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Opinions of Sunday, 11 March 2018

Columnist: Kwame Okoampa-Ahoofe

Kumbungu tipper truckers are environmental terrorists

Tipper trucks used to transport sand in Kumbungu were burnt by members of the Operation Vanguard Tipper trucks used to transport sand in Kumbungu were burnt by members of the Operation Vanguard

The Haruna Iddrisu Gang does not seem to have any meaningful and/or constructive agenda for the healthy and progressive development of the country. Which clearly explains why the National Democratic Congress’ Minority Leader and such Tamale NDC crony MPs as Messrs. InusahFuseini and Alhassan Suhuyini have vacuously decided to champion the sinister cause of those illegal sand winners, so-called, whose tipper trucks were reportedly set ablaze by some members of Operation Vanguard, officially charged with the strict enforcement of our environmental protection laws and regulations, recently (See “Minority Heads to Court Over Burning of Tipper Trucks” / 3/9/18).

I find it all too amusing to learn that the key operatives of the party of scofflaws are heading to court to plead the unholy cause of these veritable environmental terrorists, who actually ought to have been promptly arrested, indicted as the terrorists that they unmistakably are, and rigorously prosecuted to serve as a signal deterrent to other would-be copycat scofflaws and terrorists. To hear Mr. Salifu Saeed tell it, these sand winners have been illegally and wantonly dredging up the banks and bed of the White Volta, which is fast disrupting the water supply to townships like Kumbungu and Dalung, to the deleterious extent that the waterworks that supplies these townships is threatened with imminent shutdown.

What this means is that the lives and livelihood of hundreds of thousands of the citizens in this part of the country will be seriously threatened, if the sand winners are allowed to relentlessly exploit the Kumbungu-Dalung section of the White Volta. Mr. Iddrisu and his Tamale NDC cronies seem to believe that the sand-winning environmental terrorists, somehow, have superior environmental-exploitation rights vis-a-visthe overwhelming majority of the citizens of the Kumbungu District (See “Tipper Trucks Were Burnt by Operation Vanguard Soldiers – Minister” / 3/6/18).

Even more significant, according to Mr. Salifu Saeed, the Northern Regional Minister, is the fact that the owners of the tipper trucks punitively torched by the Operation Vanguard security personnel have been repeatedly served cease and desist notices for close to a year now, after it became clear to members of the Akufo-Addo Administration that sand winning in the vicinities of the White Volta referred to above posed the same threat that illegal miners, otherwise known as Galamseyers, have been posing other major bodies across the country. Mr. Saeed further notes that these sand-winning scofflaws have ignored repeated warnings issued by the authorities of the Northern Regional Security Council or REGSEC.

He does not put the following in the precise words used here, but the striking implication is unmistakable. Which is that about the only alternative left to the democratically elected Northern Regional REGSEC Authorities was to let the Ghana Armed Forces-constituted Operation Vanguard security-enforcement agents step in to prevent an already very bad situation from getting even more precarious. I really don’t know what Mr. Iddrisu, the National Democratic Congress’ Parliamentary Minority Leader and Mr. Ras Mubarak, the Kumbungu NDC-MP, think of the hardworking and law-abiding Ghanaian taxpayer, when they talk about going to court to seek redress for these irredeemably unconscionable environmental terrorists in the form of monetary or financial compensation.

Maybe somebody needs to tell these Judgment-Debt Scam-Artists that they would be better off compensating the sand-winning terrorists out of their own checkbooks and wallets,than having the Ghanaian taxpayer reward these evidently pathological scofflaws and environmental predators and criminals with monetary or any other form of compensation. This is the vintage logic of the leaders of a Banana Republic, if any member of the Iddrisu Gang were to ask me.

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