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Opinions of Monday, 26 September 2016

Columnist: Justice Abeeku Newton-Offei

Kwesi Pratt unmasked [2]

Kwesi Pratt Jnr Kwesi Pratt Jnr

By Justice Abeeku Newton-Offei

It was a discussion about events leading to Kennedy Agyepong's invitation by the police and ultimate blatant abuse of his fundamental human rights when he was held well-beyond constitutionally permissible period of 48-hrs without being brought before a judge.

And instead of Kwesi tackling the issue from that angle while he state his point of disagreement with Kennedy Agyepong over whatever comment he was said to have made in response to Nii Lantey Vanderpuye's declaration of all non-GAS as person-non-gratta with the four walls of Odododioodooo, Kwesi rather went off tangent and delve into launching scathing personal attacks on Ken.

He described those pronouncements by Ken as singular act that had completely shattered every chance of NPP's quest to kick out incompetent saint Atta-Mills and his bunch of greedy pigs, at the polls on 7th December, 2012.

Indeed, the level of Kwesi Pratt's hypocrisy has now gotten to the point where if care is not taken, he might even end up making some people believe that the wife of Atta-Mills is a man.

And my reason is simple: we currently have on our hands, an Atta-Mills-led NDC which was not able to tell the good people of this nation, the location of their multi-billion dollar party office complex Asiedu Nketia said was at the point of completion during their FONKAR-GAMES finals in Sunyani, nearly a year ago, yet, Kwesi Pratt thinks Ghanaians have, out of the blue, forgotten about this gargantuan rot just because of one pronouncement of Kennedy Agyepong?

The mother of all state-sanctioned thievery by using Alfred Agbesi Woyome as a farcade,still lingers on and shameless charlatan Kwesi Pratt doesn't believe the good people of this nation are going to express their rage over this unprecedented thievery at the polls on December 7th?

This is the same Kwesi Pratt who, during Kufuor's Administration, vociferously advocated for the exploitation of natural cement deposits at Otekpolu and threw his support firmly behind candidate saint Atta-Mills.

But today, this very same Kwesi Pratt has made a skillful acrobatic summersault to support STX housing fiasco that had absolutely no intent to exploit this so-called gargantuan deposit of natural cement in serene environs of Otekpolu.

Inciting people of Dagbon against NPP

Kwesi Pratt, in 2008 shouted all over the roof-tops that “the people of Dagbon must never embrace peace until the killers of Ya Na are found” and after undertaking a trip to Tamale to incite the good people of Dagbon against the NPP, actually sat in the studios of Ghana's Radio Rwanda (radio gold) and dared sitting president Kufuor, who was the commander-in-chief of our nation's armed-forces, to venture into vicinity of Tamale and see if he (Kufuor) would return to Accra in one-piece.

But a conflict breaks out in Bawku under the nose of saint Atta-Mills, and Kwesi Pratt says the president must not go there, but rather, jet-fighters must be used to bomb those trouble-makers into shreds!!!

There was also a point where Kwesi Pratt created a huge sense of “fear and panic” when he lied through his gargantuan dental formula by saying a woman had died at the ridge hospital during child-birth, due to a power outage.

When it was proven that the story was a complete lie and fittingly invited to appear before media commission, he came out with a barrage of insults on members of the commission describing them as charlatans and told them to go to hell. When tax evasion skills of Kwesi Pratt was brought into the open by then Auditor General, insults and name-calling was what he(AG)got in-return on Radio Rwanda' 'alhaji-alhaji' programme.

Indelible “Woyome-Gate” thievery

Following the state sanctioned “woyome-gate” thievery, Kwesi Pratt now argues that the case is in court so we must not discuss it in way that will make Alfred Woyome look guilty since he is a Ghanaian whose rights must be respected, and that, it is only a competent court of jurisdiction that can pronounce him guilty.

But rather ironically, it is this very same Kwesi Pratt who pronounced Dr.Charles Wereko-Brobbey and Mr. Kojo Okyere Mpiani guilty of unprecedented financial genocide against the good people of this nation, over issues surrounding Ghana@50 celebrations, when no court had declared them as such.

