still feel his position as the illegally enthroned Kumawuhene is threatened hence resorting to further illegal tactics to coerce them and their supporters into accepting or embracing him with open arms as the only and genuinely enstooled Kumawu paramount chief (Omanhene)? Does he want the police to arrest them, prefer a charge of impersonation against them and then arraign them? Whatever his motive for writing to the Ashanti Regional Police Commander Kofi Boakye is, or was, he cannot achieve it by this letter.

To better convey my explanations, views and conclusions to the reading public, especially the Kumawuman citizens worldwide, let me pause to define the word IMPERSONATION, the principal reason for contacting the Police Commander as could be read from the letter.

From the Oxford Dictionaries – IMPERSONATE is "Pretend to be (another person) for entertainment or fraud: 'it's a very serious offence to impersonate a police officer'

From the Cambridge Dictionaries, IMPERSONATE is "to intentionally copy another person's speech, appearance, or behaviour: to impersonate a movie star. He was charged with impersonating a police officer".

IMPERSONATION is the noun form of the verb IMPERSONATE e.g. He does a brilliant impersonation of Charles.

From the definitions and examples given above, it is only when one presents himself or herself to the public or to a group of persons or to someone, as somebody he or she is not, for entertainment or fraud, that he or she can be accused of impersonation. In the case of the illegally destooled sub-chiefs (Nana Kwasi Baffoe – Akwamuhene, Nana Okyere Bediako – Bodweasehene, Nana Sarfo Agyekum – Aduanahene, Nana Okyere Darko Fordjour – Nsumankwaahene, and Nana Okyere Krapa Yiadom – Akyeampemhene), according as can be verified from the letter of which its true form copy is pasted below, none of them was said to have presented themselves as anyone else, other than themselves. None of them presented themselves as Dr Yaw Sarfo or Serwaah Amponsah or Otumfuo Osei Tutu II or whomever.

Subsequently, lodging a formal complaint about them with the police for impersonating is completely irresponsible. Such a complaint flies off on a tangent. It amounts to harassment and victimisation with the ultimate aim of seeking through intimidation, to legalise his illegal enstoolment as the Kumawu Omanhene.

Additionally, simply notifying the police without tasking them to arrest the "supposed perpetrators" (the mentioned deposed sub-chiefs), if indeed they had committed any crimes, is as stupid and time wasting same as the purpose of writing the letter is shrouded in absolute lawless actions by Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II and Asanteman Council, Kumawuhemaa Serwaah Amponsah and the newly installed puppet chief (Dr Yaw Sarfo).

Why is Dr Yaw Sarfo a puppet to me? He is always at the beck and call of Asantehene, doing whatever Asantehene instructs him to do even though Asantehene has absolutely no traditional and customary rights to intervene in, or interfere with, the chieftaincy affairs of Kumawuman. Asantehene cannot direct who becomes Kumawuhene; who is to be enstooled or destooled as Kumawu sub-chief.

Dr Yaw Sarfo is only interested in power. He does not care how he is being manipulated to squander Kumawuman money, or endorse fictitious sales of Kumawu stool lands as has severally been reported in my publications. His actions are engineered and directed by Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II. All he cares about is to remain Kumawuhene with Otumfuo Osei Tutu II the pivot on which he revolves.

The overwhelming boundless desire by Asantehene to exploit the wealth of Kumawuman, to misappropriate Kumawuman funds as secretly agreed with his ex-lover, Kumawuhemaa Serwaah Amponsah, will potentially tie Dr Yaw Sarfo's hands and constrain his ability to think or decide independently. He is only there to show his face as Kumawuhene; it is Asantehene and his collaborator - Serwaah Amponsah that are ruling. He will forever be under their dictatorial influence or spell – a zombie, so to speak. (Listen to the late Fela Kuti Anikulapo's popular song, "Zombie oo Zombie" to understand what I mean).

