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Opinions of Wednesday, 9 May 2018

Columnist: Rockson Adofo

Kumawuman will never again be sacrificed to appease or save Asantehene and/or Asanteman

Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II

History has it that the most fearsome warrior chief of Asante, Barima Tweneboa Kodua I, from Kumawu, offered himself as a sacrificial lamb to safe and protect the then Asante Confederacy from defeat by their then most powerful and merciless archenemy Nana Ntim Gyakari of Denkyira.

However, some present day Asanteman chiefs and the supposedly “Asante Overlord” Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, are downplaying the importance of the unique life-extinguishing offer made by then brave warrior chief Barima Tweneboa Kodua I, the originator of the Kumawu Kodua Stool.

I would not place out this publication if the current Mamponghene had not long ago openly rubbished the self-sacrifice made by Kumawuhene Barima Tweneboa I, coupled with the hidden intent by Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II to get the NPP Government to side with him on his resolute determination to have his way in the ongoing Kumawu chieftaincy dispute, despite the fact that he has no such traditional rights.

The recent public outbursts of anger by Asantehene at the NPP Government on the allegation that Messrs Gabby Asare Otchere Darko and Asante Bediatuo are slurring him and pitting him against the Akyems are all the figment of his warped imagination.

His real intention is to get the current NPP Government headed by His Excellency Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, an “Akyemkwaa 3nnom Birim”, to submit to his wishes but which are, evil.

His ulterior motive behind his needless anger and machismo pronouncements against certain members of the NPP as mentioned above, and the NPP Government, is to get the government to bend back for him to achieve his wishes in his illegal involvement in the ongoing Kumawu chieftaincy affairs.

In so doing, he cites Ashanti/Akyem ethnocentrism to gain support. No Ashanti, except sorry to say, the corrupt ones and those foolishly infatuated with tradition to always want to project the supremacy of the Ashantis despite times and the world having markedly changed and moved forward, will always rally behind him in spite of him being exceptionally conspicuously corrupt, selfish, myopic and a bully.

Going forward, Daasebre Osei Bonsu, the Asante Mamponghene, has allegedly downplayed the significance of the self-sacrifice made by Kumawuhene Barima Tweneboa Kodua I to guarantee the Ashantis victory, safety and protection in their war against the Denkyiras as waged by the fearsome Nana Ntim Gyakari of Denkyira, many centuries ago.

He had insinuated to the annoyance and the denigration of Kumawuman and more especially, to the intelligence of Barima Tweneboa Kodua I, by saying, “we use even fowls to perform the same rituals for which Barima Tweneboa Kodua I allowed himself to be killed”.

By being that ironic, he had wanted to convey to the attention of Kumawuman and Asanteman that we should not hold in high esteem and be overly proud of that singular feat by Kumawuhene Barima Tweneboa Kodua I.

Let it be known to the entire Asanteman and more especially, the Asante Mamponghene Daasebre Osei Bonsu that each period in the history of man, has their own unique requirements hence the saying, time changes. In those days, human lives were required for the very rituals for which Barima Tweneboa Kodua I out of volition offered himself. If it were not so, why would human beings be killed to cull out their heads to bury your dead Ashanti Kings or paramount chiefs with, but not fowls or sheep?

It is very true that old age is not an indication of wisdom so also a grey hair not a repository of wisdom. Mamponghene, although a learned person, a University graduate so to speak, and nearing his eight years, does not display a corresponding level of intelligence and wisdom.

Was he not the one who swindled a Mampong woman resident in the USA of US$50,000 on the assurance of making her the queen of Mampong but reneged on his promise after taking the money?

Was he not the one whose wife secretly dubiously availed herself of government money while heading the Bank of Ghana branch in Kumasi or some bank of some sort in Kumasi and was subsequently ordered to be thrown into jail until the arrival in Ghana of the then Governor of Bank of Ghana who had travelled to the United Kingdom on official assignment?

Is it not Mamponghene who threatened to reveal all the secrets he was privy to concerning the ongoing Kumawu chieftaincy dispute when it was brought before Asanteman Council on 24 February 2014, and subsequently disclosed that Kumawuhemaa had promised each Kumawu kingmaker a brand new car if they helped her to enstool Dr Yaw Sarfo as Kumawuhene?

Did he not force the elders of Kumawu to accept Dr Yaw Sarfo as Kumawu chief-elect and advised his accomplices including Otumfuo Osei Tutu II to compel Dr Yaw Sarfo to be sworn in as Kumawuhene there and then, before the Asanteman Council? No wonder that such a nutter does not see the importance of Kumawuhene Barima Tweneboa Kodua I within Asante Confederacy, now Asanteman.

Going back to Asantehene, he has made the grievous mistake, or has committed an act of crime by arrogating to himself powers not conferred on him by Asante and Kumawu traditions and customs by portraying himself as an Asante Overlord with the absolute right to impose whoever he likes on Kumawu as their paramount chief (Omanhene).

Having realised the resistance coming from more knowledgeable and bold Kumawuman subjects, he is seeking an escape route out but still holding on to the belief that he has control over Kumawuman and can take their land and wealth hence trying to bully the NPP Government into giving him the criminal assistance he so desperately needs to obtain his wish.

I dare whoever wishes to offer him the assistance he needs to rob Kumawuman of their conventional rights to try it if that person would not suffer the consequential God’s wrath and also, incur the punitive anger of Rockson Adofo, the proud son of Kumawu/Asiampa.

Kumawuman people are no longer going to allow anyone or any government to sacrifice their interests and birth-right to satisfy the criminal wishes of Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II and his cohorts. We shall no longer allow ourselves to be used as pawns to appease the whims of Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II.