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Opinions of Saturday, 12 July 2014

Columnist: Arkorful, Daniel

Kweku Bonsam Is A Disgrace To Himself And The Nation

Hardly a week passes without hearing on media platforms the ranting of Kweku Bonsam, the self acclaim spiritual father of the BLACK STARS who uses antics and to deceive the masses

This agent of the devil has over the years capitalized on important subjects in society to blatantly fume lies and baseless allegation emanating from the pit of hell for cheap popularity, and in the process wrecking the pockets of unsuspecting victims. Kweku Bonsam whose modus operandi is by luring victims into ‘Blood Money’ acquisition, and defrauding them at the end has been in the news over and over again for such fraudulent acts.

As I write today there are many who had fallen prey to Kweku Bonsam’s schemes but are afraid to expose him, he cajole his victims into taken an oath of secrecy which according to him attract death or madness as punishment should one discloses him to a third party

Prior to the 2014 FIFA World Cup Kwaku Bonsam Managed to attract the World’s Attention through fabricated and concocted stories which claimed responsibility of the injuries woes of Cristiano Ronaldo the 2013 Ballon d’Or winner. The self style spiritual father of the BLACK STARS insisted on how he had assigned some special demons (four spiritual dogs) to render Ronaldo’s injury incurable in other to shut his World Cup Dreams.

The questions for Kweku Bonsam are, did Cristiano Ronaldo play in the World Cup?, did he score against Ghana?, why didn’t he aid Ghana’s progression in the competition?, why didn’t he avert the appearance fee brouhaha if he foresaw it coming?, and why didn’t he prevent Jerry Akaminko’s injury? The questions are unending

Kwaku Bonsam claimed he was responsible for the axing of Ghanaian international Goalkeeper Richard Kingson from the Black Stars for attributing the 6-1 thrashing of Egypt in the 2014 FIFA World Cup qualifier play-off at the Babayara Stadium to the God of Prophet T B Joshua. A member of the coaching staff of the Black Stars made a statement after Ghana’s provisional squad for the World Cup was unveiled that Richard Olele Kingson was sidelined because he attributed the 6-1 humiliation of Egypt to an act of God by showering praises on the God of Prophet TB Joshua. This to him it’s an indictment on his capability as a coach. It beats my imagination as to whether if the omission of Richard Kingson yielded any positive result, why couldn’t Kweku Bonsam save the team when the goal keepers were committing serious blunders, the questions again to Bonsam are, did he foresee Ronaldo’s goal coming or not?, where were his demons when Fatau Dauda set up Ronaldo for the second goal in the game against Portugal?, finally what did the conspiracy to sideline Richard kingson because of prophet TB Joshua yield?. The self style son of the devil whose mission is to deceive and win souls for the devil is anti TB Joshua, he fumes all sort of nonsense as a demon infested person at the mention of the man of God TB Joshua. On a related note Kweku Bonsam had on few weeks back sought to see the pope at the Vatican City with the aim of reporting Prophet TB Joshua over what is not clear but was met with rejection because of his lunatic appearance and behavior According to the witch doctor he had delve into the spirit world and upon consultations with the devil, his father, it has become clear to him that TB Joshua is not a man of God. And for that reason wanted to get the Pope to take action against Prophet T.B. Joshua.”If someone prophesies and it doesn’t come to pass you know he’s not a man of God” he asserted. Apart from the preposterous mature of his comments he had also failed to point out which prophecies of TB Joshua had failed to materialize.

By all indication these popularity seeking beast of a witch doctor employs the tactics of attacking prominent figures in society to gain cheap publicity, the little said about his Cristiano Ronaldo fables the better because the World today knows he is fake. Kweku Bonsam’s claims of being the spiritual watch dog of the Black Stars and owning responsibility of the conspiracy to omit Richard Kingson from the Black Stars will not be far from the truth because the Ghana Football Association (GFA) couldn’t debunk these claims by the witch doctor. After two years of Kingson absence from the team the handlers saw the need to invite him when Ghana was draw against Egypt in the crucial world cup qualifier playoff first leg encounter, and the presence of this son of God (Kingson) in the squad made Ghana record an unprecedented 6-1 victory over the all time Africa best team (Egypt). This brings to mind the story of Sodom and Gomorrah in the Bible when God assigned Angels to destroy the city, Abraham had demanded to know if the presence of one righteous man could avert God’s anger over the city and the angels answered in the affirmative. I’m of the strong conviction the presence of Kingson in the squad would have imparted positively on our World Cup aspiration. It was wide spread knowledge that the man of God prophet TB Joshua had told Richard Kingson he will lead Ghana to victory in the World Cup and for this reason the so call spiritual head of the team connive with some officials of the team to see to it that this did not materialize because praises and thanks will be offered to God the almighty should it comes to pass. Strangely, Kweku Bonsam managed to manipulated some officials in GFA to overturn the destiny of the team, Ghana was destine to set record at the World stage but influx of contrary spirits had averted the plans of God, remember the almighty is a jealous God and shares his glory with no one.

At this point I believe Discerning minds would be able to deduce that Kweku Bonsam frightens at the mention of Prophet TB Joshua just as his father the Devil terrify at the mention of the name Jesus. If Bonsam possess some supernatural powers as he claims why don’t him attack TB Joshua spiritually and stop all those nonsensical antics of reporting him to the pope.

Kweke Bonsam is a disgrace to himself, his family and the nation; he should stop the attention-seeking business and repent from his evil ways for the judgment of God almighty is at hand. BY DANIEL ARKORFUL