Demise of CJA

Kwesi Pratt and his now defunct CJA stomach-direction charlatans actually organized press conferences and massive media blitz to ask saint Atta-Mills to arrest Wereko-Brobbey and Kojo Mpiani and simply throw them into jail.

Meanwhile, when Tsatsu Tsikata was fittingly convicted and jailed by a court of competent jurisdiction, this very same Kwesi Pratt was up-in-arms against the verdict and actually described it as bogus.

The Judge who sat on the case became a public enemy number one in the sight of these NDC bigots. They claimed the verdict was even written for the learned judge by some powers behind the scenes, hence, the formation of “Free Tsatsu Movement”. The jailing of Victor Selormey, Kwame Peprah and Sepa-Yankey by a competent court of jurisdiction, were all described as bogus by Kwesi Pratt.

A person who was shouting all over the place because his paper, THE 'UNSIGHTLY' INSIGHT, wasn't being given adverts and access to the seat of government, is today mute over same treatment being meted out to the editor of 'the searchlight' newspaper, Ken Kurankye, just because free ultra-modern printing houses, 4WD vehicles, fresh wads of cash and diplomatic passports are flowing waa! waaa!!waaaa!!!

I'm rehashing these past devilish acts of Kwesi Pratt just to prove a point that his explosive attack on Kennedy Ohene-Agyapong on Tuesday,17th April edition 'Kokrokoo' on Peace FM, was nothing but pure act of unprecedented senseless hypocritic bigotry!!.

As a matter of fact, a former highly prominent public office holder of this nation once told me that “Kwesi Pratt is a character that has never been committed to a course if it doesn't come with a commensurate financial reward” .And with his behavior under the Atta-Mills-led administration, I now have absolutely no shred of doubt that what I was told is a gospel fact.

What is treason?

Now, the Oxford Dictionary defines treason as the offense of attempting to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender pledges allegiance or betraying the state into the hands of foreign power. Synonyms of treason are Betrayal, Perfidy and treachery. Having laid out the meaning of treason, can anyone justify the actions of the authorities that in Ghana, for foisting a charge reserved for the likes of Rawlings?

Folks let me be clear, I don't condone the remarks made by the MP, but for him to potentially face the death penalty for venting his frustration as a result of the inactions of our security agencies in the crimes committed by devotees of the NDC regarding the ongoing voter registration makes our democracy a joke.

All one has to do is to contextualize his remarks by correlating them to the voter registration crimes for one to know this is a crime of cacology (bad choice of words) and not treason. In anycase, where are the lawyers to prosecute a complex case of treason/genocide against Kennedy Agyepong when a much easier case of state-sanctioned "woyome gate" thievery is lying fallow?

Selective justice

The selective justice being propagated by Atta-Mills-led administration is very embarrassing to say the least. Rawlings stood on stage at last year's June 4 celebrations and called Kufuor a murderer and a thief but our security agencies never invited Rawlings for questioning giving the severity of the accusations.

Recently, a FONKAR aficionado accused the president's wife of taking 5 million dollars from Woyome and he was arrested. Do you see the selective justice on display? The truth of the matter is that Kennedy Agyepong has always been a target because of his bombastic personality and braggadocio mouth, and this poor choice of words on his part is an opportunity for the NDC to silence him once and for all. And if you think this is not politically motivated, then with all due respect you are naive.

Radio Gold

A character as Raymond Archer, who in 2008, engaged in criminal act of hacking into people's private phone conversations and playing them on his highly subversive "election forensics" programme on Ghana's Radio Rwanda (radio gold), today has the damn nerve to condemn Sammy Awuku? As we speak, the transmission wave of great OMAN-FM has been jammed when radio Rwanda was given the room to carry on with its genocidal bigotry during the 2008 elections.

Damn-right vagabonds as Samuel Okudzeto-Ablakwa and James Agyenin-Boateng who cocooned themselves in the studios of Radio Rwanda (radio gold) and called on NDC wee-smokers to besiege the EC with murder weapons are ministers of state and being paid massive wads of cash by tax-weary and economically battered Ghanaian.

Indeed, abject hypocrisy has now become a virtue under saint Atta-Mills and this is why he will surely be a one-term president!!!

Writer's e-mail: Email: [email protected]