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Opinions of Saturday, 12 September 2009

Columnist: Akurang-Parry, Kwabena

Kwame Nkrumah 1909-2009: A Song of Redemptive Grace


**By Kwabena Akurang-Parry, Ph. D.

Dear Mother Africa,
Kwame Nkrumah has returned to your terrain of hope
And your children are secured in your fertile womb
With the Volta, Congo, Niger, flowing in their veins
The seer of clouds of African rebirth has returned home
And the Sahara is yielding wholesome fruits of humanity
The eternal Odum of Nkrumah shield all your children
Happily today, the Sahara has blossomed into forest
Mother, the harmattan induced by the Atlantic is over
In the dry season the Volta and Zambezi timelessly flow
And the great Gambia has overpowered the Atlantic
And the rich Kalahari has become the fountain of gold
And Nkrumah has sent Serengeti lions to the moon
And termites of Kano are molding 21st-century mounds
And birds of Madagascar are bridging your distant parts!

Mother, Nkrumah has happily announced to your siblings
That your children have returned to your glorious home
Where the cloying clay is clamoring for awakening dawn
And Nkrumah nurtures hope in the African sarcophagus
Mother, your children visit Nkrumah’s sarcophagus
To grow in his fertile soil of global African rebirth
The black light in the sarcophagus is illuminating the hope
There, Mother, the cusp of global rebirth is flowering

Mother, the echoes of Nkrumah’s rebirth fill the dawn
Your children listen to his new energetic call of hope,
They listen to his inspiring beats of rain-drops of hope
On the eaves of Nyaniba’s magnificent Nzema fortress,
Mother, his use of ancient Nzema, Zulu, Yoruba herbs,
Is healing the splurge of the decades of Atlantic decay
And Nkrumah’s Ghana is on the pathways of progress
And Mother, you are at the center of the cusp of rebirth

Mother, Nkrumah has stretched forth his zenith hand
And we see in His hands the matchless Bronze of Ile Ife
Mother, the incandescent Kente illuminates his inner soul
His back is rested on the enduring Zimbabwe fortress
Nkrumah is undyingly humanizing your nests of hope
The Sahara and the Kalahari are in full endless bloom
Mother Africa, at the dawn of the 21st century
With the second glorious advent of the Osagyefo
Your ebony children have taken the first strides
Mother, your dark, ebony children
Are bearing the cusp of global rebirth
Mother, your dark, resilient ebony children
Are hoisting the global flag
It is the flag of Nkrumah’s rebirth of hope
And Nkrumah has summoned the sun to stand still
Your children took the first steps on the Serengeti
And your children will take the first steps on Mars
There, the cusp of rebirth belongs to Nkrumah’s Africa

*Thematic portions of this poem are abridged from Kwabena Akurang-Parry,
"The African Cusp: 21st Century" (An Epic Poem), UFAHAMU: Journal of the
African Activist Association, 29, 2-3 (2003), 209-217.

**Kwabena Akurang-Parry is professor of History at Shippensburg University,
PA, USA. He can be reached at [email protected]