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Opinions of Wednesday, 18 March 2009

Columnist: Johnson, Richhard A

Kweku Baako Helped NPP to Election 2008/9 Defeat

Kofi Baako, the father of Abdul-Malik Kweku Baako, was one of the finest cabinet ministers of the Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah’s government. He was a disciplined, fair minded, meticulous and above all morally principled minister. I was told that Dr Nkrumah once lost his speech on one of his foreign trips and Kofi Baako who was on the trip put together a speech within a couple of hours.

Today, the same cannot be said about his son Kweku Baako, who started off as a likeable social commentator (not a professional journalist) during the AFRC/PNDC/NDC regimes. Every Ghanaian admired his line of argument and his concern for social justice. Little did we know that he was up for a mischief, selfish, vendetta, and atrociously vindictive. In fact Malik Baako turns out to be a very corrupt personality parading as a saint. During the past eight years, he has associated himself with all sorts of criminals who are at some point being investigated by international bodies. Some Ghanaians are not aware of this side of him. The Kufuor administration used him to blackmail innocent people and he made immoral fortune out of that wicked part he played. This was a man who embarrassed himself during the CNTC and IFC loan saga when he insisted that the loans were genuine and will come. Again, he told all Ghanaians that he and Gabby Octere Darko were going to Norway to bring details on former President Rawlings’ corrupt dealings. Remember Ghana government under Kufuor sponsored the trip (though they denied this).

Were they able to bring anything credible back? NO!! Personally and without prejudice and malice, I think Mr Baako has outlived his usefulness. His credibility is battered and he has to take backstage, get his credibility back before appearing in public again. I could not believe that Baako, who hitherto, was very critical of corrupt practices during NDC regime surprisingly turned a blind eye to the filth of corruption in the past eight years under NPP led by ‘King’ royal Kufuor, the ‘50 cent’.

I have spoken to some members of NPP who have confirmed my already held view that Kweku Baako and Gabby helped NPP to lose the 2008 general elections with their sheer arrogance and insulting attitude on radio, TV and in the news papers. Once again, I expect NPP leadership to discount this fact and they will never find the reasons why they lost the elections. Not until the leadership of the NPP learnt to accept these factual reasons why they lost the elections, they will be in opposition for a long time. But if they humble themselves and accept these facts, coming back to power will not be long. On the last point I have my doubts, the reason being that the perception is still out there that NPP is full of arrogant and vindictive people. Other NPP members observed that Kweku Baako has been a liability to the party moreover he has no roots in the party. An aggrieved member said “Kweku Baako was also a reason why some floating voters did not vote for NPP. He made mattesr worst with his pronouncements.” Will NPP ever learn? He is still their public relations and press representative.

Now people site Atta Akyea, Osei Kyei Mensah Bonsu (the manotity leader) and lots more as examples of the dark hearted people in NPP. It is therefore not surprising that Kweku Baako is part of that cabal. Close pals of Baako will tell you that the man is overly greedy and will do anything to make money. I think Segi Bansa, formerly of the Crusading Guide, has told us enough about Kweku Baako’s greedy side and the role he played for the NPP government.

It is very interesting that whilst Baako is busily destroying his reputation, his friend Kwesi Pratt is enjoying a soaring credibility and his consistency is endearing him to the public. Wait a minute, did I hear that Baako played a part in the plot to destroy Kwesi Pratt? Oh Good Lord have mercy on this man.

How will Kofi Baako feel in his grave for the betrayal of his son? I hope he is in God’s chosen place, but the behaviour of his son will be a source of worry for him. The hard won reputation of this honourable man (R.I.P.) has been destroyed by his son who knows no forgiveness and utterly vindictive. I hope that one day, Kweku Baako will pacify the soul of his father who is in God’s blessed hands.

The fact however, still remains that Ghanaians will never forgive NPP and bring them back to power if unforgiving, vindictive, wicked, arrogant and unrepentant people are still within their midst. In the coming weeks, I shall be publishing exclusives on this website, so stay logged on.

Johnson A Richhard

[email protected]