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Opinions of Sunday, 29 June 2014

Columnist: Allotey, Henry Kpakpo

Kwaku Bonsam, a shameful opportunist!

Kweku Bonsam is a well-known fetish priest in Ghana. The reason for his popularity is as infamous as his trademark ugly, burnt out face. Fetish priests always try their best to look ugly and fearful. The reason for such behavior is as mysterious as their induced incantations. They need to look fearful and dreaded so that their gullible believers will believe whatever they tell them. The most ugliest among them all is that lunatic who calls himself Kwaku Bonsam. For the uninitiated, Kwaku Bonsam is loosely translated as Kwaku satan or devil. This idol worshipper has consistently admitted he worships the devil hence his infamous name.

How did this illiterate manage to hoodwink the whole Ghanaians in believing he is a prophet? The answer is not farfetched. Kwaku Bonsam constantly rides on the shoulders of well establish people to fame. His shameful modus operando is to viciously attack these famous people, dare them to a silly contest and claim victory when his childish provocation is turned down. I will give you some examples.

At the time when ‘Prophet’ Adarkwa Yiadom was mesmerizing the whole of Kumasi with his preaching and ‘miracles’, Kwaku Bonsam sought to throw a monkey wrench in the growing popularity of Adarkwa Yiadom by throwing an open challenge to him for a contest of miracles at the Jackson Park in Kumasi. Kwaku Bonsam convinced some gullible Radio Presenters to hype his challenge and force the hand of ‘Prophet’ Adarkwa Yiadom to accept the challenge. The pressurized ‘Prophet’ agreed to the contest but later backed out after heavy condemnation from the Christian community. As usual, the ignoble Kweku Bonsam was at his bragging best, claiming victory and daring other men of God to accept his challenge. None did up till today.

After the Christian community has turned down his challenge for a childish showdown to prove who is who in the spiritual world, the ever bashful Kwaku bonsam turned his gaze on politicians. He arrogantly claimed over 100 MPs come to his shrine for fortification whenever they are going for an election. He threatened to expose these MPs if they don’t come to his shrine and fulfil their part of the bargain. He thundered and growled for sometime till everything went quiet again. Kwaku Bonsam again went into obscurity waiting for another opportunity to bask in the limelight. Am opportunity soon came!

It was rumored in Ghana that Prophet T.B Joshua was paying a visit to Ghana. Ghanaians rushed to the Synagogue Church in Accra to have a glimpse of the famous Man of God. In their rush to enter the premises of the Church, a stampede occurred and some lives were lost. This was a perfect time for Kwaku Bonsam to ‘resurrect’ and stake his claim to fame. He went on an offensive, hurling insults upon insults against the Revered Man of God Prophet T.B Joshua and as usual throwing his useless challenges again. His assault includes shameful lies and outright provocations. As is the trademark of Prophet T.B Joshua, he ignored the tantrums of this lunatic and maintained his ever growing reputation. Was Kwaku Bonsam finished???

The World Cup answers this question! Before Ghana kicked a ball at this World Cup, Kwaku Bonsam again claimed that Christiano Ronaldo, the Portuguese striker and playmaker will get injured hence unable to play against Ghana. As usual, gullible Ghanaians believed this charlatan and jubilated. We all waited patiently till the Ghana-Portugal game. There stood Ronaldo, ever confident, ever smiling and full of vim to play against Ghana. Not only did Ronaldo displayed his trademark skills and mesmerized our defenders, he scored a brilliant goal! His first in the ongoing World Cup! Again, the charlatan Kwaku Bonsam has been exposed and badly disgraced!

My question is: Why do Ghanaians take people like Kwaku Bonsam serious? Are we that gullible in a sense that any idiot can rise to fame base on foolishness and outright childishness? Can’t we reason a bit? All has to do with education! Kwaku Bonsam derives his strength from uneducated class who believe in his childish predictions. Majority of his clients are illiterates, destitute and desperate lazy heads who think there is a quick fix to the problems in life. The lazy Ghanaian journeys from one spiritual charlatan after another seeking a quick fix to his or her problems forgetting that God has given us brains to think.

As long as we refuse to use our God given brains to think, fake people like Kwaku Bonsam will reign supreme!
Henry Kpakpo Allotey