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Opinions of Thursday, 19 September 2013

Columnist: Akpah, Prince

Kwame Nkrumah’s Autopsy Report.

Just Last week, my role model, Manasseh Azure published an article on Nelson Mandela, which he titled Nelson Mandela Autopsy report. It was a very interesting article that explained the pains that he has gone through form his fellow human beings.

But not long ago, I also wrote an article which was meant to explain the reason of the death of the first president of the republic of Ghana, one that was celebrated just as Nelson Mandela is also being held today. But I was in search of a befitting title and just as I read what he wrote, I was inspired to name this, the autopsy report of Kwame Nkrumah, based on an assessment on his life. Enjoy it.

The BBC’s most celebrated personality of the 20th century, Kwame Nkrumah is a real hero that Africa and the whole world hails for his dedication and commitment to see Africa become a new place for its citizen’s.

He has for this years being celebrated as if in his life he had had no flaws in his life. People will forever praise and honour him wherever the name of Africa is mentioned because of his determination to see to it that his dream of liberating Africa was realized I must repeat.

Yes, he couldn’t achieve it personally because of what I think is was a serious punishment from above.-just sharing my thought. Have you ever thought of why a man fastened, forwarded and achieved the independence of Ghana and to become its first president be rejected from coming back into his own motherland even when he was sick and dead. What wrong has Kwame done to the then leaders for him to receive such a huge punishment from his fellow human being? Why did he star well but never had an end that he would wish for.

The life of Kwame Nkrumah was greatly influenced by his teacher and mentor, Dr. Kwegyir Aggrey who taught him in Achimota School. Dr. Kwegyir Aggrey was a teacher, preacher and a public speaker. Having him as a mentor we can se that Dr. Kwame Nkrumah really took in the steps of his mentor. He became a teacher where he taught in so many schools, obtained a degree in theology which he practiced as a preacher and became a public speaker where he can draw large crowds to any event he was to speak at which landed him into politics. He even obtained a doctorate degree as his mentor. Another influence leading to the whole story of who Kwame Nkrumah became was when Dr. Aggrey travelled to America. Even despite all the hindrances, Dr. Nkrumah also made it to that land. He was very intelligent that it also landed him a scholarship there in another man’s land.

Whiles at Lincoln, he completed his theology course to qualify him academically to preach from his pulpit just as Dr. Aggrey does. Now one of that quotes that he has being always known for till now in his political life was one he corrupted from one of Jesus most important exhortation to Christians to seek first the kingdom of God and all things shall be added to it as in Matthew 6: 33. But for him, in the struggles and fights for Africa’s independence, Africa must seek first the political kingdom and all other things shall be added unto you. I know you will have so many doubts in your mind, but my question to you is what did Dr. Kwame Nkrumah achieve from his political kingdom? The worst coup d’état Ghana ever experienced was what he gained after all.

I am not a prophet to tell you that, this was a revelation from God. But from my research and thinking about this great man, this was one of the greatest flaws I noted he ever had. The things he had became coup d’état, exile when even his dead body was rejected by the then government in Ghana and dissociation from his motherland whom he fought, defended, liberated and ruled for so many years.

The lessons are just as simple do we continue changing quotes from bible to suit our personal desires or just get to use them in what they were written for. My advice is no matter how great you become on this earth, someone up there that has the greatest authority to re-decide for us. Thank God he was not forgotten by the people, nation and continent he lived for with a purpose to see their prosperity. Thanks.

Akpah Prince [email protected]