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Opinions of Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Kumawuman Shall Be Free and Free Forever!

Sorry that I have starved my Kumawuman compatriots of vital information. Knowingly being the only source, albeit unofficial, feeding the Kumawuman compatriots worldwide with current news relating to our locality, I shall ask for your forgiveness. I have been keeping you in the dark for quite sometime; dating from when I decided to voluntarily cease writing on Kumawuman issues. I was hoping someone else, would take over from me, continuing to update you on the Kumawu chieftaincy affairs, but unfortunately, nobody did. Not even one Mr Alexander Afriyie, an alleged upcoming historian cum journalist, a Kumawuman citizen resident in Maryland, USA, could take on the mantle of publishing the on-going news about Kumawuman.

In order not to put the cart before the horse, I may not reveal the details of the chieftaincy issue as it stands at the moment. Nonetheless, I will briefly disclose to you that the case is still pending, waiting for the final determination by the courts.

Any very knowledgeable historian with insight into the Kumawu paramountcy, will bear me out that the Ananangyas and the Odumases are the only ones of lineal descent from the Warrior Chief, Barima Tweneboa Kodua I. However, the Asanteman Council sought to twist history to favour the Ankaases.

The Council, manipulatively dwelling on human wisdom, declared the Ankaases as those of foremost lineage to Barima Tweneboa Kodua. This was a wrong decision, to start with. It has been a known fact since ages, that the Ananangyas are the true royals of Kumawu. Their siblings who are the Odumases were traditionally excluded from the royalty after an incident involving a cow/bull.

Kumawuhemaa, on 24th February 2014, claimed before the Council of Asanteman and spectators numbering about one thousand that she had offered bribes to the Kumawu kingmakers. She said to have given Kumawu Kontrehene GHc15, 000; Kumawu Akwamuhene GHc10, 000; Nifahene (the chief of Kumawu-Bodomase – Nana Atta Tweneboa) GHc10, 000 and Kumawu Gyasehene GHc5, 000. In addition, she had promised them GHC50, 000 of which she had paid them GHc7, 000, if they successfully helped her enthrone her chosen candidate, one Dr Yaw Sarfo, as Kumawuhene.

An application for judicial review in the nature of “Certiorari and prohibition” was subsequently filed in court, after the revelation of the self-confused role played by Kumawhemaa in the intended enthronement of her candidate, by some royals from Ananangya and Odumase. The court is to determine if the entire process of Asanteman Council confirming the candidacy and acceptance of the Kumawuhemaa’s candidate amid all the bribery is legally and traditionally correct or not.

Was there any need for bribing the kingmakers? What was her motive behind bribing the kingmakers? Is it not wonderful that a seeming crime committed in secret should be exposed by the perpetrator of the crime herself in broad daylight before an audience of about a thousand people? This tells you how God is Great and He is as well Wonderful!

I shall not delve into the matter but will leave it to the courts to decide. I shall however, have more to tell you later. In the meantime, I will assure all Kumawuman citizens that God has heard your cries and supplications. Your prayers shall not be in vain. You will soon be free and free forever. The intentional neglect of the needs of Kumawuman leading to the dilapidation of Kumawu will end. Smiles will be back on your face, God willing.

Rockson Adofo