From the forebear of Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, Ankyaa Nyame, through her daughter Birempomaa Piese and granddaughter Manu, whose son, Osei Tutu I, became the originator of the Asantehene chiefship, until he, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, which of them ever attempted to interfere with Kumawu chieftaincy issues, let alone, imposing their choice of candidate on Kumawu as her Omanhene?

Why did they not needlessly interfere with Kumawu affairs? It is because they had no traditional or customary rights to do so. Why then is this Otumfuo Osei Tutu II behaving differently? Is it because he is pursuing an insatiably greedy agenda, callously selfish as he is, and in collusion with that short-sighted Kumawuhemaa to rob Kumawuman in such broad daylight? Is it because he is in alliance with President Mahama? Is it because he has built a tough skin in his public life as he alleges; insulated himself against insults and is after all above the laws of the land? Is it because he is shielded by the ruling NDC party of which he is a dynamic member, in whose hand is held the magic wand able to make, or break, the NDC government? He will forever be in their dictatorial orbit, for that I can assure the public.

Let me quote from page 48 of the book titled, "The History of Ashanti Kings and the whole country itself" and other writings by Otumfuo, Nana Agyemang Prempeh I, edited by A. Adu Boahen, Emmanuel Akyeampong, Nancy Lawler, T.C McCaskie and Ivor Wilks. "Early British colonial policy in Asante was one of balkanization, and the links between the six important nuclear states of the Asante Confederacy – Kumasi, Bekwai, Juaben, Mampong, Kokofu and Nsuta – were broken. Each was viewed as a separate state headed by its Omanhene. With the exile of Agyemang Prempeh, Kumasi had lost not only the Asantehene, but also its Omanhene. A Council of chiefs comprised of those loyal to Britain was constituted in 1905, to advise the Chief Commissioner, Ashanti, on Kumasi affairs. The colonial government discouraged these Kumasi chiefs from extending their influence outside Kumasi Division, and their claims over land and subjects outside Kumasi and its environs were dissolved. The colonial government raised Amanhene to fill the gaps in the Asante political system. The result was the disintegration of the Asante Confederacy, which lacked an effective head and chaos in the affairs of the Kumasi Division". (Balkanize means to divide (a country, territory, etc.) into small, quarrelsome, ineffectual states).

During the restoration of the Asante Confederacy in 1935, the status quo of the Confederacy was maintained same as just explained, with the Kumasi Division omanhene becoming only a Ceremonial Asantehene. This is attested to, by a Draft document by the Ashanti Confederacy Council signed on 21st day of March 1938.

The document states among other things as follows, "Arising out to the Council discussion on Item 7 of the Agenda the following declaration of custom is submitted to the Council for discussion and for signature if approved. 1) All land in Ashanti is the property of the stools of the various chiefs."

Nowhere in this document or elsewhere, was it, or has it been, stated, that Asantehene exercises overlordship on the various chiefs, their lands or subjects.

This said document was signed by Asantehene, Asantehemaa, Mamponghene, Juabenhene, Nsutahene, Bekwaihene, Kokofuhene, Adansihene, Kumawuhene, Essumenjahene, Offinsohene, Ejisuhene, Agonahene, Bandahene, Wenchihene, Nkoranzahene, Jamanhene, Mohene, Abeasehene, Berekumhene, Denyasehene, Asokorehene, Kumawuhene, Oyokohene of Kumasi, Kyidomhene of Kumasi, Gyasehene of Kumasi, Ankobiahene of Kumasi, Adontenhene of Kumasi, Benkum Clan of Kumasi, representative of Akwamuhene of Kumasi and Korentihene of Kumasi.

Therefore, for the Kumawu Traditional Council, presided over by the dubiously enthroned Kumawuhene, Dr Yaw Sarfo (Barimah Sarfo Tweneboah Koduah?), to write the underlying letter to the Ashanti Regional Police Commander (Kofi Boakye), upon the directives of Asantehene, is historically erroneous and nonsensical. Otumfuo Osei Tutu II has absolutely no power to instruct Kumawu, according as asserted in the letter, however, contrary to applicable Ashanti laws and constitution in regard of Kumawu chieftaincy affairs.

