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Opinions of Thursday, 16 January 2014

Columnist: Mohammed, Chief Obosu

Kwabena Agyepong Vows To Pursue Anti Akufo-Addo Agenda If…--

It is not surprising that such a misleading story is being peddled by The Informer newspaper to undermine the person of Kwabena Agyepong who is seeking to become the General Secretary of the NPP in a competitive election.
For The Informer, upholding the ethics of journalism is a luxury they therefore cannot afford.

I want to emphatically state that Mr. Kwabena Agyepong was never dismissed as Press Secretary to President Kufuor and neither was he coerced to resign his post. He diligently and remarkable served his tenure until he graciously resigned in May 2006 to pursue other interests of equal importance. This is the fact and it is evident for all apostles of truth or people committed to finding the truth.

The NPP and its entire members will not be swayed into believing a non-existent rivalry between Asante and Akyems within the party.
The unrepentant agenda by The Informer and its likes MUST not be given ears, and no value should be placed on such a Machiavellian and mischievous scheme that only seeks to break our front.
It should be discarded in its entirety since it will only serve the interest of The Informer, its masters and its allies who continually pray and work through such shameless schemes for our downfall.
The Informer newspaper is hereby challenged to do better by providing the exact location and the names of all individuals who were involved in the so-called meeting or forever soak themselves in the pool of shame.
Mr. Kwabena Agyepong is not that naïve to recognize that disjointed party can never win any general elections in our country. If anything at all, Mr. Agyepong will want to be remembered in history as the General Secretary who restored the broken engine of our party that led to its victory in 2016 against the backdrop of our excruciation defeats in previous elections.
Mr. Kwabena Agyepong believes in all-inclusiveness and will not tolerate or do the bidding of any individual or group that will be detrimental of the collective interest of the party.
The conduct of Mr. Kwabena Agyepong throughout his activism for the party since its formation in 1992 has reflected the sterling virtues on which the party was founded; i.e. sacrifice, selflessness, hard work, commitment and volunteerism etc.
It is these virtues that strengthens his resolve to get the party back to work again. He will not be detracted by some well acclaimed rented agents whose ambitions are to cripple his efforts and that of his campaign team.
It is quite interesting that the publication comes at a time Mr. Kwabena Agyepong is receiving an overwhelming and spontaneous endorsement as he and his Campaign Team crisscross the country canvassing for votes and energizing the base of our great party.
In as much as strengthening of the party matters, leadership matters too. Strong leadership ultimately builds a strong party.
I believe in the able leadership of Kwabena Agyepong and I encourage you to do same.
Think Victory, Think Kwabena!

Chief Obosu Mohammed, NPP Member, Mfantseman West