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Opinions of Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Columnist: Daily Post

Kweku Baako, The NPP & The Serial killing

The shoddy investigations some police
personnel under the NPP Administration carried out in the matter of the serial
killing of women which rocked the country, reaching its zenith between 1999 and
2000 was nothing but a cover-up!

Police investigators led by the then Chief Superintendent
Asante Apeatu assigned to the case did not conduct any investigation into the matter;
what they did was cover up the dastardly act that sick minds and psychopaths
within the NPP visited on the unsuspecting public to convince them to vote the
NDC government out of office for ostensibly not doing enough to protect women of

Sisters’ Keepers, an NGO which claims to be
championing the cause of women, in the midst of the mysterious appearance of
the women’s bodies at various parts of Accra said they were going to make the
serial killing an election issue in the run-up to the December 28 run-off in
2000; they did and got the result they wanted.

At a rally at Mantse Agbona in James Town,
Accra, in the run-up to the 2008 elections, the then National Chairman of the
NPP, Odoi Sykes, said the killings would stop once the NPP is voted into power.

Intelligence available to Daily
Post indicates that soon after the NPP came into office, the then IGP,
Peter Nanfuri, went to see President Kufuor and told him that he had got a lead
concerning the serial killings that necessitates his travelling to Togo.

President Kufuor, in reply, told the IGP, the
top-most officer in the Police Service to hand over the case to Asante Apeatu,
a man who was far down the ladder of the police hierarchy. The very next day,
Nanfuri was replaced as IGP.

David Asante Apeatu for obvious reasons was
promoted with the speed of a supersonic over his superiors so that he soon became
the Director of Police CID under the NPP government.

He completed his cover-up for the NPP in the
serial killing case within days of the party coming to power by announcing the
arrest of one Charles Quansah, then 36, a mechanic who hails from Komenda in
the Central Region.

Discerning minds began to wonder how Charles
Quansah carried out those killings alone when Apeatu himself had told the
public earlier that the women were killed elsewhere and bodies dumped where they
were found.

Charles Quansah was quickly arraigned before
an Avvra High court presided over by Justice Agnes Dodzie.Prosecutors, based on
what Apeatu and his colleagues told them told the court that Quansah had confessed
to the killing of nine out of
the thirty-six women whose bodies were found.

Later, however, Charles Quansah told the
court that he made the confession under duress. He revealed how Apeatu and his
gang tortured him to extract the confession from him.

have never killed a human being or even a chicken in my life before”, he told
the court.

The High Court, however, found him guilty of
killing nine of the women and sentenced him to death. He is currently languishing
in the condemned cells of the Nsawam Prisons awaiting sentence to be carried

Many Ghanaians, however, refused to believe
that Asante Apeatu carried out any investigations. They also doubted that
Charles Quansah is behind the so-called serial killings. People therefore began
asking questions.

Under pressure from the public, Asante Apeatu
is quoted by the Heritage newspaper of Friday, November 3, 2006 as saying that a
documentary will be screened on TV for all to understand why Charles Quansah
was guilty of the crime.

“The documentary will feature very important
personalities including homicide experts, psychologists and pathologists who
matter in crime detection, prevention and control. Foreign experts will also
feature to explain why, how and when such crimes were committed,” he said. “The
documentary will reveal the strategy used by Charles Quansah to kill the
women,” he added.

As expected, this documentary was never shown
on TV because obviously, it never existed. Apeatu fooled the nation!

Any suggestion that the real culprits behind
the serial killings have not yet been unmasked has often been met by
cacophonous reservations from the likes of Kweku Baako, Managing Editor of the New
Crusading Guide who claims that he has evidence that the police
thoroughly investigated the case and thus re-opening investigations into it is
a waste of time.

Kweku Baako’s evidence that the case was well
investigated, the real killer found and therefore the matter should be closed
has been a so-called list of the names of the victims of the so-called serial

The list, which he started publishing last
week includes where the corpses were found and when the victims were supposed to
have been killed.

perusal of the list shows that it was just put up by the Apeatu and his gang to
throw dust into the eyes of Ghanaians.

But, the million dollar question is why Kweku
Baako is vehemently opposed to re-investigating the case. Is he scared that a
new team of police investigators may find out something that incriminates his
political godfathers and the NPP, his political party?

More Anon