It must be noted by Police Commander Kofi Boakye and to whomever was copied in the letter that should the occasion arise, demanding the reporting and arrest of anyone, Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, Kumawuhemaa Serwaah Amponsah and Dr Yaw Sarfo and their accomplices should be those to arrest.

Asantehene is in total breach of Article 296 of the 1992 Republican Constitution. Further to that, his actions and those of Kumawuhemaa and Dr Yaw Sarfo, the supposed Kumawuhene, are in contravention of Warrington Notes on Stool Disputes (Article 13), Ghana Criminal Code ACT 1960 (Act29) – Sections 239 to 247and traditional laws accepted by Asante Confederacy which became applicable laws since 1938.These are comprehensively explained in Dr K. A. Busia's book titled, "THE POSITION OF CHIEF IN THE MODERN POLITICAL SYSTEM OF ASHANTI".

Refer to my publication on Ghanaweb on Sunday 7 December 2014 titled, "RE: Asantehene is the Overlord of Asanteman" or better use the link below to access it (

Assess the actions of Asantehene, Asanteman Council and Kumawuhemaa in a video put out on YouTube titled, "Asantehene involves in corruption" in terms of the laws as stipulated in the mentioned publication. This will help you ascertain the veracity or the falsity of my claim as to whom to arrest.

I hope the Ghana police, especially Police Commander Yaw Boakye, will not allow himself to be manipulated to serve the selfish interests of Asantehene, Kumawuhemaa and the illegally enthroned Kumawuhene. I have reported this case to some foreign governments, reputable international dignitaries and organizations. Asantehene himself is aware of it. I am keeping my fingers crossed that some international bodies do get involved to put things right. Asantehene cannot be allowed to continue to breach the laws of the land with impunity.

Finally, I am astonished beyond reason, to have read on Ghanaweb a publication sourced from the Ghanaian Chronicles and Daily Guide newspapers, authoritatively asserting that "Asantehene is the Overlord of Asanteman". The writer was 100% supportive of all the actions taken by Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II in regard of the enthronement of Dr Yaw Sarfo as Kumawumanhene, even though, natural justice, traditions and customs, the laws of the land, were found breached. This is why I never hesitated to rebut his claims as seen in the link provided above.

The writer was the very person who, a few years ago, before surrendering himself wholeheartedly to Kumawuhemaa, being unquestionably at her beck and call, had poo-pooed Asantehene. He had said, "Does Asantehene think Kumawu is his backyard where he can proceed to defecate after overfeeding himself in Kumasi and feeling that compulsive urge to attend to the nature's call?" This statement by him was intended to snub the deceitful interference in the Kumawu chieftaincy dispute by Asantehene, in favour of Kumawuhemaa. He was then not on speaking terms with Kumawuhemaa. They were at loggerheads.

The same mouth is now saying that Asantehene has the powers to do as he wants when he wants, in Kumawu and in the whole of Asanteman. This is nonsense! He does not know history and I hope he does not get fooled or carried away by the V8 Range Rover promised faithfully to him from the Kumawuman funds by Kumawuhemaa.

I shall be back. More revelations will be made by me either on the internet or in a book I intend writing. I only hope that I have time to concentrate all my energies on the book without further distraction. I shall convey to the public domain the true history about Kumawu, and the actions of certain rogues who are determined to twist the history for their selfish gains.

What a trash, the letter by the Kumawu Traditional Council, said to have been instructed by "Kumawuhene?" Why were the destooled sub-chiefs not copied in? Why they were not served copies? Truly, walls have ears and the truth will always out. They were not given copies but Rockson has a copy to put out in the public domain. This is how wondrous God is. Man proposes but God disposes.