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Opinions of Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Columnist: Fosu, John

Kumawuman citizens are reminded of their duties

to their place of birth

It is a great opportunity and an honour for one to invite you to participate in a project or an activity that is vital to the socio-economic advancement of your town or place of birth. This is the sole motivating factor that inspired me to publish an invite to all citizens of Kumawuman worldwide appealing for funds on behalf of the progressives aspiring to restore sanity to Kumawuman. It will be recalled that much has been said about how the Kumawuhemaa and especially, the Kontrihene, a.k.a "Tikenenkenen", the Kwamanghene and Agogohene have been availing themselves of the absence of a paramount chief Kumawuhene) to ravage financial havoc on Kumawuman at any least opportunity. They have been selling Kumawuman stool lands in the Afram Plains to pocket the money. I have said a lot about the canker prevalent in Kumawuman with the Kumawuhemaa, alias "Lady Tyson", and the Kontrihene, alias "Tikenenkenen" as the steering architects.

Fewer are those than expected that have pledged to contribute their widow's mite towards the quest to put a stop to the ravenous desire by the above-mentioned persons to milk Kumawuman dry. Those that have made pledges of aid should please redeem them as quickly as they can, as there is not enough time to wait or waste. Each ticking of the clock without any decisive action to redress the dismal situation Kumawuman has plunged into under the watch of the rapacious queen, draws your place of birth to a total economic oblivion.

Posterity will remember anyone who contributes his or her quota as having thought well about them and having their interest at heart. Would you have Kwamanghene fell all the timber on Kumawuman land to enrich himself or his area of jurisdiction or rather ensure whosoever does not encroach upon Kumawuman property of whatever sort? You may be resident outside Kumawuman or does not frequent the area very often hence my appeal sounding irrelevant in you ears. Whatever your inclination, I advise you to be proactive rather than reactive. Join the non gravy train now by identifying with those who have the welfare of Kumawuman at heart.

I shall publish the names of all those who contribute and how much they do unless they advise me differently. "Today is tomorrow's yesterday so do not put to tomorrow what you can do today, for tomorrow may be too late for what you can do today" Is it not "Had I known is always at last" that has been expounded?

By the way, do you not feel obliged to return the favours your place of birth did to you when you were young and growing up? Have you such a short memory to forget so soon? If John Fosu, a total stranger is desirous to help extricate you from those shackles of slavery put around your neck by Kumawuhemaa and the Kontrihene, why cannot you as a full-blooded citizen of Kumawuman assist as requested?

Over to you Joe Lartey!
