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Opinions of Saturday, 2 August 2003

Columnist: Adomako, Jesswin

LETTER: Ghana Mission Berlin

Dear Sir,

I have been very much ashamed that the government of Ghana could allow one man, Mr. Alex Asiedu of Premier Resources Limited, Accra, to take the whole foreign ministry to ransom. It is on record that this man was given the contract to renovate and relocate the Ghana Mission from Bonn to Berlin in 2002. The Embassy moved to Berlin but have been kept in a container since January 2003.

Numerous attempts by the Head of Mission and staff to get the man to release whatever money is left to the architect so that they can move into one of the renovated buildings has always turned blank. The former and present ministers of foreign affairs are helpless, for whatever reason, only God knows. I am also aware that the President knows of this situation.

One tends to ask these questions:

Did the man front the NPP in using the money for their own party activities?

Did the former minister of foreign affairs have a share in the money (since the man is his closest buddy)?

Why was the contract not tendered for others to bid? Why cann't the current minister take the issue up and bring the man to book?

Why has he not been fast-tracted for causing financial loss to the state?

The media is the only voice that we have now since the politicians are silent, for what reason we do not know.

It is an eyesore to see these noble men and women in the service of Ghana abroad sitting in containers under extreme sunny conditions without even fans. Come to their aid, please by publishing and investigating this matter.

Mr. Alex Asiedu should be brought to book like any other person. ZERO tolerance now!


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